Neighbor smoking pot. What would you do?



  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    Something that indescreet than I would assume that thei mother is well aware of the situation. I grew up around an interesting array of friends and aquaintences in my teen years. you'd be surprised how many parents really don't give a damn that their children are smoking pot. "As long as Johnny is doing it at home than he's safe" seemed to be the way of thinking.

    Forget talking to the kids. that's already done.. In thoes years we have an ideal that we're untouchable and can do whatever we want, whenever we want. Just part of being a Teen.

    Start Documenting encounters and start filing police reports. perhaps by building community support through friendly nieghbors and submiting multilple complaints as a community this will bring the hammer down pretty hard on Johnny.

    Think about your family first, the hell with him and his. This is affecting your family on a great scale. While johnny and friends are sitting around the Xbox like a couple giggling idiots over a large bag of Cheetos and cigerettes and your wife runs the risk.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    it's good to live in Colorado :smokin:

    Washington too!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Stay out of it each to there own as long as it doesn't cross you're front door leave it but hey it's just advice !
    Well, technically, the pot smoke IS crossing into my back yard.
    This is where a legal business is run and is subject to spot inspections by both the state (infrequently) and the health department (sometime three times a month)
    I mean, if they were shooting up heroin, I could care less because it does not cross onto my property but the smoke does and, as a result, my wife could get her business shut down.

    Your wife can't be held responsible for this, she's not causing the smell!
    Well, I wish you were right but, the state and, even more, the health inspectors see things differently.
    The health inspectors could care less about the "how" and "why" of the situation. All they care about is that there IS a situation.
    Our street floods pretty bad when we get a heavy rain and we had to actually present a plan on how to keep the kids from going into the flooded streets.
    Nevermind the fact that they would not be playing in the streets on any other day.
    And the high water is absolutly beyond our control but, they don't really care about that.
  • BreeNJesse
    BreeNJesse Posts: 150 Member
    Crap, I was going to say "puff-puff-pass!" But this is actually a serious topic...
    Puff puff pass!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    the state could potentially shut her down because of the unsafe environment.

    Unsafe environment lol

    I find this hard to believe considering the weed isn't actually being smoked on your property and the state would understand you have no control over what happens in a neighbours garden?
    You can attempt to speak to the Mum but it sounds to me like it wont get you anywhere or the kid would've had a different reaction when it was mentioned to him.

    The best advice I can give you is to go over there and speak to him and ask if he can relocate to a more secluded part of the garden to smoke OR to not smoke in the garden when the kids are playing outside. If you go over there and act "cool" about the whole thing and explain it's not you who has an issue but some of the children's parents, he will immediately be more co-operative. After this, ask him what he would be willing to compromise to over it and come to an agreement that works for everyone.

    Your wife chooses to work from home and utilise your garden, he chooses to be at home and utilise his garden for smoking weed. Just because it's weed and "frowned upon" doesn't mean he has any less right to do what he wants than you guys do.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I would buy the kids a vaporizer

    Wow. You are a kind man!!
  • I would call the state/local licensing facility for the day care and ask them what she / you should do to be in compliance with your license. That way you have record of calling them to report it to them, if there ever is a parental complaint.
  • jennieth
    jennieth Posts: 105
    I would talk to the mom first. I am not against smoking at all but I completely understand your predicament. It is affecting your wifes business. They need to smoke it in the house.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Talk to the mom, then call the cops. I live in Colorado, so things are a little different 'round these parts... but the mother should be given a chance to rectify the situation before involving the police, IMO.
    this, except i live in WA.
    cant be worried about what will happen to the mother if she cant/wont do anything about whats going on in her house - worry about your life and go from there.
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    Join in. Then you wont care!

    ^^ Yep
  • kmmpink
    kmmpink Posts: 63 Member
    Talk to the Mom first, for sure. Nobody wants the cops involved.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Stay out of it each to there own as long as it doesn't cross you're front door leave it but hey it's just advice !
    Well, technically, the pot smoke IS crossing into my back yard.
    This is where a legal business is run and is subject to spot inspections by both the state (infrequently) and the health department (sometime three times a month)
    I mean, if they were shooting up heroin, I could care less because it does not cross onto my property but the smoke does and, as a result, my wife could get her business shut down.
    I doubt that the little kids are getting high off of smoke that comes from next door. A health dept wouldn't shut down any business because someone next to it is smoking pot. Building bombs? Maybe. Parents wont like it if they smell it, but not because of the smoke, they might be worried more about WHO lives next door instead. I wouldn't want my kids staying at a house with a couple of jackapples near my kids. Anyway.. I'd try talking to the parents of the kids. Maybe they can smoke inside instead. :)
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    the state could potentially shut her down because of the unsafe environment.

    Unsafe environment lol
    Are you suggesting that having litle kids breathing in pot smoke is somehow safe?

    So now they're breathing it in? Come off it.
    If you can smell it, then obviously you are breathing it in.
    That is about as basic science as it gets.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Think about your family first, the hell with him and his.

    Well isn't that just a heartwarming mentality to have about your fellow man! *eyeroll*
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I was going to make a smart *kitten* remark but if it hurts her business and no one should mess with her money than I say call the cops.

    Not your fault what the repercussions will be for your neighbor, but ain't nobody messing with my money.
  • If he doesn't care that you talk to his mom then talk to her. If she doesn't care that he smokes then have him do it inside. If that doesn't work call the cops. I would be more worried about my life and wife then the lady next doors job and life.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Take a hose to them every time they're 5 feet from the fence smoking. They'll move. Or maybe one of these:


    But seriously, I'd talk to the mom first because she has something to lose, then the cops if nothing changes.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Didn't read, so my gut response is breath deeply.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    i wouldn't risk losing my income to be polite to some snotty 18 year olds who don't have enough brains to keep their illegal activities hush hush.

    that's my two cents.

    Tell the mom immediately. Tell her if she doesn't put a stop to it, you will call the cops the next time it happens and report it to the landlord, if there is one, who may evict her. If the apple don't fall far from the tree, I would actually follow through on those threats.

    It's really not hard to find a place to smoke that wouldn't impact the preschool next door. Geesh!
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