The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Welcome! I went through the same thing u are. U will get the hang of it. It is a process. If you could do all of, this wouldn't be the right program for u. Ur on the right track, just keep it up!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    O.K. Got my power 90 in over the weekend ,reviewed it and ready to start tomorrow, June 1st. Took pictures YIPES - but thats the reason right?? So wish my luck and I will keep posting to let you know my progress, opinions, questions and problems!!! Can't wait!!!! Oh yeah - Should I order and take the supplements? I haven't but I was wondering - they seem to stress the supplements???
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    O.K. Today was day 2 of my power 90 - did the sweat 1 -2 . Took it easy like they said and was able to do the whole thing at a good level. I jsut hope I can stay motivated because I like changing things up a little more - but I am determined to see this through and hopefully lose those pesty 10 pounds by the end of 90 days. I am also following the meal plan - prettymuch what I do anyway!!! Any tips and advice welcomed!!!!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Hey all! I began this program on monday, and am currently on day 3. I'm doing the 3 part program (30 days of 1-2, 30 days of 3-4, and then the rest rotates through the master series). Thus far I'm pretty impressed. The workouts seem to go faster than slim in 6 (I'm not standing there waiting for them to end) and my arms are pretty sore. They're not super intense either. I'm guessing this will change a bit after I get to 3-4. Right now its just the right intensity that I can do it with training for a 10k.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I didn't take any supplements and I got good results. I just worked hard and ate right. I'm gonna take supplements when I start p90x though. It's much more intense.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks, I think I going to skip the supplements this time and but stick to a good eating plan. I also think I am going to follow msarro and do the 30 day - level 1-2 then 30 level 3-4 and order the master series to the next 30 days at 5-6 . That sounds pretty good to me!!! I will do the first 30 and then order the masters ... that's my plan. So did you guys do any other exercise while doing power 90? the gym, runnning, other dvd's. I had been taking classes at the gym and I run. I was going to give the power 90 a week by itself and then see. Any advice? What about just walking - I also do that quite a bit in the evenings ....
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Thanks, I think I going to skip the supplements this time and but stick to a good eating plan. I also think I am going to follow msarro and do the 30 day - level 1-2 then 30 level 3-4 and order the master series to the next 30 days at 5-6 . That sounds pretty good to me!!! I will do the first 30 and then order the masters ... that's my plan. So did you guys do any other exercise while doing power 90? the gym, runnning, other dvd's. I had been taking classes at the gym and I run. I was going to give the power 90 a week by itself and then see. Any advice? What about just walking - I also do that quite a bit in the evenings ....

    I'm also running every other day (usually) and doing 10k training. Only other thing is that I'm doing the ab-ripper workout every day as opposed to every other day because you can't really overwork your core.

    One other thing: using a whey protein/creatine supplement daily to help muscle gain/performance. Plus I don't eat meat, so I need the extra protein.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I did power 90 alone without anything else and put my mind to it. I will start p90x in 2 weeks. Should be epic! I hope everyone is doing great! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks ! I was thinking of doing the abs everyday, as a woman your abs can't be tone or flat enough. LOL I will see how I feel next week and probably add back in some other exercise when I feel it will benifit me. I will keep up with the walking because I know that I can handle that and power 90 without any problems. I just don't want to over do it or burn myself out. I want to concentrate on power 90 the first time I do it. I really want to do it the whole 90 days and not give up or quit.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    I really need to post because I fell off the wagon over the holiday weekend - my diet was bad and I worked out Thurs, off Fri, Sat did Fat Burner on Sunday and nothing since..... I am having trouble getting back into it even though I do love the series so far .
    Reading your posts helped

  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Dragonfly,

    I have just started so you can jump right back on the wagon with me. I just finished my third day ! yeah!! I am going to need support to finish me to the end - I really want to complete 90 days!!

    Hope everyone has a great healthy day!!!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Day 4 down, and I have to admit I'm a bit sore :laugh:
    My arms and shoulders are both a bit stiff. Nothing else though. I'm kind of amazed how quickly I'm picking up the ab routine; first day out I couldn't do half of the exercises. Now I only have trouble with the full body crunches.

    Tonight I'm going for a run, tomorrow on to day 5!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 4 finished!!! I love putting that check mark on my calander! I got in a very brisk walk last night. (trying to beat the rain) LOL So I am feeling pretty good about the power 90 series. My eating is on track - but I found myself a little more hungry than usual - so I will work on that and figure it out. (maybe more protein? )

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Putting in the check mark is awesome! :) Day 5 in the bag. Once I get through tomorrow I'll be one happy camper!
  • jenniferyeatts
    jenniferyeatts Posts: 27 Member
    There are a bunch of us on the Beachbody Power 90 board that started in May "Calling all Peeps"
    Please come join us! We're doing great, and welcome new folks!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 5 check !!! I am hoping to get in walk later today if time and weather allow!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    I have taken a full week OFF of exercise - WHAT IS MY PROBLEM??? Man am I feeling it. Please do not do what I've done and deprive yourselves of exercise - I can't remember when I've done this since MFP ~ it's made fitness part of my life. I feel like the not smoking has done something to my metabolism and my attitude and i'm having a real hard time getting it together - I also got a hair cut and that makes it more to deal with after I work out. I sweat alot and my hair is usually soaked!. This means I've had to move my work out to evenings and I haven't been able to get my attitude adjusted to work out in the evening.. Jut too tired after work..
    Whine, whine,whine....... I hate it!!
    PLease some one say something motivating to help me snap back into reality - i majorly need a solution.

    Thanks for the support,
  • emilymccowan
    Got p90 in the mail about a week ago while I was on leave. Going to start Fat Burn Express tomorrow, then day 1 of p90 next monday (14th)! Been eating well and walking/running the past week. I'm really excited to get into a routine and start shredding the weight. I've found more motivation by making calendars for the next few months. I'm also on a running program on top of p90. My hardest thing is I work shift work, so my days all run together and am sleeping during odd times. Can't wait to get back into it! :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Come on Dragonfly - you can do it!!!!! I know you have it in you. I just finished by 6th day of power 90 for the first time. You know how much better you will feel - emotionally and physically!!! Make a promise to get it done!!! Set small goals and rewards for starting back - it helps me.

    I am going to be checking on you - so you have to answer to someone if you don't exercise. - LOL Once you start up again - then there will be no stopping you!!! So just put in the tape and press play!!!

    I will check on you tomorrow and remind you of your goals!!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 7 check - I know that I am suppose to take a day off - but I need to be on a schedule to take Sundays off. I was not quite ready to take off a day so I will wait until Sunday (my day 13) !!! I am feeling good - doing more reps and added a little weight. Started off really easy - so now my second week - I am ready to rev it up. I am doing abs every day and trying to walk every other day. Hope everyone is doing good!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!!