ladies around 5'4-5'5: what are your goals?!



  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    5'4. Goal Weight Is 140. UGW Is 135. At that weight, Id probably look like 120..I definitely look thinner then what I weigh.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    My goal is 140. I am 5'5"...I have been 135 and feel that was borderline too low for my frame and muscles.I would never want to go lower than that unless I was in a competition. More interested in decreasing my body fat and increasing my muscle mass. I am 180 now. I start feeling fabulous around 152. I actually feel fine now. I can run a 5K and wear a 10. If I get lower, great. If not, my fitness goals are more about increasing the amount of weight I can lift, being able to get inverted in my pole dancing class, and increasing my run speed. Also learning and trying new activities are much more important to me than how I look. My goals are about my strength, endurance and vital signs. I can't please anyone but myself and I find meeting fitness challenges is more pleasing to me than having weight-related goals (but I am also a recovering bulimic, so I've spent a lot of time trying to get my mind off my weight).

    Good luck to everyone with their individual goals!

    Right now I am doing heavy weights 2-3 times per week for 30 minutes, running a couple of miles 2-3 times per week, and taking a pole class. I also mix in other activities for a total of about 5 hours of exercise per week including the previously mentioned ones but also: swimming, elliptical, Jillian Michaels DVDs, hiking, walking and cross country skiing. I am on my feet for 36 hours per week in my job. That's part of the reason I don't want to be thin; I really can't be. I am well above average active, eat 1600-2100 calories per day and am still quite overweight.
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I go from around 5'2" to 5'4", depending on the day (it sounds weird, but it's true XD), and here are my stats:

    SW: 168.5
    CW: 124.25
    GW: 118 or 118.5 (not sure which one would appease my OCD more lol)

    I got my BF% tested awhile ago, and assuming that I retain my LBM, I'll be at a BF% that makes me happy at that weight. That, and it'll be 50 or 50.5 lbs lost :)
  • I'm almost 5'6'' and I weigh about 142 currently. I'd like to get under 130. Just to say I'm in the 120's. Although honestly I'm not extremely concerned about weight, more size. I want to fit into size 4 jeans regularly. To be able to go to a store, pick them up and be pretty confident they'll fit.
  • 5'5 here - My goal weight is 140 lbs, but more importantly for me right now is to get below 20% Body fat. In an 'ideal world' I'd love to weight 120-130 but I think I've realized with the amount of muscle I want to stay as fit as I want, I'll never get down that low. (current 152, starting 157)

    Another goal for me is a 27' waist

    I prefer % body fat, lean muscle mass, or waist measurement goals because weight can really be so inaccurate...
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    My goal is somewhere between 160 and 150. But it's more a look I'm going for and a certain strength and flexibility level than a number.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    5'5" and currently at 148.6 going to 135. I've been around this weight for several years, do strength training and so am pretty muscular, also a medium build with a pear shape. Size 10 currently. I'm also 54.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm 5'4, I currently weigh 143. I'd like to get down to 130 and then somewhere between 130-125. We shall see! One pound at a time!
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    I am 5'5 and I range from 124-127. I lift weights as well as cardio about 3-4 times a week. I have a pretty fit body but I am wondering why my weight has gone up (staying around 127) since I've been counting my calories and exercising regularly. My calorie goal for the day is 1200 and I usually burn 500-600 calories per work out. Its a bit discouraging but I'm wondering if maybe its the new muscle I have gained. Has anyone else had this similar issue?

    Yes, I had this happening to me not too long ago. I am 5'3 and 116 pounds, and MFP calculated my calorie goal to 1200c.
    I started doing P90x (weight lifting) and started running again - nothing over the top, 5-7k.

    Soon I started feeling unwell and I could tell I was not getting the results I should be getting with my training, I upped my calories to about 1400c and already I see a difference. When this da!n snow goes away I plan on starting a half marathon training and will be upping my calories again to probably 1800.

    You need to put fuel in your body so it can work properly - tone up, build muscles, give you the energy you need to reach yor goals. Try upping your calories for a month and I bet you'll see a difference.
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    5'4", and a goal of 115-120lb, 18-20%BF. I'd be elated if I could reach 125 at this point though *sigh*, I've been stuck at the 130 mark for about 4-5 months now.
  • lodiloohoo64
    lodiloohoo64 Posts: 60 Member
    5"4 1/2" tall, heaviest was 230 CW is 183, first goal is 150....wearing a size 12 at 183....have been 157 and wearing a 9/10. Just don't want to have jiggley parts. Everyone s different.
  • rvhorsburgh
    rvhorsburgh Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'4" and weight 130. My goal is 127, but I want to lose 5 more inches (back fat and belly). I'm a 5/6 now and will be a size 4 at 127, which is pretty light with my athletic muscle and build. I have a girl friend that is 5'5" and she is slim, 65 yrs old and weights 164 lbs. She is a long distance road biker - so muscle and % body fat really matter.
  • thanks for all the comments. it is great to see similar goals and feel like i am on target. i wish you all the best on your weight loss journeys!!! i hope to be down a few pounds by this summer so i can feel good about myself and good in a bikini :)
  • Hi im 5'5 and currently 133.8. I stared this journey in January at 138 and my gw is 125! This last few pounds is not wanting to come off!! I not changing what i eat, im changing how much a i eat and how much i work out, i think im gaining muscle because my pants fit looser but the weight is not coming off so that ok with me. I Started P90X recently and really enjoy working out and it feels good to put that in your excersice and see the calories burned!
  • You sound like me! I'm 54, 5'4 1/2, 126# and want to get down to 115-117. After menopause I went from 115 to 130+. That was back in 2007 and I've been struggling to lose the weight ever since.
  • I'm 5'4'' and 129 right now, looking to get down to 122.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I am currently 152lbs at 5' 5". I have not had my body fat % measured yet, but the online calculators tell me I am at 35.9% or 39.2% depending on which one I use. I would like to have my body fat % down to 20%. I do not know what weight goal I would be at for that, I am more concerned with having a strong lean body than being a certain weight. So for right now, I am focusing on cutting body fat and building/toning muscles.
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    hi, I'm 5'-4
    SW 150
    CW 142
    GW 135

    Need to tone up a fair bit ! so gonna see what i look like at 135
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    ps im gonna go to a chemist at the weekend and use there weighing machines that tell u ur body fat % as several websites have said different % xxx
  • Parrishjune1
    Parrishjune1 Posts: 3 Member
    I need to be at 116 .....I'm at 121 right noe which doesn't seem fat to a lot of women but I have a slight muffin top.... Can we be weight losing buddoes
  • Lainny21
    Lainny21 Posts: 106 Member
    5'4.5" SW-141
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    5'4 and aiming around 120 but that's ca always be reassessed if i feel good before then etc
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    Hi I'm 5'5"
    SW 164
    CW 141
    GW 135 but if I get there I might have to reassess( I'm never happy)
  • momalor3
    momalor3 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'4" and my goal is to get to 140. I am 45 so I think going much lower might be hard, looking at all the numbers here maybe mine is too high. I will revaluate as I get closer. Good for yiu for doing this while you are young. It sucks as yiu get older and way harder.
  • EvilDave14
    EvilDave14 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm aiming for 125lb. I've done it before & hoping to do it again.
  • I'm 5'6 and want to be 125. I am currently 130. Love this "myfitnesspal" I feel like just because I have to log everything I am so much more aware and concious. AND some stuff I log in and think "that food item was not worth it" so I think it'll help me to realize how not good some stuff is that I've been eating.
  • I'm 5'3" and the dr says anything over 120 is considered overweight, so 120 is my goal,.....I'm no where near that right now, but hopefully, I will get there in time with effort!
  • I'm 5'5", I was thinking 129. We'll see when I get there.
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    I am 5'5''

    SW: 222
    CW: 218

    I don't expect to loose munch until the end of July (which is when I will have my babv) but I want to keep my weight around 220 this pregnancy
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    5'4.5" and am currently at 135 and going to 120lbs. I am trying desperatly to get rid of my "front bum" (gut) and it just won't go!!!. thighs are a challenge as well. but doing water aerobics 2-3X/week and staying moving at wor as much as possible.