Women Fit For Forties



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good Morning ladies!

    I also have a busy weekend ahead of me. I just got done weeding the garden (before it gets hot) took me over an hour. Oh, how do the weeds grow so well and the veggies so slow. :smile:

    I need to go get in the shower and head to work, only half a day today and then the work/fun begins. From
    grocery shopping to taking my son driving (he needs a little more practice to get his license) to cleaning the house, touching up paint, painting the trim on the bbq hut and shampooing the basement and stairs.. I think I have my workout staring me in the face. No loafing for me this weekend. Now my challenge will be to plan my meals in the morning so by dinner time when I am hungry we don't order pizza. :wink:

    I may not be around much the rest of the weekend but, I will definitely be here Monday! I hope all of you have a great weekend as well!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I am not a new member to MFP but, I am still way away from my goal weight.:sad: I know that it is my fault because of the decisions I have been making and giving up on myself. Well, here I go! I am 47, live in Oklahoma with my wonderful, very supportive husband. I have two grown children, six step-children and we have a whopping 21 grandkids (3 are mine) some are step grandkids for both, but not many lol!! Anyway I have been heavy all of my life and have been on just about every "diet" that came around. At my highest I weighed in at 268 pounds (that I know of). I have never had that AWWW HAWW! moment I have always known that I needed to lose the weight. The first time I went to WW I was 10 or 11 yrs old. And here I am 37 yrs later and still fighting the battle. My goal this time is to drink 8 8oz glasses of water a day, learn to cook healthy, (you would think I should know that by now:blushing:) and MOVE!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! for the invitation, I needed it.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I am not a new member to MFP but, I am still way away from my goal weight.:sad: I know that it is my fault because of the decisions I have been making and giving up on myself. Well, here I go! I am 47, live in Oklahoma with my wonderful, very supportive husband. I have two grown children, six step-children and we have a whopping 21 grandkids (3 are mine) some are step grandkids for both, but not many lol!! Anyway I have been heavy all of my life and have been on just about every "diet" that came around. At my highest I weighed in at 268 pounds (that I know of). I have never had that AWWW HAWW! moment I have always known that I needed to lose the weight. The first time I went to WW I was 10 or 11 yrs old. And here I am 37 yrs later and still fighting the battle. My goal this time is to drink 8 8oz glasses of water a day, learn to cook healthy, (you would think I should know that by now:blushing:) and MOVE!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! for the invitation, I needed it.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry, posted the same message twice!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Just realized that I have been a member since June 2008!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad: WHY, WHY, WHY am I still not any closer to my goal than I am!:mad: :explode: :angry: Sorry!! just so angry with myself!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wow, I was very pleased to see everyone. Thanks for sharing your stories with us. This is what is going to help each of us on this journey to Fit for forties :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am so proud of myself. Saturdays I fall off the wagon so terribly which explains my lack of real weight loss for a while. It is so easy to fall back into bad habits.:grumble: So even though I already set my goals for next week I am setting a little goal for today. Stay within my calories and drink my water.

    As for weighing in each week, I really wanted it to be a group decision. If you already have a day you weigh in and want to just give us a "Hey I weighed in today and I have lost or I didn't -" or We can have a set day. What ever the majority wants. Either way "our" job as a group is to cheer on or encourage when it is not going as planned.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Just realized that I have been a member since June 2008!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad: WHY, WHY, WHY am I still not any closer to my goal than I am!:mad: :explode: :angry: Sorry!! just so angry with myself!

    Hey, don't beat yourself up. You are here today and you can do this!! One day at a time.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good morning ladies!! I just wanted to tell everyone to have a great weekend and don't fall of the wagon, just b/c the weekend is here. I have a tough weekend. My nephew's birthday party today, a family reunion tomorrow, and company staying with us. Moderation is the key!! So far, so good.

    Kelly---I wanted to let you know that I am also starting the Couch to 5K and 30 day shred next week. I am going to do the C25k on MWF and 30 day Shred on TTH.


    Anyone else joining Kim & myself? I am starting C25K on Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri - and Jillian on Sat/Sun (alternating a few on Tue/Thur)
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    What is C25K?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Lisa, couch 25k is a training program that gets you running. You walk for a minute run for a min. I don't know the exact, but that is basically what it is.


    I am in. I am going to do this running in place though. I tried it outside and I am just too heavy and it hurts me. But when I do it running in place like on a small trampoline I think I can do it. Cogirl has the same issues as me and I think she is doing hers on the Elliptical.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Bump! :smile:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Lisa, couch 25k is a training program that gets you running. You walk for a minute run for a min. I don't know the exact, but that is basically what it is.


    I am in. I am going to do this running in place though. I tried it outside and I am just too heavy and it hurts me. But when I do it running in place like on a small trampoline I think I can do it. Cogirl has the same issues as me and I think she is doing hers on the Elliptical.

    Thank you, running in place in the house sounds good, I'm going to try that too. It is already so hot outside.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Awesome! Glad you girls are on board with us! :smile: I know we can do this! Even if you can only do it for a few minutes, at least you are trying. I did the C25K day one a few weeks ago & only lasted 10 minutes!:noway: I'm determined sometime next week I will finish all of day one at one try! :bigsmile:

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am excited about adding this workout to my usual "not so much" exercise routine:laugh:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Well.......here it is day one and I have already blew it! :mad: Who would have thought that a salad had sooooo many calories and it is the families favorite. I will be scratching that one off of the menu. :sad:
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Hey, ladies, Solandra here; I'm 38, newly a home owner, newly married, newly a step-mother, and an IT Help Desk monkey, mostly sitting at my desk for 9-11 hours a work day.

    That said, when possible, I get out to walk at lunch time, I just bought a Craftsman 18" Reel Mower (which I enjoy more than a "powered" mower), and right now I'm alternating front yard and back yard each week. We have 2 cats and 3 dogs, a budding photography business, and not enough time in the day.

    My goals for each week include 80-100 oz/water/day, 30 min walks 3-5 days a week, sticking to my 1lb/week calorie goal and not looking too often at the scale. We've had some roadbumps (not setbacks) recently, and while my beloved husband is still loosing, I've stalled out.

    Glad to be here, and thank you, ladies!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi Solandra, so nice to see you again.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi! I'm 48 and it looks like the oldest to join up so far! But at least I qualify just a little longer! lol I've been overweight all my life. My highest weight was 264. In 2002 I had gastric bypass and lost down to 167 but I let myself slip back into old habits and eventually crept back up to 211. After seeing my blood glucose levels creep back up and getting more and more depressed I decided to do something. Started working on it in March and found this site in early April.

    My very short term goal is to get below 180, 2 lbs to go.
    Long term goal is to reach 150 for once in my adult life and maybe even a bit lower. So I've got about 31 more lbs to go. I'm just about halfway there.

    I've used nothing but the Walk away the Pounds workout DVD's (I have lots) but do them religously. Maybe not every day but every day that I can manage. I'm trying to keep it up to at least 50 miles a month. It's a little harder since I went back to work. I was unemployed in March so I had lots more time.

    I've tried some of the other workouts like the 30 day shred but just couldn't do it. So for now I'm sticking with my WATP as long as they keep working. :smile:

    . . . and I'm married to a very supportive wonderful husband and have a 17 year old son. My son is overweight too and I keep trying to get him to join in but no success yet. :cry:

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I love seeing so may of us in our forties dealing with the same issues! It makes me feel like I am not alone. I am for sure the heaviest of all of us, but I am determined to get this weight off. I kind of have a mini goal of losing 100 pounds by my birthday July 17th, which I think I was on track with until May hit. I really blew it in May. I lost one pound total. :cry: No one's fault but my own. But I am a teacher who is on vacation now that school is out and I want to make my goal or be close so badly!

    With that said, I am thinking about joining our community fitness center. *AHHH!* Ok had to let that out. LOL I HATE exercising, especially in front of skinny people! But I am thinking the community fitness center is the best way to go because I get access to the pool. For some reason I don't care at all what people think of me in the pool. LOL I might be brave enough to join tomorrow, we'll see. I am so scared! That is pretty sad, isn't it?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    With that said, I am thinking about joining our community fitness center. *AHHH!* Ok had to let that out. LOL I HATE exercising, especially in front of skinny people! But I am thinking the community fitness center is the best way to go because I get access to the pool. For some reason I don't care at all what people think of me in the pool. LOL I might be brave enough to join tomorrow, we'll see. I am so scared! That is pretty sad, isn't it?

    I agree, I hated exercising as well and didn't want to do it at the fitness center with all the skinny-mini's, but however was pleasantly surprised, especially in my water aerobics class in the pool....I am actually one of the smallest ones in the class!
    Also you have to look at it this way....most people at the gym, etc tend to be very encouraging if they see you there all the time. I get lots of compliments for my commitment. They realize you have made the right choice & are where you need to be. So don't worry about what other people think, you ARE where you need to be! :drinker:

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