INSANITY WORKOUT starting feb. 17 , 2013!!



  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    is it the same exact? that might work. I got my set through a close friend who bought it from the website I think... but If that disk is the same then that will work!

    Oh I just saw you meant just the abs.. should I jump Into that disk instead? I guess it will all work out in the end lol

    The month 2 workouts really turn up the heat, so depending on your fitness level you may or may not be able to do well with the max cardio in month one. It's too bad that dvd isn't workout for you as it's one of my favorites. That was part of my workout today. Max cardio in my opinion is one of the hardest workouts as it has no breaks. ( Neither does pure cardio, but it's shorter than the max workout). If you decide to do max just try not to overdo it. Good luck and have fun! :)
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I started the 18th! How are you doing so far?

    Welcome! And i am doing well :) I love this so far my arms and legs are burning today but I feel good :) look here
    For support
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I am doing my 3rd fit test tonight...I'll post my results here as well :)

    Good for you girl! I hope my results will compare to yours :)!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Day 2: plyo cardio circut done. the level 1 drills almost killed me!

    stay strong everyone and dig deeper!

    Pylo and pure cardio are the worst days! You can make it thought them you can make it through anything :)!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member

    Round 2 already?! Wow haha I was wondering how quick you could restart ! Well feel free to pop in here if you need it :)!

    I took a week 'off' doing the recovery week (core cardio and balance workouts) before starting back up with the normal workouts. I am down to that last few pounds of stubborn abdominal fat and I'm determined to get rid of it so I'm pushing hard to achieve that goal. I'd be more than happy to stick around and offer any support I can to everyone here pushing play. I'm no expert but I'm more than happy to share what I've learned during my first round.

    Here is what I achieved in my fit test from day 1 to day 63 on the first round.

    day 1 day 63
    switch kicks 90 141 (eaches)
    power jacks 48 62
    power knees 79 122
    power jumps 24 60
    globe jumps 7 12
    suicide jumps 13 25
    push-up jacks 21 38
    low plank oblique 49 70

    Amazing ! I hope my stomach will melt a little :) I really am craving the toned lean body I use to have .. Poor eating and siting first year of college showed me how quick it was to get back to square 1 but I'm determined to never go back! I hope you stick around for questions and that round two treats you well:)!
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    I'm super impressed by the improvements from others here! I barely managed to scrape through the pure cardio today, but DID NOT press pause! What exercises are you guys finding the hardest? By the time the vid gets to "ski jumps" I'm usually dead!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I'm super impressed by the improvements from others here! I barely managed to scrape through the pure cardio today, but DID NOT press pause! What exercises are you guys finding the hardest? By the time the vid gets to "ski jumps" I'm usually dead!

    I cant tell you about the pure cardio yet ( bad disk) but I can say that the tricep workouts on the cardio power disks I cant do. I can do the dips and a couple of the one leggers.. but the squatting V things. noway. Hopefully Ill work my way there. I try them and then do pushups or more regular dips in place of them :(
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    I'm super impressed by the improvements from others here! I barely managed to scrape through the pure cardio today, but DID NOT press pause! What exercises are you guys finding the hardest? By the time the vid gets to "ski jumps" I'm usually dead!

    I cant tell you about the pure cardio yet ( bad disk) but I can say that the tricep workouts on the cardio power disks I cant do. I can do the dips and a couple of the one leggers.. but the squatting V things. noway. Hopefully Ill work my way there. I try them and then do pushups or more regular dips in place of them :(

    I hear you on the V pushups, I managed to get through them but just barely, and here I was thinking my arms were my strength.
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    So, Week 1 is in the history books for me! I feel great! I'm so excited to start week 2. I'm waiting until friday to step on the scale. How's everyone else feeling?
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    So, Week 1 is in the history books for me! I feel great! I'm so excited to start week 2. I'm waiting until friday to step on the scale. How's everyone else feeling?
    great job! insanity does feel great doesnt it?
    Im halfway through week one and feeling fantastic!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Ok so i finally have time to log my first fit test. It was a week ago monday. After not working out for half a year..i know ill improve.

    Switch kicks 64
    Power jacks 35
    Power knees 70
    Power jumps 25
    Globe jumps 6
    Suicide jumps 10
    Push up jacks 3+15 normal pushups
    Low plank 40
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    Jamie you did great on that first fit test. Keep it up and you'll be crushing those numbers in no time!

    Today I did plyo cardio circuit and then a round of insane abs. I should have done insane abs first as I was kinda wiped after plyo. A helpful hint - when you get to the days where you do both pure cardio and cardio abs, do the ab workout first. It won't drain you nearly as much as pure cardio and you will be able to give more in each workout.

    Great job Brownie finishing week one, and Carrie for halfway thru the first week! You are both doing great!

    Squashyhelen - The hardest workouts come in month 2, and I think max cardio circuit is the hardest, yet that one is my favorite as well

  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member

    Round 2 already?! Wow haha I was wondering how quick you could restart ! Well feel free to pop in here if you need it :)!

    I took a week 'off' doing the recovery week (core cardio and balance workouts) before starting back up with the normal workouts. I am down to that last few pounds of stubborn abdominal fat and I'm determined to get rid of it so I'm pushing hard to achieve that goal. I'd be more than happy to stick around and offer any support I can to everyone here pushing play. I'm no expert but I'm more than happy to share what I've learned during my first round.

    Here is what I achieved in my fit test from day 1 to day 63 on the first round.

    day 1 day 63
    switch kicks 90 141 (eaches)
    power jacks 48 62
    power knees 79 122
    power jumps 24 60
    globe jumps 7 12
    suicide jumps 13 25
    push-up jacks 21 38
    low plank oblique 49 70

    Amazing ! I hope my stomach will melt a little :) I really am craving the toned lean body I use to have .. Poor eating and siting first year of college showed me how quick it was to get back to square 1 but I'm determined to never go back! I hope you stick around for questions and that round two treats you well:)!

    There is no reason you won't melt that stomach a little, or even a lot with insanity. If you want to look I have my before and after pics up on my beachbody profile. You can search me out there under this same screen name. Just remember that 80% of the battle is in nutrition. I loosely followed the insanity elite nutrition guide using all the recipes that I liked. Sometimes making minor adjustments for taste as I needed.

  • Cdnlady16
    I did my Fit test last night! it was hard - and I'm sore today - but will reap the rewards in 60 days! Actual first day is today! Lets do this! Kick it!
  • samanthals516
    I started insanity in september. I did 2 rounds of the 60 day challange and I still use the videos along with other work outs. I was in great shape 4 years ago in high school , I lived to play lacrosse and volleyball. well I got out of playimg sports andwent from 108lbs to 147lbs (im 5'2). with doing insanity I lost 20lbs. It got me in btter shape then I was in highschool. I love and tell everyone i know who wants to get in shape to try it. Its worth being sore, out of breath and sweety.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member

    Squashyhelen - The hardest workouts come in month 2, and I think max cardio circuit is the hardest, yet that one is my favorite as well


    OMG what?? @_@ I already have to prep talk myself each time before I click play - "Helen you can do this, have faith, look at all those other people who go insane results." Hopefully by the time month 2 rolls around I'll be better able to handle harder. Right now I'm just trying to not drown!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member

    There is no reason you won't melt that stomach a little, or even a lot with insanity. If you want to look I have my before and after pics up on my beachbody profile. You can search me out there under this same screen name. Just remember that 80% of the battle is in nutrition. I loosely followed the insanity elite nutrition guide using all the recipes that I liked. Sometimes making minor adjustments for taste as I needed.


    I don't have the food guide! My dad gave me his insanity and he can't find the nutriorional book! I think my mom trew it out by accident. I live paleo so normally i eat very well:) except today cuz me and my roommate made paleo cupcakes and I had three! Oops they were just tasty this is why I don't normally cheat haha but fortunately there only 70cals each. Oh well Tomo
    Will be better .
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member

    Squashyhelen - The hardest workouts come in month 2, and I think max cardio circuit is the hardest, yet that one is my favorite as well


    OMG what?? @_@ I already have to prep talk myself each time before I click play - "Helen you can do this, have faith, look at all those other people who go insane results." Hopefully by the time month 2 rolls around I'll be better able to handle harder. Right now I'm just trying to not drown!

    Hahahah you make me laugh girl! A guy in my law class found out I was doing insanity and asked me how I felt about it and which week I was on. He laughed and told me month 2 feels like you've never worked out before at all , it's insane no matter how good you are at month 1. I was like awesome! But we will get there :)!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I started insanity in september. I did 2 rounds of the 60 day challange and I still use the videos along with other work outs. I was in great shape 4 years ago in high school , I lived to play lacrosse and volleyball. well I got out of playimg sports andwent from 108lbs to 147lbs (im 5'2). with doing insanity I lost 20lbs. It got me in btter shape then I was in highschool. I love and tell everyone i know who wants to get in shape to try it. Its worth being sore, out of breath and sweety.

    This is the stories that encourage me :) thank you for sharing .
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I did my Fit test last night! it was hard - and I'm sore today - but will reap the rewards in 60 days! Actual first day is today! Lets do this! Kick it!
    Hope your first day went well!