Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I. Love. Food.

    I also thought that I was "destined" to be the size I was because that's just how the women in my family look.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I quit smoking

    A month later I got bit on the face by a rescue dog. I had my mouth stitched on the inside and couldn't eat solid foods for 1 1/2 months or smoke.

    When it healed and i could eat, I did and didn't stop for a few years.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Lazy and unmotivated. Also, every get-together or event was centered around food.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I think a lot of it is genetics. My parents were both on the heavier side, as are both of my brothers and my sister. So, it's been a battle for a lotta years.

    Having said that, laziness a small part, while my love for pizza, wings, chips, cookies and other unhealthy things play a HUGE part. :)

    There's also the lack of discipline. When I'm motivated, I eat right and exercise like a mad man, and the weight pours right off of me. But maintaining isn't easy for me. I'm an all-or-nothing kinda guy, so I'm either being very good or very bad...usually very bad. :)
  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    Depression, lack of anything...Not too thin, but I have been...yo yo dieting, EDNOS, just a bunch of crap..all in all just not caring about oneself. We all have different stories, but I do hope we all are here to be healthy? And that is a very tough question :):smokin:
  • Ryan0523
    Ryan0523 Posts: 5 Member
    Always grew up as a big guy, big family meals, no portion control, max size was 330 lbs then i played rugby and stopped drinking soda and dropped to 250, and Then i had a back injury and no willpower to diet so i went back to eating crap and not exercising so i gained weight back.

    long story short, sudden stop of a extreme sport, back injury and eating fast food.
  • tators19
    tators19 Posts: 18 Member
    I was raised on cheap food because I grew up poor. I was never hungry, but I was also never healthy. Eating mac and cheese and drinking kool aid for lunch five days a week isn't exactly good for you. Preconditioned to love sweet and salty foods, my entire lifestyle has been centered around eating. I also wasn't raised to be athletic or to enjoy sports (my parents didn't play outside with me), so I was conditioned to make and accept poor diet choices before I knew what "lifestyle" meant.
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87
    My mother was addicted to drugs, so I comfort ate because that was my only outlet. Then I moved with my father (who is amazing), but still unfortunately kept those habits with how to deal with life problems in general. Still, my father encouraged me and always wanted me to do better for myself. Now.. today, I still feel the need to pick up a cookie when I am angry or sad. It gives me my own personal high for a couple minutes that make me numb to it all. And then I crash. I am now focusing on losing this habit and weight once for all.
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    zero portion control. dependent on easily prepared food, lazy, inappropriate channelling of stress.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Mine is a combination of things.

    I've been battling depression for most of my life. For the longest time, when I was feeling really low, I couldn't eat. Somewhere along the line, I went from starving myself to being an emotional eater. My comfort came from chips and ice cream. For example, I ate a whole family size bag of Lay's in one sitting when my grandpa passed away. Also, after I got married, it was just so easy to get something quick for dinner so that we didn't have to go to the store or cook. We ate lots of pizza and fast food.

    I was in denial for a long time about the weight I was gaining until late last year when I had nearly outgrown my "big" pants. In December I decided I'd had it and it was time to get rid of the 40 pounds I'd gained... no more excuses, no more "I'll lose it later."
  • daydream_believer
    I ate too much and moved too little. Got fat Got depressed about being fat. Ate more. Moved less. Got fatter. Repeat ad nauseum.

    this is me!
  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    I too don't like confrontation!!!!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I didn't care. I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it and I didn't care of the outcome. I thought that I wanted to enjoy life so I was not going to hold myself back from anything.. Then, one day I realized that I wasn't enjoying life, I was ashamed of my body, and things were out of control. It honestly never occurred to me before that point that my philosophy on life was so self-destructive. But the reality is that it is only one of many battles I have created for myself over the years due to self-destruction.
  • walkinon_sunshine
    I am hypothyridic and when i first started taking the meds i dropped tons of weight without changing a single habit, but i have always been moderatley active and i love my fruits and veggies. Anyways, im 5'3" and at one point i weighed 98.5 lbs. I was bullied for being skinny. My parents stopped me from joining any more sports teams, i wasn't allowed to walk the dog, and i was constantly being quizzed by people that were trying to make sure i was eating enough. I never counted calories then, so i don't know how much i was eating in terms of that, but i eventually couldn't take the pressure anymore. I wanted to gain the weight so badly i started bingeing. Entire cakes. Whole loves of french bread. Giant muffins. Often still frozen, and at night. After i gained 10 lbs from bingeing, i couldn't stop. I kept gaining more and more weight. I was then addicted to bingeing. It took me 6 months or more to finnally fully stop bingeing and not have urges to anymore. And soon after, i decided to set myself a healthy goal weight, get there, and stick to it. Once and for all.
  • levelheadedgirl
    I "eat my feelings." And I've had some really painful things happen in the last few years. Eating helped me cope. I've put 40 lbs on since I got married 9 years ago. I'm turning 30 in about 6 months and I looked at myself in the mirror a few months ago and just realized that I was ashamed of how I'd let myself go. Had to wait to deliver my baby (was about 6 months prego at the time) but I've lost all my baby weight and am working on losing the rest. I don't want to hate my body anymore.
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    I come from a family that has always celebrated with food. All our holidays were based around food, we'd get together for someone's birthday and it was always celebrated with a big fancy dinner at a restaurant or a potluck at someone's house. We'd go camping and one of the first things we'd do was plan out all the yummy meals we'd have plus all the car snacks to take along for the trip. When we'd go on vacation, we'd always find the most fun restaurants (buffets were always a good option for us) and we'd always treat ourselves because, after all, we were on vacation! And our family always has such fun when we're together. Food for us was all about having a wonderful happy time together as a family. Big Sunday breakfasts were amazing, and getting together with our extended family for wonderful big Sunday dinners was the highlight of the week.

    So I've come to accept that I associate food with having a good time, being relaxed and comfortable. So when my life gets a little stressed and I want to have that sense of comfort, my very first reaction is to turn to food. For the longest time when I came home from work, I needed that comfort food break and then I could start planning dinner. I can recognize that now and I am trying to find alternative means to provide that comfort, happy feeling. And for family get-togethers, we are starting to try to plan more activities as part of the celebrations and not just only eating. But it's a whole lifetime, in fact, a couple generations of lifetimes, that have to be relearned.
  • ember673
    ember673 Posts: 19 Member
    My weight gain started when I was a teenager. We move and didnt have much money, I ate very little for a month or so then my mom put the whole house on one yo-yo diet after another. By graduation I was 189. Went to college ate crap finished college, got depressed went up to 242. Had my son got down to 197, got pregnant again stayed at 226 for 2 years then with in a few months I was up to 236 and pissed. I tryed to get more physically active but it was stressful, stated using this app, did everything I could and still put on weight. Got depressed about it and had a reality check when I had to see a cardiologist and he said I needed to lose the weight if I wanted to be here for my kids. I am 31 and started my journey 3 days before christmas at 247, I am now at 232.
  • emichale13
    emichale13 Posts: 12 Member
    injury and menopause.
    Two things I was quite powerless over.
    Working on getting moving again and being accountable for what goes in my mouth.
    Inventorying your food is just like inventorying your self. You never really have to face the music or the truth until you see it in black and white. Hard to deny how much your're eating if you're writing it all down.
    This is the best thing that's happened to me in a while.
    So thanks friend for sharing it with me.
  • mrsgeneric
    mrsgeneric Posts: 143 Member
    I dont eat as much as i should cuz i dont like what i c in the mirror. I always think if i can loae thise extra few pounds ill b happy!!!
    Havent made it that far yet
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    I would eat whenever I felt stressed or anxious. I wouldn't listen to my body to learn when it was full, I just ate because it tasted good and made me feel good. I can remember times when I would continue to eat even when I was full to the point of being sick. It was awful. I'm learning to respect myself more.