At what point does weight become unattractive?



  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    Beauty is entirely subjective.
    I think everyone is attractive.
    That's my honest opinion.
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    I'm only 5' tall so I can easily look very overweight in even a (U.S.) size 8, right now I'm wearing size 6 but they're getting baggy on me ^_^ I started at a size 10
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Again different perceptions, A innocent question becomes an attack on some individuals. I don't get it personally. Why can't people just have a little natter without feeling like comments are personal attacks all the time.
    Oh. In THAT case:

    The definitive answer is 42. 42 is the point at which weight becomes unattractive. 42 pounds, centimeters, IQ points, years, degrees, hamsters? I don't know. That is a topic for another little nattering post.

    Until then, 42. Absolutely.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    When it adversely affects your confidence.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Weight is unattractive when the person carrying it no longer feels comfortable with their size/shape.

    At various times I've been smaller than I am now (never as big as this, but different sizes of smaller:ohwell: ) but when I had to move up dress sizes and could no longer ONLY blame it on shops cutting clothes smaller, and doing up laces made me feel as if I was 6 months pregnant, I decided enough ws enough - if I don't lose it now I never will. There are many poeple around me at work bigger than me (although much younger) and many smaller than me. The ones who feel comfotable in their skins generally look more attractive than the ones who moan "I feel fat" (usually with a chocolate or doughnut in one hand).

    This post; this is what sums it up for me. Confidence and the right disposition can take you a long way...

    At the point where I stopped hating myself for being 'quite as fat' (and I'm still very obese), people started behaving towards me as I was behaving to myself, ie. happy in the direction I was going. It really is a very fine line in my experience. I've also always noticed an 'echo' in the way people respond to me.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    My husband has always said women can be attractive at many different weights. When there's cellulite, thats when they become less attractive physically.

    Cellulite isn't about weight. If you are overweight, it may look more dramatic. But weight doesn't cause it.

    As a female, you have a 4/5 chance of developing it. And that is using the most encouraging estimates.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    It's different for every person. A very tall person could probably easily pull off a size 16 (US) but a very short person may not look so good in a 10. Height, bone structure, and muscle mass make a big difference. For me personally, the maximum size I feel I look okay in is a 12, and I'm 5'4. I look a whole lot better in an 8/10 though.

    I agree. I'm the same height and I start to get a little "uncomfortable" with my looks when I'm at a size 12. Thankfully, my body proportion is such that I'm able to camoflauge my weight gain; and my weight is solid, not flabby, so most people don't think I weigh as much as I do. However, everybody's body is different and where and when they gain weight is also different.

    I'm not a "big is beautiful" type person either. I absolutely DO NOT EVER want to be what society considers "big." Health issues aside, it just doesn't look good on me period; I'm way too short to carry a lot of weight. However, I have seen some "big" women who look absolutely gorgeous, and they have the confidence to go along with that look, and have NO issue attracting men. It all depends on the individual.
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87
    I had had no trouble at all with dating or guys being attracted to me while being big. Of course I am in a long-term relationship now, but my point is- there have been many guys that have been attracted to me at this heavier weight.
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member

    I'm not sure how to post a link, but this is something a friend posted on Facebook from somewhere she "liked". It's interesting.

    Numbers don't mean a thing. I weigh 150 and wear a size 10 jean, unless I wear a different brand, then I could be an 8 or a 12. Generally though, I'm firmly a size 10. I consider myself to have 15-20 pounds to lose to hit the weight that is best for me, but if I look in the mirror and like what I see, I don't care what "size" or "weight" I am. I have some belly fat to get rid of, and some fat on my thighs, but my primary goal for losing weight right now is trying to reduce the size of my breasts.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member

    I'm not sure how to post a link, but this is something a friend posted on Facebook from somewhere she "liked". It's interesting.

    Numbers don't mean a thing. I weigh 150 and wear a size 10 jean, unless I wear a different brand, then I could be an 8 or a 12. Generally though, I'm firmly a size 10. I consider myself to have 15-20 pounds to lose to hit the weight that is best for me, but if I look in the mirror and like what I see, I don't care what "size" or "weight" I am. I have some belly fat to get rid of, and some fat on my thighs, but my primary goal for losing weight right now is trying to reduce the size of my breasts.

  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    I think its impossible to put a number on this question. Example. I am was a uk 8-10 before i had my children. I felt great and had guys sniffing around a lot (uninvited of course) i ballooned to a size 20-22 after children and felt worse then awful about myself who used to be a confident outgoing person. 1 of my bff's is in a size 20 and happy as a pig in poop and her confidence radiates. She puts great effort into her looks by buying flattering, fashionable clothes yet when i was that size i was so unhappy i would try and avoid going out to the local shop never mind social events. She gets a lot of attention regardless of her size as she is happy. So in a nut shell i don't think size in general matters its about how the individual deals with their size. If they are happy then they will attract attention and remain fun and outgoing. I know many "skinny" people who are misrable so it works both ways i think.

    Individuals perception of fat differs as the way people carry weight differs Ie apples and pears etc.. My aim is to have a healthy BMI what i look and feel like when i get there only time will tell, but is any1 ever 100% happy with their bodies no matter how big or small they are?

  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    This is the second post I've seen in the same number of days to argue semantics. I really don't think this message board is the right place for it, as this is the "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" message board. This topic isn't productive or helpful and is only distantly relative to the idea of weight loss.

    I think the answer to the OP's question is obvious: beauty is completely subjective. The use of vague adjectives like "attractive" is totally dependent on the person using them. There is no magic weight, size, shape, height, color, amount of cellulite or visible muscle definition, or proportion of certain body parts to others that makes a person universally attractive. People are different. They like different things. That includes bodies that are skeletal, and it includes bodies that are immobile because of their large size.

    I'm getting fit because I want to be healthy, not because I'm worried about how many people think my body is beautiful. I've been a size 10, and I've been a size 20. I've felt beautiful at each of those sizes, and every size in between. I've been pursued and complimented by men (and women), even at my largest. Everyone is beautiful to someone. Now I'm lucky enough to have a husband who loves me at any size. He met me in a size 12 and married me when I was bigger than I am now, and although I know he's always been happy with my body, I'm willing to bet it has more to do with who I am as a person. He doesn't care what size my body is, as long as I'm happy. Learn to love yourself, and other people will love you too.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Honestly, everyone assumes I go for the 6 pack dude because I lift, and honestly, yes, the 2 guys i've been with since lifting have been lean, but one doesn't look in shape really. I mean.... not lean.
    I'm learning it depends on the person. These peoples body types are opposites. one was 6'1, 185, the other 5'8 180.
    If I were going to draw a line, if the guys stomach hangs over, I'm unattracted.

    Good to know that even though I've lost over a 140lbs and gone from sleeping with a breathing machine to working on a 10k women will still judge me based off whether my stomach hangs over. Loose skin sucks and so do shallow women.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Again different perceptions, A innocent question becomes an attack on some individuals. I don't get it personally. Why can't people just have a little natter without feeling like comments are personal attacks all the time.
    Oh. In THAT case:

    The definitive answer is 42. 42 is the point at which weight becomes unattractive. 42 pounds, centimeters, IQ points, years, degrees, hamsters? I don't know. That is a topic for another little nattering post.

    Until then, 42. Absolutely.

    HUGE Like!
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    For me, at 5'1, being a size 8-10 means I'm at my absolute limit for curvy-sexy. And that would be unattractive in a swimsuit. I don't know about other women, though.

    For me, a man's weight is unattractive when he's soft and doughy all over, and/or has breasts.
    I'm glad someone mentioned a man and what's unattractive to them about a man. So far, this topic has been limited to women. I believe it's good to know that this "attractiveness" or the lack thereof goes both ways.

    Granted we are ALL on MFP because we want to see a better us, however, we also ALL have something that initially attracts us or turns us off about a person of the opposite sex. For me, a man is unattractive when his butt is bigger than mine! I don't go for obese men at all (trying not to offend anyone) and I'm not instantly attracted to an overweight man, however, if the overweight man has the right amount of confidence with it, then we could work (think G. Garvin at his heaviest, LOVED IT!, He was/is SO sexy).

    By the same token, I don't like "skinny" men either. So, it does depend on the individual as previously stated. Everyone has an opinion of what they think is attractive and what's not. And that is HUMAN. It's the way we're wired; God gave us a will so that we could make choices on what we like and dislike. I don't appeal to every guy, and I've learned to be ok with that.
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    I think it's your attitude. My husband fell in love with me at my absolute heaviest - 5'6", 200lbs, squeezing into US size 14!
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    Again different perceptions, A innocent question becomes an attack on some individuals. I don't get it personally. Why can't people just have a little natter without feeling like comments are personal attacks all the time.
    Oh. In THAT case:

    The definitive answer is 42. 42 is the point at which weight becomes unattractive. 42 pounds, centimeters, IQ points, years, degrees, hamsters? I don't know. That is a topic for another little nattering post.

    Until then, 42. Absolutely.

  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder with regard to men and woman, plus its not all about looks. I have been out with some girls you would class as a stunner but in the personality can guess. Luckily I found my wife who is perfect in every way :), I am a lucky man.

    P.S I would not pay any attention to BMI as according to BMI I am classed as overweight last time I checked and at 13.7% body fat I may have a ways to go to hit the 10% I want to be at, but I would say I am def not over weight.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    Honestly, everyone assumes I go for the 6 pack dude because I lift, and honestly, yes, the 2 guys i've been with since lifting have been lean, but one doesn't look in shape really. I mean.... not lean.
    I'm learning it depends on the person. These peoples body types are opposites. one was 6'1, 185, the other 5'8 180.
    If I were going to draw a line, if the guys stomach hangs over, I'm unattracted.

    Good to know that even though I've lost over a 140lbs and gone from sleeping with a breathing machine to working on a 10k women will still judge me based off whether my stomach hangs over. Loose skin sucks and so do shallow women.

    Not "women", woman. Clearly there are an awful lot of pretty shallow people in the world. But not everyone is, thank goodness!
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    For me, at 5'1, being a size 8-10 means I'm at my absolute limit for curvy-sexy. And that would be unattractive in a swimsuit. I don't know about other women, though.

    For me, a man's weight is unattractive when he's soft and doughy all over, and/or has breasts.
    I'm glad someone mentioned a man and what's unattractive to them about a man. So far, this topic has been limited to women. I believe it's good to know that this "attractiveness" or the lack thereof goes both ways.

    Granted we are ALL on MFP because we want to see a better us, however, we also ALL have something that initially attracts us or turns us off about a person of the opposite sex. For me, a man is unattractive when his butt is bigger than mine! I don't go for obese men at all (trying not to offend anyone) and I'm not instantly attracted to an overweight man, however, if the overweight man has the right amount of confidence with it, then we could work (think G. Garvin at his heaviest, LOVED IT!, He was/is SO sexy).

    I love that a woman who wants to lose 41lbs (your goal not my judgement) doesn't like big guys but would settle for one LOL. Stay classy ladies.