Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • Dancerbean
    As a kid, all through elementary school I was overweight. What I weigh now, is what I weighed in grade 4 - embarassing. My parents were extremely overweight (still are, but my mom is now eating healthier and has been losing weight!) and ate very unhealthily, and because I was a child and didn't know anything about calories, good vs. bad food, I ate what my parents ate. We didn't exercise, my dad wouldn't even let me go outside after school to play (I feel he was emotionally/mentally abusive but that's a whole other story). Anyway, I kept gaining weight throughout school, and was made fun of constantly. I kept saying in grade 7/8 I wanted to lose weight and I would try but when your parents cook your meals and don't allow you to cook by yourself, what can you do, I was trapped into eating their unhealthy food. Finally in grade 11 I couldn't take it anymore - I was overweight, I knew people secretely laughed at me, I was unconfident, didn't know what I wanted to do after high school, and my dad and I weren't getting a long at all and homelife was getting increasingly worse. This is the point where I broke. I had ben taking dance since grade 7 and decided it was time for change. I took gym class everyday, came home and worked out for 5 hours a night on top of dance classes and work. Weekends all free time went to working out, and I barely made 800 calories a day. I became very thin, 113 pounds for 5'6 female and kept losing, felt guilty if I ate, so I didn't. Eventually I injured my hamstring and pelvis to the point I couldn't walk. Thus, I had to quit dance, couldn't work as much and spent more time at home with the father I always fought with.

    My lack of eating caused me to become very ill and I had to be hospitalized for a month to re-balance my body. After that I graduated high school, and my dad passed away a week later. I started to gain the weight back I had lost, but I went to university and that's where I gained the freshman 15. But then I just kept gaining because I didn't care anymore.

    This time, I'm trying to lose weight - but am attempting to do it in a more healthy, sustainable way. However, I do often find myself feeling guilty for eating, and wanting to exercise more than I should, it''s hard to find the balance.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I love good food and Video Games. I'm lethal in Halo and all things FPS. and quitting smoking doesn't help. Instantly added 20ibs. So now what get me in this mess is what gets me out.
    6-9 mths ago I started being interested in Vegetarian food and thought that might be the answer. I still gain weight albeit slower but still healthy. So I'd think this time around , I need to learn portion control and exercise. with the help of Phentremine+ Kinect Video games. I found my old love of Dancing and Martial arts. (2 things I was really good at before quitting smoking) So the pounds came off steadily and looking forward to doing things that I Love daily.
    Still trying to avoid dancing infront of my teenage boy for fearing scaring him for eternity for see his old man dance. (conduct unbecoming of Asian fathers)LOL
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    When I got pregnant with my first son I was 18 and stupid, I had gained 40 pounds on birth control to prevent my little surprise (Though I love him more than anything in the world) I thought that every pound I gained would be baby weight so I should eat any and everything I want while I can. I got up to 222 pounds with him and couldn't get back down past 180 after having him because I wouldnt refuse extra servings, junk food, sodas, and fast food. Then I got depressed because I didn't like who I seen in the mirror and knew I needed to change. I got pregnant with my 2nd son and watched the food I ate only gained 28 pounds with him (50 with the 1st) and now I am watching what I eat even closer.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    hard physical work all my life that burned a lot of calories, then i retired bt still took in the same amount of cals with no excercise.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I ate a lot of unhealthy items because it was easier to pull into a drive through then go to the grocery store.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I've very slowly gained weight since graduating high school. Thankfully it didn't spiral out of control, and now if I can manage to lose about 25lbs I will be a very good weight.

    I never really paid attention to calories, and after I got my license and moved out, fast food and restaurant food became too easy to get. My boyfriend and I love dining out, and would sometimes do it 3-4 times a week. I've also never been a very active/gym person.

    Now I've start religiously counting my calories, cutting back on dining out and going to the gym regularly. It's been great so far!
  • Viveyp21
    Viveyp21 Posts: 65 Member
    Ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, drank ALOT and stopped playing college sports...
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    I was in the Scouts and such growing up and as such was a very active person, out walking near enough every weekend, and I could eat what I wanted, started working at a desk and continued on with the eating habits :(

    Nuff said lol
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Even with working out at least three times per week, can't seem to give up a couple of diet drinks per day, Quick Trip donut, or peanut butter and crackers.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Aging, Mirena, red wine.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Real reason I was fat? Belief that there wasn't a thing I could do about it, it wouldn't work, bla bla wallow wallow.

    Reason I am not fat now? Fear of having some kind of weight loss surgery. Surgery in general scares me.

    Reason I am aiming for thin? Something new to try out. Haven't been thin since puberty.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    im not really fat but i just like food and cocktails
    oh and im extremely lazy!
  • rubberbiscuit
    I like food and I don't have good self-control. I have always had a large appetite, but I was a really active and skinny kid, so I didn't feel like I needed to learn to control it. Then I started gaining a little weight in my 20's, but it still wasn't too bad. When I quit smoking in my 30's, I substituted grazing for cigarettes and gained a ton of weight. I tried losing weight, but only succeeded in gaining more weight. This is the most success that I've had at losing.
  • TimSPC
    TimSPC Posts: 39 Member
    I'm just big boned.
  • slowguy255
    slowguy255 Posts: 1 Member
    Always a little overweight. Tend to be anxious. Eat when stressed. Drink alcohol to manage stress and anxiety.
  • Hellerudangela
    Theres no one reason. No one solution.
    medical issues seem to always get in the way of my attempts at living healthy. After 8 abdominal surgeries and one for a broken neck that led to being permanently disabled because of ongoing nerve pain and weakness in shoulders and arms which lead to medications and physical therapy. Meds for nerve pain, muscle relaxers, pain pills, anti deppresents, nauseum. Have taken me from being a very physical and active 140 lb 40 something woman to weighing 223 within a couple years.
    I still struggle with chronic pain and resentment of having to put away my previous lifestyle of being able to work hard for long periods of time to not being able to do much on a daily basis for myself. See a place where a beautiful picture should hag? Gotta wait til the hubby gets home. Wanna go shopping? Gotta wait cuz driving is painful with moving my neck. Grocery shopping??? Unable to lift over 10 lbs.
    Im hoping for better days as I accept where my lifes journey is today. I am eating healthy, laughing more and even went for a short walk outside yesterday. Not much but for me is huge.. slow and steady.....
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i was lazy, and i like food...

    now i workout so i can enjoy food!
  • Felicias64
    Felicias64 Posts: 15 Member
    I never have eaten healthy! I have never been very coordinated and I am a perfectionist. If I couldn't do it perfect then I chose not to do it. I hated PE in school because I just wasn't good at it. I made straight A's in school with an F in PE. I didn't realize at the time that only doing what comes easy to you so you can do it "perfect" is just dumb and I didn't even realize that is what I was doing. SoO now I am beginning to realize this as I have started working out. I am STILL very uncoordinated and struggle with form but who cares! I don't feel the need to be perfect at it. As long as I am doing it and moving that is what matters!!!! I will get better with practice. I am learning more and more everyday about eating the right foods and I am just done being the fat girl I have ALWAYS been heavy from childhood so I have had enough!! Healthy me here I come!!!
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Eating excessive amounts of Mexican food (including Taco Bell and authentic), pizza, McDonald's, and DQ Blizzards...

    I was also diagnosed with hypothyroid, but I'm not fool, I know the majority of my weight gain came from the above.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Here is what has been like for me from pregnancy until now.

    7.5 months pregnant, had gained 34lbs from the start and weighed in at 154lbs and weighed 207lbs when giving birth on Nov 16, 2008 (eating all east indian food all the time because my inlaws were Pakistani... think of all the sodium and fat that actually goes into the traditional cooking of the food) and gained another 7lbs by December 31, 2008. Lost to 180lbs by Feb 11, 2009 and continued to lose through out the year weighing 164lbs by Nov 16, 2009. Losing that weight was just diet alone, no real exercise other than BFing and taking care of my daughter, was back at work in Sept 2009.

    January 1, 2010 I had gained back to 173lbs and was frustrated with my weight so I tried harder and began to exercise a bit. This gain was caused by lack of care over diet and probably the amount of stress I was under and added a new injection medication that was known to either make you gain or lose weight. November 1 2010 I had gone back down to I think it was 155lbs and ramped up my weight loss with more exercise and more control over diet. By February 11, 2011 I weighed 128lbs because of these changes and then a great amount of stress once again fell in my lap, I over-ate didn't have the space nor the time to workout and my diet was a little more dictated by those that I lived with at the time. I gained weight through that year and as of January 1, 2012 I weighed 157lbs and was participating in the Chunky Monkey challenge in my office (weight loss challenge).

    I had lost weight to 147lbs as of April 1, 2012 at the end of the challenge which amazed me since I had been having troubles with insomnia since mid-January and had only 2 nights of more than 3 hours consecutive sleep since the start of the problems. My insomnia got worse and that reflected in my diet as in increase in comsumption to add the energy I needed to function. I in turn gained weight, as of Nov 16, 2012 I weighed in at 167lbs and then weighed in again on December 1, 2012 at 171lbs. I had just started sleeping again at the end of November and this is when I started to see a huge change in weight. The first two weeks I had dropped from 171lbs to 167lbs again, on Dec 20, 2012 I weighed in at 157lbs, hit 155lbs by January 4th and now weigh 150lbs steadily.

    My losses and gains were simple and some of it hard to overcome but I did my best. I still work hard to get to where I want to be and I never want to hit the 200's ever again!