I feel like crying



  • jpez01
    jpez01 Posts: 5 Member
    If this journey was easy, everyone would be on it!!!

    Its ok to cry.... just do it while you're walking hard around the block... and remember this feeling....

    Be good to yourself......
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    I've had bad days and because of other health issues I'm finding it hard to lose weight period. But, don't ever give up. You keep going and giving it all you've got. You will reach your goal. Everyone has their off days, you just need to get past that and get back on track.
  • ladybrown4
    keep moving forward that's all you can do we all have set backs cheer up :)
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    If you log everything and you're really having 300-500 calorie days you're setting yourself up for a huge binge. If you insist on doing the 1200 calorie thing (which I don't personally like, but it's your body), then at the very least eat all 1200 calories, and all exercise calories back. Otherwise, yeah, the inevitable will happen. But it's not necessary to put your body or spirit through this. You can lose weight without being miserable by just eating at a reasonable calorie deficit and working in exercise you enjoy.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    As you can see from the above posts, we ALL have setbacks, and it's NOT the end of the world. There's no secret trick that works for everyone--this is a trial and error process. I gained my weight by bingeing on pizza (as in I would eat the whole thing. Of a large pizza). When I started trying to lose weight I would often slip back to my old ways, but as time went on the slip ups became less frequent and my self control got stronger. Losing weight is hard, but if you stick with it, eventually it becomes easier to make good decisions.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    My favorite quote, and kept me going after v-day.. because God knows I ate WAY to much. "I don't care if you ate Charlie's whole goddamn Chocolate Factory. Don't give up!"

    Everyone messes up... just get back up and do it again.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I'm at goal, just reached it last week :) and as much as I want to lie to you I'm not going to, I didn't have any set backs. But I think the reason I didn't is because I was trying to keep my family motivated.
    Let me start from the being, if you don't mind.

    On June 8th 2012 I stepped on the scales in my bathroom and weighted 196. My eyes teared up, but that didn't stop me from eating like a crazy person. I went to work that day and my boss said we could no longer drink soda in the back room, Well we can't drink them on the floor either, so I stopped drinking soda all together, I haven't touched a drop since that day. And guess what? I lost 10 lbs, not changing how I ate or even trying. and I was good with that.

    Then in July I Rushed my boyfriend to the hospital (and this could be long so I'll make it short) He ended up losing half of his right foot to an infection that got in the bone.
    He decided to start eating better, to help himself. I thought that was cool but I didn't change the way I ate, until Aug 4th 2012, He sent me an invite to MFP and asked me if I would be his food buddy, because he thought that would really help him. To be completely honest, I didn't want to...but I did. I completely committed myself to losing weight and helping him. He has fell off the wagon a lot and I knew if I would just stop or give in he would completely stop and never look back, until maybe he loss the rest of his foot. He is back on board again :)

    So maybe for me I had a lot sitting on my shoulders to keep me in line.

    I do believe you can do this, I believe anyone can, If they really want it!

    so brush yesterday off and move on to today and smile, life is to short to be crying girlfriend :)

    Oh my goal was 125....I'm 124 :)

    YOU GOT THIS!!!!
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    So this morning, after a few weeks of doing really well, I convinced myself that it would be fine if I took a day off to cheer myself up a bit. You can guess what has happened..... I have gone out of control and eaten everything in sight! I feel so sad, why did I do it? The positive energy I have had recently has gone and I have gone from feeling really positive, to really really negative. I could honestly just cry.

    To those of you who have reached your goal, did you have setbacks along the way? I guess I'm looking for a ray of sunshine to reassure me that this isn't the end of the world and that I can do it!!

    this journey is about improvement, not perfection.
    just pick up the pieces, learn from it, and move forward again.
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    I've done that. I just took off half the next day and fasted the day after that. Or just go back to REALLY healthy eating and drink a LOT of water. I think most people have that happen. I am with you -it is really hard to portion "junk" food!
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Not at my goal yet but 49 lbs down and I can tell you honestly, I had many many many set backs! It's not a failure to mess up one day, it's failure if you don't pick yourself back up. Just brush it off and carrying on from now as normal and try not to think about what happened. Don't worry about it =)
  • RayaQb
    RayaQb Posts: 51 Member
    It's okay :-) it's like when you ride a bike and fall, just dust yourself off and keep it moving. Maybe to make you feel better you can work out a little harder and longer, to try to erase some of the extra calories.

    You can do it :)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    It's one day. Log everything you ate and I bet you're not even over by that much.

    Log it, look at it, learn from it.

    Go for a walk and remember what you're here for, you're making a change for life! No-one can be perfect every day of their life!

    Today will soon be over, focus on tomorrow.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I havs a setback every 3-4 days. Just keeo going!!!!!!! :happy:

    Your username makes me smile.

    1 day is no big deal. Say that with me, NO BIG DEAL! Now if you get discouraged and turn that one day into 2, 3, 5, or 10 days it becomes the hindrance to your progress. Look at this as a long term goal. Unless your goal weight is just 2 pounds away, you won't be there immediately. It takes weeks, months, even years to get to your goal, and then you want to maintain that weight, not put it back on.

    This is a life-long process of health, wellness, and self-appreciation. Is last night's little binge going to ruin a lifetime of hard work? I don't think so. So pick yourself up, have a healthy meal, and get in your daily exercise. Make today a perfect day!
  • vljanski
    Honey, we all have those set backs. I worked out with a trainer for 1 1/2 years to only lose 35 lbs. I really worked hard for those 35 lbs, so I told myself, I was not going to gain it back. Well, I got discouraged and gained, all but 10 lbs of it back. It can be frustrating, but you can learn from those moments, when you feel you have failed. I learned, that It is okay to have one day, like you have had, but don't dwell on it, and don't let it sabotage you, so that you have more days like it. Get back on the eating plan, each day starts a new day. Sometimes those kind of days, really don't hurt us, as much as we think they do. Sometimes, it is just what the body needs to keep it guessing and not put you in a starvation mode. So hop back on and keep going, it's one day, out of many others where you will excel. Think about what the triggers were, and stay away from them. Learn from this, and thank the good Lord, you get a "do over". :) Thomas Edison failed over 1000 times at making the light bulb, each time he learned how not to do it the next time. The key here, is don't give up.
  • jmac39574
    I am not at my original goal and never will be, it was unrealistic. In the beginning, I had many, many, many setbacks until one day I got tired of putting in all the work and nothing to show for it so I made some realistic changes to help me get a boost in my change of lifestyle. I still have setbacks but they are more sporadic now, and when I do have them I am ok with it. I know how hard I work, I know the progress I have made, and I also know that I am not perfect. I have learned to enjoy life more and just go with the flow a little more as to what I eat and drink, yet I find myself making healthy choices 99% of the time versus going back to old habits.

    I say this as encouragement, cry it out if you feel like crying...learn from it....and keep working hard. You did not get to where you are overnight, therefore your not going to lose it overnight. Be patient and know that I and everyone else is cheering and encouraging you to do YOUR best.
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    Don't feel all is lost. You're already doing great. A few bad days won't ruin all you've accomplished. Just try to focus on how to move forward.

    A few other thoughts: Are you nursing? If so, 1200 calories is probably not enough for you. The baby obviously is taking some some of that. Also, caring for a baby (especially as he/she starts getting around more) is exhausting. Even if you're not nursing, you're still probably burning a lot of calories with all the activity baby care requires. With my first born (very active baby), I lost all my pregnancy weight in about 6 months, and the first 2 or 3 years of his life I was super skinny. He was the best gym membership I've ever had. So, long story short, I wonder if you should up your calories to help fend off the cravings. In other words, treat yourself well every day rather than giving yourself one big blow-out day every now and then. As you know, those can get out of control.

    Second thought, as others have noted, try to log all your food. I almost view my food diary as a work of "art." I enjoy seeing the structure of a well-regulated day. Before I started this, my eating was very spur-of-the-moment, and I was always looking for some crunchy thing in the cupboard 15 minutes after finishing breakfast. Now I don't want to muck it up with ill-considered snacks. By logging diligently, I'm able to figure out how to include a nice treat every now and then. Because of this, I don't feel I need cheat days.

    Hang in there, and enjoy your little one. They're great at that age.
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    It's one day. Log everything you ate and I bet you're not even over by that much.

    Log it, look at it, learn from it.

    This is a really good idea. Sometimes the disaster you imagine is just not that big a deal. And even if the numbers end up looking a bit scary, knowledge is power. ("Whoa! Won't do that again.")
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I've done it. I've eaten and felt horid about myself and I have cried because of whatever weight I have gained. Don't let one day destroy everything you have worked hard for. As long as you get back up and keep going. Sometimes you trip and fall on your face. Bruises heal. What you learn when you heal will last forever.
  • snowy_sk
    snowy_sk Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you all so so so much for your replies. I've been for a long walk, cleared my head and am ready to go at again, full of renewed energy. I am absolutely not going to let this one slip up ruin my hard work. A few of you have mentioned my calorie intake.... I am a 1200 calorie girl and I do always eat back my exercise calories.... I'm just not always amazing at logging everything on here, especially at the weekends!

    Thank you all so much again xxx
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    So this morning, after a few weeks of doing really well, I convinced myself that it would be fine if I took a day off to cheer myself up a bit. You can guess what has happened..... I have gone out of control and eaten everything in sight! I feel so sad, why did I do it? The positive energy I have had recently has gone and I have gone from feeling really positive, to really really negative. I could honestly just cry.

    To those of you who have reached your goal, did you have setbacks along the way? I guess I'm looking for a ray of sunshine to reassure me that this isn't the end of the world and that I can do it!!

    This is certainly not the end of the world! Don't cry :)

    Seriously, I have a set back once or twice a week (every single week - I'm bad) and I'm still losing! It happens, it's life and you'll have quite a few setbacks - it's fine, we're only human. If you don't feel good about it, exercise a bit more the day after, up your water, do sth about it but crying and giving up will not help and you'll only feel worse if you give in.

    Put some good music on, dance around like a crazy person, smile, tell yourself "I can do this, one day is nothing"! You didn't gain the extra weight in one day so one day of bad choices rn will not ruin all your efforts, it's impossible :)
