do you work out infront of your other half?



  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    i find it really hard to work out infront of my other half incase he says something about the way im doing it, not that he would mean it he would try being funny. i just cant do it though.

    your thoughts please

    I workout WITH my other half. She actually amazes me sometimes how well she does because she was never that athletic. And I hate to admit it but on some days, she does way better than I do.

    I would hope that your husband wouldnt make fun of you (without suggesting the proper way to do whatever it was you were doing first). If he did make fun, hopefully you would realize he was just joking and not trying to be mean. I think its normal to joke once in awhile, but if its a pretty consistent thing that is not good.

    I think you should give it a go. Try not just working out in front of him, but what about working out together?
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    yes I do, he is at the table eating breakfast, sometimes if he comments (jokingly) i tell him to get off his butt and do it with me....then he laughs...I even work out in front of my kids, and if their friends are over, well they get to see me too...I need to do it and when I can I do! If they don't like it, they can go to their rooms or the basement and watch TV...

    When I would ride my bike every night, my daughter would read her stories to me...passed the time and she got to be a better reader...

    working out shouldn't make you feel insecure or're getting healthy and proud of it!
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    I do. We go to the gym together, but we do our own thing while we're there. I also do Yoga in the living room, and recently talked him into going to a Yoga class with me.

    I didn't used to like having him there, I was so self conscious. But He loves it. He thinks I have this "glow" when I workout (I tell him its sweat he's seeing!! LOL) And he is my biggest Cheerleader. He encourages me, and compliments me, and that's nice. :)
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I've tried to get mine to workout with me - he blatantly refuses most of the time. If I'm doing something at home, he either gropes me while I'm doing it or tries to "correct" me. I keep warning him if he doesn't start working out, his wife is gonna be able to bench press him one of these days.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    I do it once in a while, but he tries to grope me during squats and straddle me during burpees. But it's fun when he does that. Actually, my dog "bothers" me more than my spouse. My dog knows the cues on the DVDs I use already and likes to stretch with me. One of the joys of working out at home is having a 70 lb dog going into downward dog with you. LOL

    Yes. I can't get through my Yoga DVD without some sort of "Why cant you do that more often ;) "
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Oh, I love when he's there when I work out. :heart:

    On the nights I lift, he makes sure my form is good and helps me count. (Because, you know...five is such a hard number for me...)

    On the nights I'm playing around on the Wii, he will either hang around and make fun of me (being funny, I mean...He's not ugly and we end up laughing, which is good.)
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    She and I lift together. It's good stuff, plus she gets a little extra back workout if I do something stupid and end up stapling myself to the bench with a PR attempt. :laugh:
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    This thread is just a bitter reminder that I am forever alone.

  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    i have suggested doing a workout together and he says yea ok but doesnt end up doin it with me x i really appriciate all of your replys its does really help x x
  • leanneakaliz
    leanneakaliz Posts: 229 Member
    Me and my boyfriend run around his local lake together every Sunday morning :) its such a nice start and sets you up nicely for the rest of the day :)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    9 times out of 10, my boyfriend and I are working out together. It'd be hard not to when we run races together :laugh: I've never had a problem with it
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    My husband is around sometimes when I do my DVDs. Working out isn't really his thing, so he doesn't obnoxiously tell me I'm doing it wrong, or anything. He does sometimes side with Jillian Michaels and tell me I'm phoning it in, though... Ha. He has had some useful observations as well, like he noticed that I don't seem to work my upper body very often, so I've been trying to make my workouts more balanced. And sometimes I'll be like, "Oh, I can't do this move" and he encourages me to try and sometimes I find that I actually can. :)
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    We do weight lifting together, have for years now. He's supposed to lift twice my weights, but doesn't always make it!

    He also came to a couples class at the Bar Method with me. Found out our workout was a lot harder than he thought. A lot of the guys had trouble making it through the 70 pushups and thigh work....
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Now I am interested in the correlation between "works out with/ in front of partner" and "keeps lights on."
  • CRichards22
    I intentionally leave the door open now sometimes because I do Turbofire and when I started a year ago I was so out of shape I Never wanted him seeing me doing it. But now I feel like a NINJA! Like come in here and I'll kick you in the face, forreal! LOL

    Plus, I push a little harder anyway when I know someone can see much better cal burn then :happy:
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    My pole is in the basement as are all the coral tanks that require a lot of work on his part. I get to work out surrounded by beautiful undersea creatures and a supportive partner. He doesn't like to watch the tricks though, in case I slip - it scares him.

    Every now and then he'll even let me teach him some pole moves. In exchange he helps me with weights and form.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I lift with my boyfriend, he corrects my form and is my spotter.

    He is a big joker but never when we are lifting.

    He taught me to run and we have trained together for races.

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Not wanting to work out in front of my boyfriend has probably been the biggest reason that I haven't worked out in the past month. My boyfriend has been on crutches the past month and not working so he would just lay in bed and criticize my every move rather than encourage me. And I have roommates so working out in the living room isn't really an option. I used to work out after the kids went to bed so I was pretty much by myself. I'm hoping to find some kind of routine with him home all of the time now.
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    We have been to the gym together, have ran together and he wouldn't have any problem doing workouts around me...but when I am doing like the 30DS or something, I don't want anyone around...not even my 2 teenage younger 2 kids like to get in the I get mad if the phone I'm not afraid of criticizing....more of the goofing off, naughty comment stuff or just the fact that I probably look ridiculous and he doesn't need to see me like
  • katie101686
    I have a hard time with this too. He has seen me do parts of my 30DS DVD, and he has seen me after when I am sweaty, which prompted him to tell me that she is serious about these workouts and they're hard. I appreciated that he wasn't making fun of my lame DVD workout, and it motivated me to keep up with it. He is in WAY better shape than me and either lifts or runs every night. It used to make me feel lazy, but now if I haven't already worked out that day and I'm sitting on the couch and can hear him using the bar in the basement, it motivates me to go upstairs and do my 30DS DVD. I would have thought he would be grossed out by me being all sweaty, but I think he likes when I work out and that I am trying to be healthy, especially since he is too. There is research that couples who work out together find each other more attractive, but I am scared to work out WITH him because I know I couldn't keep up. I have done the elliptical at the gym while he ran on the treadmill, but normally I just work out at home.