Something interesting about yourself.



  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    When I was younger I used to sleep walk and sleep talk German at the same time. Ive never learnt the language.
  • Jane_1705
    Jane_1705 Posts: 152 Member
    I often dream about things before they happen. Like, the other day, I dreamed that my sister's hubby woke up throwing up, so I made him a get-well card. The next morning, he woke up throwing up. I had a dream that my grandfather died, (who I talked to like once a year and rarely thought about) and a week later, he had a heart attack and died very suddenly.

    A lot of times when I have dreams, I end up telling whomever they were about so they can prevent things xD like, i dreamed my sis's boy fell out a window, and i told her so she could be extra careful!

    Exactly the same thing happened to me with my Grandmother and it freaked me out.
    I also tell people when I dream anything significant.
    A picture of my Dads best friend fell off the wall in our house on the night he died which was weird.
    I saw a young boy ghost when I was young sitting in my room I am now convinced it was my guardian angel.
  • PMarie29
    PMarie29 Posts: 75
    The only bone I've ever broken is my tailbone...because I fell down a flight of stairs and hit every. single. step. on the way down.

    And it never healed because I was in the middle of clinicals for nursing school and wasn't able to stay off my feet for a month.

    Uff da.
  • I'm learning Japanese currently... :):embarassed:
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    i'm terrified of the # 23. last year was the worst of my paranoia all because of that damn number.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I'm learning Japanese currently... :):embarassed:

    its fun. took 3 yrs in high school. ganbate kudasai
  • virtualjunkyard
    virtualjunkyard Posts: 17 Member
    I can sometimes see peoples auras.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I have my own knitting/crochet business. I'm 18. It was kind slow in 2012, but in 2011-to summer 2012, I racked up 3,000. (:
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I did not land in an aircraft until my 5th time up in one. Also, I once was on MTV's Headbanger's Ball by way of a Queensryche listening party (way back when MTV actually had something to do with music).

    Cool! I was just saying that the other day. Remember when the M stood for music...?
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87
    I have a very rare nerve condition, which is pretty much cognitive mirroring but in the hands. There isn't a set-in-stone medical name for it. Whatever my left hand does, the nerves in my right hand want to reflect that and do it backwards(and vice versa). I was born with it. I can control it a lot better and grew up doing things that would help me control it. It doesn't effect my daily life. However, its silly when I'm digging in my pocket with one hand and you see the other doing the motion.. : )
  • DotPett
    DotPett Posts: 181 Member
    I have a very rare nerve condition, which is pretty much cognitive mirroring but in the hands. There isn't a set-in-stone medical name for it. Whatever my left hand does, the nerves in my right hand want to reflect that and do it backwards(and vice versa). I was born with it. I can control it a lot better and grew up doing things that would help me control it. It doesn't effect my daily life. However, its silly when I'm digging in my pocket with one hand and you see the other doing the motion.. : )

    That is kind of freaky! Glad you can control it. But every little thing makes you unique, and thats good! :-)
  • witchblade
    witchblade Posts: 11 Member
    When I was in the Army Reserves 2 week training I accidently ran into barracks (they all look the same) and ended running into a barrack full of naked men. Did I mentioned that many women followed me. The guys were happy to see us.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    hmmm... im one of the few female motorbike instructors...if that counts haha
  • lizibame
    lizibame Posts: 59 Member
    I share a birthday with the Army, after 12 years of service I always know I will get cake and a song even if no one else knows.
  • witchblade
    witchblade Posts: 11 Member
    New to this. I lead a bunch of army reserves women to the barracks to take shower. The barracks look all the same. I ended up leading the group into the barracks full of naked men. They wanted us to stay but we ran away. I can laugh at it now.
  • fuuured
    fuuured Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a science nerd and also very interested in sports. Not a very common combination
  • Spook_Nuke_Em
    Spook_Nuke_Em Posts: 408 Member
    I have a sixth sense for finding four (or more) leaf clovers. I've found literally hundreds of them in my lifetime ranging from 4-8 leaf clovers. That's at least mildly interesting, right?

    That's really interesting!
  • mcknjack
    mcknjack Posts: 20
    I have one kidney. I donated my left one to my Dad.
  • Trying Atkins for Athletes. I'm a successful triathlete (4th at Xterra Worlds). Unlikely any twins out there for myself but what the hey!
    CW 131
    GW 128
  • My oldest son has High Functioning Autism and is training to be a Body Builder. :-)


    Hey! I'm an engaged 33 year old Mom of three. I'm Vegan, Gluten Free and Organic/NON-GMO. I love strength training and MMA. I lost over 180 lbs. and still have 36 lbs. to go till I get to my goal weight. I'm looking to make new friends on here and on Facebook. Add me here RAMcCollum, on Facebook or like my support page where I post recipes and more :-)
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    i worked as a character dancer at a japanese theme park and was on japanese tv. live.
  • Alast
    Alast Posts: 33
    I am radioactive kinetic.

    bet you had had a tuna sandwich lol!

    Nope, I hate canned thuna ;)
  • I play Irish fiddle
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I can play a dozen different instruments, I started training in classical guitar at age 6, I have published classical music, I am a paramedic, a firefighter, a 911 operator....I have saved people's lives, I have held people as they have died....and I have over 100 hours of tattoo work
  • DotPett
    DotPett Posts: 181 Member
    I can play a dozen different instruments, I started training in classical guitar at age 6, I have published classical music, I am a paramedic, a firefighter, a 911 operator....I have saved people's lives, I have held people as they have died....and I have over 100 hours of tattoo work

    You sound very interesting to me!! I bet you have some stories to tell!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    At 40 I project managed extending our house, doubling it in size. Learned to plaster from the internet and rendered walls and plastered them. I taught myself carpentry and built the internal walls. I bought a book about learnt how to tile walls floors and showers.

    At 42 I bought a shop and converted the basement into gaming rooms and run a gaming shop with my friend. I taught myself book keeping and file all the accounts.

    I taught myself to quilt and I have a climbing wall on the side of my garage.

    I have 4 children one with high functioning aspergers, he's my biggest challenge and success of all!
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    Ha, love the thread. I have blue-green hair right now.
  • I took up Olympic air pistol 4 months ago, I found my health and weight were hindering me, my goal is Rio in 2016 so I need to get fit and lighter, whether I get there or not doesn't matter, the journey is great fun. Oh and made #3 in county (State) in just 2 months, I have a knack when it comes to precision shooting :) Want to get to my 3rd Olympics with 2 different sports, and I'll only be 52 when Rio comes round
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I have no tattoos and no piercings... not even my ears. I'm 31 years old, and will probably stay without the tattoos and piercings the rest of my life..
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i had 26 body piercings at one time? im the only female worker/ inspector at my work? i have been with my high school sweetheart for 13 years? my fiance had cancer for a year and is now in remission. i had a house i was flooded out of? my mother is married to a man that is 2 years older then me? and i have a brother that is my cousin! not insets. my dads brother. I could write a jerry springer show with interesting things in my life.

    my first, middle, and last name has 6 letters.. something in religion says that is a bad thing for the whole 666. my birthday is 6-9. and my fiances bday is 4-20. and were getting married after 13 years in the year 2013. lol some people are going to understand my humor with these numbers and others may not get it.