how to deal with saboteurs?



  • rensife
    rensife Posts: 18 Member
    My sister worked for a Doctor and when she was offered the wrong type of food for her eating plan, he spoke up and said . "No - She is in Spring Training" -

    I have adapted this for myself ..... No, I am in Training - you fill in the blank . ..... Spring Training, Marathon training ... whatever. This really intrigues people enough to stop their behavior and re-route it to something different. Most of the time they are very curious and ask, "What type of training are you doing"?

    Horrible responses are quickly side stepped and then you get to decide what to share at that point! Be the strong person you were born to be!!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    This might sound b*tchy, but most of my friends are bigger than me, so when they try to push food on me, I just look at them to know saying that no is the right thing. The weight loss is worth every second of those awkward food moments.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I have adapted this for myself ..... No, I am in Training - you fill in the blank . ..... Spring Training, Marathon training ... whatever. This really intrigues people enough to stop their behavior and re-route it to something different. Most of the time they are very curious and ask, "What type of training are you doing"?

    That is brilliant! Great way to shift the conversation.
  • gettingtomygoal83
    gettingtomygoal83 Posts: 46 Member
    i just started my weight loss journey recently and had my stepdaughters offer me chocolate . and also was told just have some of this pizza one slice aint a big deal lol.. but it was hard too say no but i did and i feel good and proud of myself when i do .. u just have too be strong! :) and if u mess up dont worry it happens and u just get right back on that wagon dont beat urself up too much about it
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Most people who offer me treats are trying to be kind. Some push, but I tell them exactly why I can't eat their treats. Not only am I trying to lose weight, but I also have crohn's disease. I smile and when people push, I tell them, "Thank you, but if I eat that (fried chicken, doughnut, cake, pizza, etc.) I will get explosive diarrhea, dehydrate, and spend the next ten days in the hospital." Generally people stop pushing.
  • amazedbyyoux
    amazedbyyoux Posts: 6 Member
    Change your "don't" "no" to positives.

    Like "I want to eat vegetables instead" "I want to wait to eat later". "I want to avoid that". " I would rather have skinny cow ice cream" <-- I used this last week at my dad's house while they ate brownies :)

    Stay positive, the rest is easy.

    <3 this idea. I try this sometimes when i'm talking myself out of eating something ridiculously high in calories.
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