Looking for friends around 5'0"



  • sleepyotter
    sleepyotter Posts: 76 Member
    Any of you, feel free to add me! I would feel so much better if I had friends with the same kinds of goals as me. I see everyone with like, 80-lb weight loss goals, and I just can't relate, because something like that just doesn't work for someone my size. A year or two ago, I was somewhere around 115 and 120, and I'd like it so much if I were around 100.
  • Hi everyone! I'm 5'1 and weigh 168, I just lost 22 lbs, 6 months after I had my son. My best friend is 5'6 and weighs the same but she looks way fitter than me. My weight always seems to be in my belly and face even before I had a baby. Looking for some friends for support and to relate with me.
  • I think I've got just about everyone beat on here in regards to height, I am 4'9". I just started with this site a few weeks ago and love it. Would love to ave other people to talk to that understand what it's like to be so short and trying o lose weight. I am down 5 with 45 more to go.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Add me! I am 5' 1". I'm a mom of three :)
    def looking for new friends here!

  • I am 5'2 and looking for friends and support.
  • I am looking for friends that are around 5'0" because then we can compare things that work and don't. It is hard to do that with people that are not around that hieght. Not trying to offend anyone. It is just hard being so short. 5 lbs looks like 20.:wink:

    I totally agree with that last comment! People at work keep telling me things like, "but you're so petite!" "why do you need to lose weight?" and "you want to be 120 lbs.??? but that's so little!!!" Obviously, they don't realize that for a woman my height - 5'2-1/2" - my age - 48 - and bone structure - small frame - carrying around 140 lbs. was TOO much and it made me feel sick!

    I'm at around 129 lbs. right now, so feel free to add me if you'd like! :smile:
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    I am 4'11... I know what you mean. I hate that every little pound shows.
  • Imigen04
    Imigen04 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5'0 but Wayyyy overweight 177 and need support :) larger tatas also even when is was skinnier when I was 5months pregnant with my lil girl I was 98 lbs I know I won't get that little again but I want to be healthy

    Feel free to add anyone
  • Hello All,

    I am 5.2 eyes of blue... yes and I'm on the 5:2 diet... Feel free to add me if you wish.. I have lost 18lbs and have at least another 18lb to loose....It went on slowly and will come off slowly... Just keep MOTIVATED... :smile:
  • Hi,

    I'm in the 5 foot club too.

    I can totally relate about the breast issue, however I had a breast reduction a couple of years ago and the confidence it gave me was amazing.

    Now all I need to work on is my problem area (the stomach of course) if us short girls put on weight around out midriff then we look pregnant! People that are taller, have a longer area and carry weight better.

    Feel free to add me :)

    I find that zumba and swimming works best, as you don't even realise you're working out when you're having fun :) x
  • prettykitty1963
    prettykitty1963 Posts: 42 Member
    hi....feel free to add me too, I share all the same feelings! I am just a tad under 5'1" and have the same problems. Sometimes I get so discouraged because no matter how hard I try I will never have a long, lean look. I can't do anything about my height but I can change the shape of my body. I need to lose weight so I can be healthy. I am so happy to have found mfp.......
  • Hi feel free to add me. I am 5 foot tall also. However, I have not started dieting yet because I am pregnant and due April 26th. Once I have the baby though I plan to use my fitness pal daily. :)
  • xxxTRISHAxxx
    xxxTRISHAxxx Posts: 26 Member
    Another shorty here.....I'm 5ft 1/2 inch....and know exactly what you mean about a few pound looking like 20! Would love to have friends on here who understand the same issues and goals. Anyone that has commented on this thread, please feel free to add me x