Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    I just joined and I am so in! I need something like this to stay on track. As of 6/1/10= 200 lbs .... X_X , goal 165 lbs =)
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    April 28: 134
    May 3: 131.9
    June 1: 130.6

    June 26 (Event) Goal: 125
    June 30 Goal: 124

    Oi! We can do it!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Please count me in

    1st June: 236.0

    Goal weight 160.0

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My official May weigh in is tomorrow due to vacation this past weekend. I'm back home and ready to kick off June the right way!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    June 1 weight: 156 lbs

    Let's do this!
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    I'm ready to start a new month with new motivation! Good luck everyone!

    MFP SW 1/4/10: 197.4
    6/1/10: 167.3
    GW for 6/30/10: 164
    Ultimate goal weight: 145
  • Hi, I am in! My start weigh in for this challenge is:

    SW: 161.8

  • ljps
    ljps Posts: 9
    I would also like to join. I had lost 20 lbs and it was the hardest 20......unfortunately I quit watching and 12 found me again.
    Starting weight is 262.
  • I am in!
  • Please count me in I was doing ok and now I am back to where Io started and I am sick of feeling this way..
    my WGHT this morning 170.6
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    So there!!! I'm hoping that this month ends better than the last month! I made some tweeks to my diet and fitness plan so hopefully I'll see a more consistent result this time!

    SW March 2009: 152 lbs

    June 1st: 141.8

    GW May 30th: 136.8 lbs

    Ultimate Goal 130 lbs.
  • I'm in: starting weight as of this morning 232.5 . Low carbing it. Let's rock.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kenleighprendergast
    kenleighprendergast Posts: 13 Member
    hey everyone, i'm in also! i love the beginning of months because it's another chance to get right back on track :) june is going to be great!

    current weight: 118.5
    ultimate goal: 110!
  • I'm in

    May 1 ..... 236

    June 1.....215

    Goal 185
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome to everyone!

    So now you have made the decision to lose 5 pounds, now what? How are you going to get that scale to read 5 pounds lighter in 30 days?

    Once you set a goal you have to figure out how to achieve that goal. It is like writing a lesson plan. You write the goal now you have to write out how you are going to achieve it.

    I am going back to a very reduced carb diet. I have read mixed things about this type of diet but it is the way I lost my first 25 pounds and then I read a book about how unhealthy it is so I went to a reduced calorie diet but found it hard to take of the weight. You know what I have discovered (this is a journey of discovery) that when I am doing a reduced carb diet, I am eating a diet that is fairly low in calories. For meals think a serving of lean meat, a salad and vegetables. Low in calories and in carbs. Not unhealthy!

    At this point I need to reevaluate my workouts. I can walk and walk and walk but I need to start adding some jogging again!
    I also need to get back on track with weight training.

    How are you going to lose 5 pounds?

    Have a healthy night!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi Terri!! Hello to the rest of you as well!

    Starting today, I have decided to try the couch to 5k in 9weeks plan...today was my first day. It wasn't too good as I wanted to try it first thing this afternoon. Midwest heat + walking/jogging = not a fun experience, so on that note, I plan on doing the Couch to 5k in the early mornings to help give myself a boost from basic walking (although I do walk about a mile, sometimes mile and a half a day...) plus walking in the eraly evening just prior to sunset. Swimming with be a must these next few months so I plan on doing laps in the pool :) I also have the video game, 'Just Dance' for the Wii, which is fun and really gets your heart pumping! I've decided to use 5lb weights while dancing to give myself another small boost from the norm.

    Eating-wise, I'm not gonna change up too much. Although there will be more bbq'ing these next few months, I will just have to eat smaller portions of it compared to last summer. Water is always my must have and I get in 8-9 8oz glasses a day, I might try and keep it at 10oz, especially with this heat. I'm gonna keep up on my greens (I love me some spinach) and continue eating banana's. Snacking hasn't been too bad this past month so aside from an apple or carrots, nothing will really change.

    I hope you all are having a wonderful week and best wishes to you all for your month of weight loss and healthy lifestyling. Can't wait to read each journey from you all!

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • hummingbird314
    hummingbird314 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in too. My CW is 172 so if I stay on track that would be 132 by the end of the year.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well I'm completely changing up my exercise/activities this month! Since I don't have my water aerobics class during the summer & I am no longer at Curves I have to find other things to do. Here's my plan. I am taking Zumba class at the fitness center on Wednesdays, so that takes care of one night a week. As for the others, I do a lot of gardening in my yard. I will take my bike out for several bike rides. I am trying to walk as much as possible, at least once on my break at work & a few times in the evening. There will also of course be swimming in my pool! :happy: I also just purchased Jillian's 30 day Shred DVD.

    As far as eating, I don't think I'll be changing up anything. I am eating as healthy as I can & including snacks. That used to be my problem, as I didn't snack much!

    Good luck to everyone! Happy losing! :tongue:

  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I'm in!
    My goals are to increase my exercise. Maybe find a video dvd to work out with and keep trying to keep each meal and snack balanced.
    June 1 CW 214.5
    June 30 goal weight 209.5

    Here we go!
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Alright, I'm in. This is my first post, too.

    SW 190
    GW 150
    GW June 30- 185.

    It'd be nice to wear my clothes from last summer. Eeps!
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