Low carb dieters.. WHAT do you eat?!



  • savbentley
    Your body prefers them because they convert to fat easier. Your physiology wants to store fat,however, this biology is exactly what we are trying to work against to lose weight.

    Also, I am not citing any scientific sources for you. Google it yourself and maybe you will read them. I suggest JSTORE if you have a student account. Otherwise, google scholar is a great source for scholarly articles.

    What a load of bollocks

    Carbs don't "convert" to fat any easier than protein or fat does. I hope these "scientific sources" aren't Gary Taubes or - god forbid - Jimmy Moore.

    It's such a typical "dieter" mentality. I really want someone to tell me it's beneficial to restrict yourself from eating ONE cup of whole grain rice or quinoa, that alone would push over most low carb dieters total daily carb intake.
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    There are many reasons to go low carb beyond just weight loss. I don't do it myself but my wife has to. She, like many women, has PCOS and has to limit carb intake so she can get pregnent.
  • savbentley
    There are many reasons to go low carb beyond just weight loss. I don't do it myself but my wife has to. She, like many women, has PCOS and has to limit carb intake so she can get pregnent.

    If it's medically recommended by a doctor, I'd say it's safe to say it's a different story.
    Anyone else, I'd really like to see the result of them taking it up with a reputable nutritionist.
  • Eandretta96
    I will admit I was sooo convinced that low carb was the "way." I would look at all these studies and I was convinced. To be honest though, low carb really was hell. Seriously, it's all about your calories. People try to make it so much harder than it has to be. As soon as I started counting calories, I began losing weight. Oh and then there were those carb binge days...
  • Eandretta96
    Same with "you have to eat healthy to lose weight." It's good to eat nutrient dense foods but one of the reasons people quit their diets is because they think they have to eat salads all day. Once I started following IIFYM, dieting has just been so much easier.
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    BACON!!!!!! hahah. Idk. I would go homicidal if I was on a low carb diet.
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    In terms of just plain oll loosing weight i will say that it completly sucks. My wife has to be on a low carb diet as i said and for awhile this resulted in me getting a much less carb diet. It really is awful. No energy, no real anything. Just blah. I am sure many can say different but as the OP mentioned it just not needed. If you don't have a medical reason to avoid something then don't avoid it. If you can loose weight, and you can, without cutting out things then do not cut them out.
  • savbentley
    In terms of just plain oll loosing weight i will say that it completly sucks. My wife has to be on a low carb diet as i said and for awhile this resulted in me getting a much less carb diet. It really is awful. No energy, no real anything. Just blah. I am sure many can say different but as the OP mentioned it just not needed. If you don't have a medical reason to avoid something then don't avoid it. If you can loose weight, and you can, without cutting out things then do not cut them out.

    That's exactly my point, you just stated it way better LOL.
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    In terms of just plain oll loosing weight i will say that it completly sucks. My wife has to be on a low carb diet as i said and for awhile this resulted in me getting a much less carb diet. It really is awful. No energy, no real anything. Just blah. I am sure many can say different but as the OP mentioned it just not needed. If you don't have a medical reason to avoid something then don't avoid it. If you can loose weight, and you can, without cutting out things then do not cut them out.

    That's exactly my point, you just stated it way better LOL.

    Yeah............I am totally cool like that. :wink:
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    I'd actually agree with the OP that a 'diet' cutting out a whole food group is miserable and pointless.
    When I lost my weight I DID reduce the amount of carbohydrate I ate, in terms of portion sizes. And a few meals a week were starch-free.
    But I love exercising and like to have a diet that compliments this.
    Plus I don't want to stuff my face with meat and fat to compensate. And to have to restrict my veggies.
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    I was low carb for about 7 months. It wasn't to lose weight, it was just to test it out to see what the hype was about. I went vegetarian 2 years before that for a year. Again, I just wanted to test it out. I talked to my nutritionist, he said it was fine. The body adapts to whatever you put it through, just eat enough calories. I felt fine. I had 50g< of carbs, walked the entire length of Ohio State's campus daily, did my ghastly amount of homework and went to the gym 6x's a week. I lost the majority of my weight goal doing it. 45 of my total 70 pounds. Went from 250 to 200 eating "regularly", maybe 200 carbs a day, then 200 to 165-160 with low carb. It was alright. Like I said, I didn't feel any different than when I was eating carbs unconsciously. I mostly ate full fat foods and lots of protein, I still do because they taste good. After stopping low carb (just because=no rhyme or reason behind it besides I wanted too) I don't intake that many carbs, maybe 100g from my fruits and vegetables and I exercise for 2 hours a day (with Graves' Disease-just got diagnosed in Nov/Dec). So the moral of the story is, my body adjusted to low carb just fine. I do not think it's stupid for people to make their own decisions about their diets. If it works for them, then I say more power to them. Medically advised or not. It's their life.

    I got most of my recipes off the Linda's low carb website btw.
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    The graves disease may have contributed to the weight loss as well O_o
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I do ocassionally do a keto diet. For me, I like that it takes away cravings for sugar and other carbs. The first couple of days can be rough and feel low on energy but after about 3 days I normally feel great. You lose a lot of water weight at first but this always helps me drop a dress size and my face looks slimmer. I know you lose weight down to restricting calories just the same as on any healthy eating but because ketosis can reduce your appetite it seems easier when low carbing. I also seemed to lose weight quicker, like 1.5 - 2lbs a week where if eating the same calories on a regular "diet" I would lose 1lb. Strange but that is just what happened.

    I would eat lots of eggs, cheese, all kinds of meat, fish, nuts and low carb fruits such as berries. I'd make some lovely low carb sauces and have nice fish or steak with lots of veggies.

    The main reason I would come off of a keto diet is fruit. I can live without bread and pasta and potatoes but I really miss eating a variety of fruit. I'd always gain some water weight back when I re-introduced carbs in to my diet but the net loss from eating less calories would stay off.

    I think a keto diet can be very healthy but I think it can also be very unhealthy if all you do is eat bacon and eggs then a steak for dinner every day. There are lots of great salad and veggies out there that is low enough in carbs for you to eat a varied and healthy diet, you just need to plan it. But like I say, I do miss the variety of fruit.

    Exercise wise I didn't have any problem. The first few days I would be low on energy but after about 3 days could exercise at the same level as previously. I think (no studies to back it up but just my thoughts) that if you were a long distance runner or endurance kind of exercise low carb would probably have a negative effect on your training. But I prefer shorter exercises like a 30 min jog or around 45 minutes of strength training / lifting, and while on a keto diet I had no problem at all performing this.

    I don't think low carb is nessecerary at all for losing weight, and think some people would hate it. But there are aspects of it that I do like, such as the reduced appetite and reduced cravings.
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    The graves disease may have contributed to the weight loss as well O_o

    Sorry, I went low carb May 2011-December 2011. Didnt get diagnosed or have any thyroid issues until November 2012. Working my *kitten* off in the gym, diet and living on campus contributed to my weight loss. Probably should've added those facts in my first post.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Umm. I don't have the low carb "no energy" experience this guy's talking about above, nor do I think "it sucks" to eat this way. It's definitely not "miserable" or "pointless" for me. I truly love what I eat! I eat a primal/paleo diet almost entirely made up of whole foods, including lots of nice grass fed meat, wild caught fish, and veggies, eggs, etc. I eat very low carb most days, and on days when I go to the gym and lift heavy, I eat a bit more carbs by including a sweet potato.

    Even on my "high" carb days I am typically under 150g. On my low carb days I eat anywhere from 35-75g carbs , and I'm perfectly able to work out and feel great--I train kettlebells for about an hour or so on my "low" days, so I'm not talking about yoga or something of that nature. It's a pretty demanding workout. At the same time, I'm not talking about running half marathons, either. I'm not doing any sort of endurance sport training, and have no interest in doing so. That said, there are ultramarathoners who eat low carb! Check this guy out--he's a low carb ultramarathoner who won the Western States 100 race: http://www.meandmydiabetes.com/2012/08/11/western-states-100-low-carber-wins-ultramarathon-steve-phinney-and-jeff-volek-study/

    Regarding fruit-- if I feel like having some, I do. I just eat it in moderation and choose the sort of fruit wisely. I prefer low-GI fruits.

    I don't eat grains, and don't miss them one bit! I think it's tastier and healthier to replace those foods with veggies. I don't think I know a low carb eater who restricts veggies, unless you're talking about starchy vegetables like potatoes or sweet potatoes, and that is due to the insulin response. A lot of us eat this way to better control the insulin response our bodies have to what we eat.

    Anyway, I've never felt better in my life since ditching the grains and sugar and eating properly. YMMV, as they say, but I'm quite happy and healthy....:smile:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I imagine basically eggs and meat and not much else?

    I eat 100-150grams carbs/day, and I get those from veg/fruit/nuts and occasionally some legumes. I don't know how I'd manage to do less than 50 without severly cutting back my veges.

    I eat a primary plant based diet, stay low carb (under 30g). It isn't difficult when you cut unnecessary sugars out of your diet.

    I eat at about 1400 cal/day and am fairly active with yoga and weightlifting.

    ^^Yes. I eat 1800-2000/day, and have never found it problematic staying low carb and eating a lot of veggies. You do realise the vast majority of veggies are very low in carbs, right? It's kind of ridiculous to imagine that people eating low carb are only eating plates of meat, haha. The vast majority of us are eating lots of veggies, and a bit of fruit here and there as well. Some of us consume whole dairy as well. :laugh:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    To the OP and anyone else who is confused about how athletes can sustain their level of activity on low carb diets, research fat burning vs. sugar burning. The link I posted in my long comment discusses that a bit, but you could certainly research it a bit further, or perhaps even perform your own N=1 experiment, if your a hands-on sort of learner.
  • haramis
    ^^Yes. I eat 1800-2000/day, and have never found it problematic staying low carb and eating a lot of veggies. You do realise the vast majority of veggies are very low in carbs, right? It's kind of ridiculous to imagine that people eating low carb are only eating plates of meat, haha. The vast majority of us are eating lots of veggies, and a bit of fruit here and there as well. Some of us consume whole dairy as well. :laugh:

    Thank you for the sane reply. I eat low-carb based on my doctor's recommendation. I have suffered from hypoglycemic episodes since childhood, so it's been a revelation for me. Since I started eating this way, I haven't had a single hypoglycemic episode, by which I mean shakes, uncontrollable emotion, including crying and anger, wild, desperate sugar cravings, and involuntary naps. I was also suffering from daily headaches and taking six Advil every single day to manage it. Those have disappeared since I swapped out my eating. I now get about two headaches a month. Additionally, I have so much more energy. I eat 50-60g of net carbs a day on a 1200 calorie diet (I'm short), with about 15-20g of fiber.

    I am also confused why people seem to think that this doesn't involve eating vegetables. I eat leafy greens by the bunch. Two cups of broccoli, which is a sick amount to eat in a single serving only has 7g of net carbs. I do have a reduced fruit intake, because my natural sugar goal is about 30g a day, and 12g of sugar is about as much as I can have in a single setting without having a response. I focus mostly on berries since they're low in sugar and high in fiber. I eat meat of all kinds--beef, chicken, and fish, nuts, and small amounts of dairy like cheese and sour cream. I have 4 oz of whole milk after my cardio since that's when my body can best handle it. Oh, and I hate bacon although I do eat eggs because my chickens keep laying them. ;) I usually have a couple a day for either breakfast or lunch, along with spinach and tomatoes.

    It's fine if low-carb isn't to your taste, but it's a little closed-minded to think it can't work for anyone.

    Edit: I forgot to add that I work out 50-60 minutes a day six days a week.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    low carb diets seem to work for people that are just starting off and have a lot to lose and aren ot working out that much - aka atkins..

    but if you are lifting and want to get stronger you should incorporate carbs into your diet..

    I get about 120 to 200 carbs a day ...usually on sundays I do a carb "refeed" and try to get to 300+ which is easy for my italian *kitten* because I just house down a lot of pasta...

    So i think that it depends on your goals..

    My parents did atkins and lost weight but they are older and do not work out much...but once they stopped atkins they pretty much gained it back...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    oh as far as what I eat..depends on day but typically eggs, chicken, pork, sweet potato, steak, brown rice, quinoa, veggies, some whole wheat pasta...

    my largest meal is post workout so my eating pattern is a little different than yours...