Opinions please: Why do women get breast implants?



  • fiferjim
    fiferjim Posts: 56 Member
    Somewhere to balance their lunch ??
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Women get implants because they pay too much attention to media and have a totally unrealistic idea of what a real body looks like. The only ones they see in movies, T.V., magazine ads, etc. are all artificial. In our society, we place a lot of emphasis on external appearance, with there being only a narrow range in what is considered beautiful.

  • Heitor71
    Heitor71 Posts: 224
    Straight up..........................to compete with other women.

  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    If I had money to do this... I would. It would be for myself but my husband wouldn't complain. lol Mine are all but gone after weight loss, and there wasn't much there to start with. It has always been something I wish I could do... for myself.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    What about lesbians or asexual women? :wink:

    They're beautiful and wonderful people with or without breast augmentation.

    I mean, if breast implants are for the approval of men, then why do lesbians/asexual women get them? :laugh:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Unless it is due to cancer then breast augmentation is cosmetic. cosmetic by the very term is to enhance, like wearing make up. If someone feels they need to enhance their appearance then I am sure to undergo surgery then they do it for a variety of reasons.

    I had a friend with very small boobs, who had breast enlargement she did it for herself and for men to look at her more appreciatively.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I believe if women are really honest about it.... they do it to get attention from men.

    Of course there are rare exceptions, like women who have tiny breasts and can't find clothes to fit them well.
  • AlissaAvalanche
    Different reasons, maybe they are small and would like to fill a bra out a little better, maybe they want to fill out sweetheart cut tops and tube tops that don't really fit flat chested people better, they want a little more self esteem, maybe they just want bigger boobs to find bras, some need a little extra because they have loose skin in the area, all different reasons! it is okay to want implants/lifts/reductions!
  • irishguns
    irishguns Posts: 53 Member
    The women I know who have gotten them did it for themselves. I think that's why most women get them.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    What about lesbians or asexual women? :wink:

    They're beautiful and wonderful people with or without breast augmentation.

    I mean, if breast implants are for the approval of men, then why do lesbians/asexual women get them? :laugh:

    Never heard of the idea of one using their assets to get further in life?
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    If I ever did it, it would be to look better in clothing, not for anyone else. I had a reduction a few years ago and then I lost 40lbs so now I look smaller on top in comparison to my hips. I'm not sure if I'll ever go that far but I've been thinking about it. Although I'd still rather be small, wear a pushup bra, and not deal with ginormous boobs. At least with small ones you can sorta fake it.
    Old boobs \ . / \ . / 38 longs, new boobs \./ \./ 36 barely there, faking it with my wonder bras, ( o )Y( o ).
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    Even in the context of getting them "for themselves", it's definitely about appearance to others - though not always to attract men. If a woman was a hermit or whatever and no one else ever saw her, she wouldn't care about the size of her breasts or how proportionate they were, or how she was filling out that cute top, etc. Even if a woman is happily married and no one else thinks she needs a boob job, she may get one "for herself" because women's self-esteem is so often inextricably attached to our appearance (thanks, society).

    ^^^^^ This
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Even in the context of getting them "for themselves", it's definitely about appearance to others - though not always to attract men. If a woman was a hermit or whatever and no one else ever saw her, she wouldn't care about the size of her breasts or how proportionate they were, or how she was filling out that cute top, etc. Even if a woman is happily married and no one else thinks she needs a boob job, she may get one "for herself" because women's self-esteem is so often inextricably attached to our appearance (thanks, society).
    Disagree. If it was about how i look to others i would just v wear a push up bra.
    I want actual boobs when i am naked, something the public doesn't see.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    I got breast implants because I'm 6 feet tall, have a pear shape (good size ba-donk-a-donk) and was a flat-chested "A" cup, so if I bought a dress, I had to buy it to fit my *kitten*, and then it just "hung" on the top. I tried the aqua bras and all that stuff, but you don't get cleavage with those. Anyhow......... i decided to get impants. I told the sugeon, who was amazing, to just "even me out." I woke up after it was done and looked under the blanket and said............ JESUS my *kitten* must be HUGEEEE!" he gave me DD's, plus there's a lot of swelling at first, LMAO!!!!! They look good though, height appropriate........
  • jessicae1aine
    I've strongly considered getting a lift or something after I'm done having/breastfeeding kids. The Mister doesn't care one way or the other, but -I- care. Totally for me.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I want them for my own vanity. I think I look good already (yes, my opinion of me) and boobs would make me like "DAMN! POW!" Not only that, after breastfeeding they tend to shrink or lose that perkiness (bench pressing gets it back). I also have the whole RT is slightly bigger than the LT thing going on (most women do) so I want them to be the SAME size. LOL

    They're not my priority though. First I want a tummy tuck when I'm done having babies. I've had 2 C-SEC and will probably just continue that route so waiting until I'm done in that dept. When you have C-SEC you get this flap over the scar. Yes, it dwindles with exercise, but I want that sucker GONE!

    My husband jokes if he gets the boobs and we get divorced he wants them back.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Female humans have evolved with breasts for a reason. Think about it. What other animals develop breasts before they give birth to offspring? I actually can't think of any although I am sure some exist. The reason we have evolved breasts is because it is part of sexual selection. A secondary sex characteristic that has increased the likelihood that we will reproduce. Millions of years ago, women with larger breasts were the ones men wanted to reproduce with.

    I am totally showing my biological background here, but that's how it happened. Same for men having facial hair and other things that make men different than women.

    I think we do basically everything to impress others. We feel good about ourselves because we are comfortable with how we look to others. Breast implants, clothing, makeup, cars, cute shoes, you name it. Would you want implants if you lived on an island with no other people? (I might argue that a cute skirt is something I'd still want if there were no other people around).

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to do something if it makes you feel good about yourself no matter what your motivation. So I think your brother's assertion is not only sexist, but kind of mean, too.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    For themselves if they have half a brain, Id imagine qiute a few after having children get breasts implants because breasts change a lot through a womans life and a child makes a huge difference.They are just not the same I figure if you are able do it,its not hurting anyone if it makes you feel better than awesome just dont do it for someone else its your body not thiers.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    I want them for my own vanity. I think I look good already (yes, my opinion of me) and boobs would make me like "DAMN! POW!" Not only that, after breastfeeding they tend to shrink or lose that perkiness (bench pressing gets it back). I also have the whole RT is slightly bigger than the LT thing going on (most women do) so I want them to be the SAME size. LOL

    They're not my priority though. First I want a tummy tuck when I'm done having babies. I've had 2 C-SEC and will probably just continue that route so waiting until I'm done in that dept. When you have C-SEC you get this flap over the scar. Yes, it dwindles with exercise, but I want that sucker GONE!

    My husband jokes if he gets the boobs and we get divorced he wants them back.

    i have 2 c sections to and have the same issue my pregnancies were 19 month apart and my youngets turns a year March 9th so very soon.

    A bood job hmm if it were free perhaps yep not as perky but my tush is still nice luckily lol