Are you looking for new friends? Start here :)



  • Feel free to add me people - Anyone is more than welcome, more friends, hopefully the bigger success :)
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    I ahve been a member of MFP for almost a year now and it is a great site and great people on here. If you need motivation and like to motivate please feel free to add me. Love to make new friends and support you.

  • feel free to add me
  • I need to lose 40 pounds and I'd love to meet new people who also want to become healthier. :D

    Also, your tips (exercise tips specifically) and support mean a lot :) Please add me if you hace the chance to.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi all. Feel free to add me. Mom of toddler looking to lose the baby weight and committed to making this the last year that the extra baby pounds are an issue for me. This requires a lot of planning to fit in exercise and healthier eating. I'm using running, green smoothies and 30 Day Shred to help me get there.
  • Hey everyone 26 year old female. I have been on here religiously since September. Have already been through weight gains and losses. Looking for some very supportive friends and I will give the same back! Anyone who would like please add me!
  • BrainsOnGains
    BrainsOnGains Posts: 282 Member
    I always randomly add people then some people feel the need to interrogate me. I am excited as hell when someone sends me a request. Anyways add me I am 34 in Ohio , 280ish a short term goal in to enter into an NPC show (even if I am dead last).
  • Hey everyone would love to make new friends to share great advice and good recipes and help keep each other motivated..!!! Add me and I'll add back!
  • allday2
    allday2 Posts: 413 Member
    Always looking for new friends as well..... Add me!!
  • Member since December, and daily logger! Please feel free to add me =)
  • Hi, I am struggling with motivation and could do with some friends on here to help me along, feel free to add me!
  • his_mrsjen
    his_mrsjen Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just started MFP & I'm a daily logger as well!

    Feel free to add me. Looking for support & encouragement.

    Good luck to all :)
  • Hello everyone. It's been a year since I've been here. I was successful the first time, but got side tracked with life and ended up going backward from my goals. I'm back and ready to try again. Looking for friends, advice and support.
  • janetsalley
    janetsalley Posts: 122 Member
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    Hey everyone, feel free to add me :)
  • Added you :) Thanks.
    I'm fairly recent to my fitness pal, so if anyone would like to add me, please feel free.
  • jada8023
    jada8023 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I just started working out again after about 4 months and need to loose about 50 lbs. I normally work out quite a bit but some how has lost my motivation. I desperately need some motivation. I did 30 mins of 10 minute trainer this morning and plan to start insanity tonight. Please add me.
  • nomesw84
    nomesw84 Posts: 101 Member
    Looking for some support as have a way to go, also have plenty of encouragement to offer! Feel free to add me...
  • meliafairy
    meliafairy Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Not new to MFP but last month I started tracking religiously and haven't missed a day since. 28 yrs old with about 55 lbs to lose.

    Love to chat and try to motivate others towards their goals.

    Anyone can feel free to add me. I always love new friends!!
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    Hey everyone, feel free to add me.. my diary is open to friends :)