do you work out infront of your other half?



  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Not generally, but I wouldn't have a problem with it. I ask him to spot me on occassion.
  • aymejia
    I thought i was the only one, walking or running outside yes. Home video no, he is obsessed with my butt and every time i bend over he is right behind me... lol
  • that_Va_chick
    I work out with my husband..he is very supportive and would never make fun of me on my weight loss journey..Im sure you better half will not judge you on the way you are working out...dont be ashamed to work out in front of him
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I lift at the gym without my husband (he doesn't even have a membership). I train at home with kettlebells on my non gym days, and I actually LIKE my husband to see me swinging my kettlebell around. It makes him very nervous, which I find amusing! :wink:
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    :wink: :wink:
    I do it once in a while, but he tries to grope me during squats and straddle me during burpees. But it's fun when he does that. Actually, my dog "bothers" me more than my spouse. My dog knows the cues on the DVDs I use already and likes to stretch with me. One of the joys of working out at home is having a 70 lb dog going into downward dog with you. LOL

    This!!!! lmao

    Hubby goes to the gym with me and lifts while I do. He also is my spotter most days. He will grope if he can but only at home...he's very low pda @ the gym. As for the dog, he is banished during home workouts now since as soon as I lay down on the floor to do anything he thinks he needs to come lay beside me with his head on my stomach....very counterproductive!!

    Counterproductive, but isn't it precious? :)

    Until I try to do crunches with a 60# dog on my elbow. lol.
  • staceyd90
    I would have said "Never in a million years do i want to work out in front of my boyfriend", however last summer i was staying at his for a week while his parents were away to housesit, and decided it was a good time to start the 30 day challenge as there is no room/privacy in my house! I started doing it at first when he was at work but at one point i didn't have enough time to fit it in before dinner, so had to do it later in the evening with him there. He did laugh at me doing the jumping jacks but in a way that made me giggle too, and he said "c'mon, dont stop, keep going etc" which felt quite nice, and corrected me with the dumbell thingys (he lifts weights) so it was actually an ok experience. He did also try to grope as i was doing it in a bra and knickers :P
  • nelsonhrae
    I generally like to workout at the gym with him, but not as my partner. And this is only on the weekends. We gets up at an ungodly hour and will be in the gym by 5:00am, whereas I am a evening runner. However, I like our weekend workouts because he keeps me motivated and makes sure we actually go and go for the full amount. I can be self conscious working out in front of him sometimes but I just have to remind myself we have different strengths and goals. He goes fast and hard but then spends more time with weights whereas I can and will go seven miles on the elliptical.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    yes , we don't go as often together as we used to, he usually goes mornings, i go after work..but we sometimes still do, and I like it when he tells me i am doing something wrong , he also works at our gym one day a week which is kinda fun cause then he hangs around me while I work out hahahaha
  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    Mine has seen me through a lot of things, so I hardly consider working out in front of him to be something to be nervous or embarrassed about. Sometimes I get bad coughing fits where I'm red in the face, teary-eyed, and can't breathe--he always hands me my water bottle...pretty similar to working out, right? He's about to be my husband, so there are no secrets between us! Also, he used to be really into weight lifting and working out in high school, so I appreciate if he gives me tips (though I'm usually the one asking).

    Like yesterday, I told him I was having trouble with push-ups because I keep trying to push my butt out instead of keeping a straight line (I started 30DS a few days ago), and he helped me figure out how to pose better. And today...I could do push-ups! Granted, not very many yet, :-p....but I did them RIGHT!

    I usually work out while he's at work anyway, but I LOVE the rare times when he comes to the gym with me! :)
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I use to not be able to even workout at home unless absolutely none of my family was there incase they could hear me etc or even run in the countryside incase someone was there.

    NOW... I come home, tell whoever is there i'm exercising so they don't disturb me and then I get on with it.
    I also go running with my dogs, and have had to come across dog walkers etc which is a big improvement for me.
    When it comes to my boyfriend of almost 7 years, I thought it would be impossible, he is fit and is a trained fitness instructor and goes to the gym atleast 4 times a week, and i'm his wobbly girlfriend who would make a fool of herself, until 3 weeks ago! We went running together, well sort of. I went running with the dogs round the open fields while he was doing sprints up the hill. I'm getting there!

    Other kinds of exercises he gropes to much to be able to do it properly.
    I'll be stretching and he suddenly appears touching my stomach when it comes on show aha.
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    yes, always nice to have a spot and someone who can help you if your doing it wrong.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Not yet but only because it's early days. Also, I've JUST (today!) started a lifting program so maybe when I'm better at it and feel more comfortable, I will. He's trying to persuade me to take part in the martial arts classes he teaches...maybe when I'm fitter. As for exercise DVDs, I prefer doing that alone. I even have to put the dog in another room or in the garden because she think it's play time, or she'll try to lie on me and lick my face! :huh:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    yes and no. sometimes he'll take his dirt bike out while i'm running and ride along side me. a few times he's walked in on me doing sit ups and push ups but other than these things nope never.
  • Subowski
    Pfffft, no way! I do my little beginners bodyweight workout downstairs in the living room at 5am, three times a week...ensuring his mickey-taking, sarcastic comedy *kitten* is still in bed. :)

    He blows raspberries during squats, makes amusing quips about earthquakes and I just laugh and can't do it properly. I don't have a 70lb dog, but I do have 12lb terrier who attacks my ankles during jumping jacks, sniffs my crutch and jumps all over my head during push ups.

    Honestly, between those two its a wonder I don't lock myself in the garden shed to work out.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    My wife is very athletic so I don't think it would be a problem for either of us. I like alone time though so I prefer to be in my own little world during that time.