Kale Chips???



  • lfilip33
    lfilip33 Posts: 4 Member
    I eat kale chips almost every day. I love them.:bigsmile:
  • I have yet to try out a Kale Chip recipe, but I hear good things! Some people dip them in ketchup, haha. I would probably make a spicy version!
  • Read this thread and decided to give them a try! They were awesome, and even my husband liked them.

    I used cut bagged kale from walmart, pulled off any hard stems (there were two pieces), put a smidge of olive oil in my hands and tossed the kale around to coat it, spread on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and sprinkled with a dash of cajun seasoning, baked for 10 min

    I wouldn't necessarily cook them until the edges brown, especially if you have small pieces. Mine were all still perfectly green, but dried out and crispy. YUM

    Kale (at least the one I bought) tastes like lemony/salty spinach. You don't need to add much salt at all because the kale has already got a salty flavor.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I am a kale *lover*. I've made chips and they were yummy. Fresh Kale from the garden or Farmers Market tastes better than what you buy in the grocery store. I add Kale to nearly everything. Yummy.......
  • conleg
    conleg Posts: 2
    I like them a lot. But I wouldn't say they are the same as a potato chip. You have to like kale or you won't like these chips.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I made them before and didn't think them. I think I added WAY TOO much salt.
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    I have had these. They really weren't bad. I liked them enough to try them myself. However, I had no recipe and figured how hard can it be to dry some pieces of green stuff? Wrong answer.:grumble: I didn't use oil or Pam, didn't salt, over cooked them. The smell was way bad! :sick:

    Can we say nasty!? Now that I have seen a recipe, I will pri try it again. :laugh:
  • GlennFox
    GlennFox Posts: 1
    For those who thought Kale taste bitter. Try placing them in a vase of ice water before coating them.
  • fresh kale is a key - I grew a large amount of kale on my farm last summer - and it turned out wonderfully. Although much of it I powdered and sprinkle on just about everything as it's so healthy - but the chips were good too. However - I tried the same thing with store bought kale - UCK! - so fresh really matters on this - and there are also different varieties of kale. I suppose that matters. Kale can be strong - so young fresh leaves are important.
  • cassig13
    cassig13 Posts: 78 Member