30 Day Shred, starting March 1st and would LOVE company!



  • I am currently on my 3rd day so I am barely ahead of you but would to have company with it as well! I'll add you!
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Count me in! I'm on day 3. Feel free to add me as a friend too. I need all the motivation i can get! I have done this DVD before I lost 4lbs. and 3 inches off my waist. It's hard but we can all do this together.
  • Ooga78
    Ooga78 Posts: 132 Member
    I am in. Just bought it last night, hoping for motivation to stick with it come day 15 (who am I kidding day 2 will need it).
  • freckledginger15
    freckledginger15 Posts: 39 Member
    I started the 30 day shred already in mid January but have been sick for about 3 weeks. I will definitely accept this challenge and feel free to add me! I love the 30 day shred and feel that it's really affective :)
  • how do we get the 30 day shred program to get started with you
  • nemosarah
    nemosarah Posts: 24 Member
    Im in also started today level 1 and boy what a workout x
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I'll do it! :)
  • meganguff
    meganguff Posts: 57 Member
    Okay I'm in too! I have tried before but only got through the first 10 days and slacked off. Ready to start again.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Oh, count me in! (:
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    how do we get the 30 day shred program to get started with you

    You can find it on youtube for free....just search for Jillian Michaels 30 day shred Level 1 and then there is level 2 and level 3...you do each level for 10 days. :)
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    I really ought to commit to this, been dithering around with it for ages! :laugh:
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    I just finished the 1st round of 30DS in December - followed by Jillian's Ripped in 30. I planned to do it on my own now and to switch between these workouts - but I feel that I do need the support of a group otherwise I start slacking off.
    The results I had from these workouts (combined with reasonable eating) were phenomenal. You may say that 13 pounds is not that impressive but believe me, the before and after pics are. Make sure you take pictures. And make sure you see other people's results in the "results thread" with pics - that was what motivated me in the first place.

    Also - make sure you wear good, comfortable shoes, level 1 means a lot of jumping. You'll miss jumping when you get to the planks in Level 2 though, lol...

    And last but not least - do not try to do exercise everyday. Jillian's weekly recommendation is: shred - shred - cardio - shred - shred - cardio - rest day.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    Totally with you on this. I have defaulted since monday! Will start back tomorrow morning!
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm on day 5 and I LOVE it! I was planning on doing C25K starting tomorrow, but I love 30DS so much, I'm putting C25K off until April. Good luck!!!! Feel free to add me!
  • elaineirene84
    elaineirene84 Posts: 65 Member
    I just did day 4 of level 1 but I haven't done it every day. Took a few days off after I did day 1 because I was SO sore for two days. I noticed last night that I was able to do the jumping jacks almost the entire time they did them and my push ups are getting easier to do. It is the ab workouts that kill me.
  • Okay I'm in... I wanna lose 25 pnds by April... So I'm really new to the diet thing but no stranger to exercise... Is their a special video I'll have to buy, by tomorrow.. Or can I download it???
  • I'm in :)
  • scarletspy
    scarletspy Posts: 170 Member
    I'm in. I promised myself a few weeks ago that I'd start it on 1st March. Nice to see someone else having the same idea. That way I won't be the only one suffering this month lol :)

    Good luck and feel free to add me :)
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    I just joined MFP. I'm really glad I saw the post about 30 day shred. I need some motivation and it seems like this is a great group. Thanks for starting it :-)

    Good luck to all of us!! Happy Almost Friday!
  • I'm so in. I need motivation to do this everyday