Eating "junk" and losing weight?



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I can easily burn 1200 calories OVER my predicted TDEE in a day (ie, yesterday I did an hour's running followed by a few hour's rock climbing, as well as getting to said rocks).
    So if I was going for my conservatively set 1450 calories for a non-workout day, I'd be at 2650 including exercise.
    Do I really need to eat 2650 of greens and organic grass fed virgin-petted meat?

    I ate all sorts of 'bad' food and still looked fairly trim in the mirror after.
    I did feel a bit tired, to be fair - but I think my activity level and six and a bit hours sleep justified that just fine, to be honest!

    So, I wonder what addiepray80 bases their opinion on. Fine if that's the case for them, but for others, eating unhealthy (sic) unnatural (sic) food works just fine.

    *sigh* Why is it mostly men, who are burning calories like a freight train, who LOVE their junk food...who can not get it through their heads that not everyone is like them. No, we don't think you need to eat 2650 calories worth of "greens and organic, grass fed, virgin-petted meat" but you are building the body today which will stand you in good stead tomorrow or next year or next decade and you would be WISE to pay heed to the nutrient content of your food. Not every single morsel, but overall, your body will thank you with good performance, if you do. Elite athletes understand that a constant diet of junk will not make them champions. Why is it that you people have such a problem with this concept. Junk food doesn't taste THAT good. I just had a snack of cottage cheese and a half ruby grapefruit (and it was organic too). It was wonderful. :smile: Now that I am free of my addiction to sugar and wheat, I can actually say that food tastes much better and I don't inhale it anymore. I savor it. Mmmm, healthy food. :tongue:

    I'm a men and I wish to God I burned calories like a freight train. My daily net is 1550.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can easily burn 1200 calories OVER my predicted TDEE in a day (ie, yesterday I did an hour's running followed by a few hour's rock climbing, as well as getting to said rocks).
    So if I was going for my conservatively set 1450 calories for a non-workout day, I'd be at 2650 including exercise.
    Do I really need to eat 2650 of greens and organic grass fed virgin-petted meat?

    I ate all sorts of 'bad' food and still looked fairly trim in the mirror after.
    I did feel a bit tired, to be fair - but I think my activity level and six and a bit hours sleep justified that just fine, to be honest!

    So, I wonder what addiepray80 bases their opinion on. Fine if that's the case for them, but for others, eating unhealthy (sic) unnatural (sic) food works just fine.

    *sigh* Why is it mostly men, who are burning calories like a freight train, who LOVE their junk food...who can not get it through their heads that not everyone is like them. No, we don't think you need to eat 2650 calories worth of "greens and organic, grass fed, virgin-petted meat" but you are building the body today which will stand you in good stead tomorrow or next year or next decade and you would be WISE to pay heed to the nutrient content of your food. Not every single morsel, but overall, your body will thank you with good performance, if you do. Elite athletes understand that a constant diet of junk will not make them champions. Why is it that you people have such a problem with this concept. Junk food doesn't taste THAT good. I just had a snack of cottage cheese and a half ruby grapefruit (and it was organic too). It was wonderful. :smile: Now that I am free of my addiction to sugar and wheat, I can actually say that food tastes much better and I don't inhale it anymore. I savor it. Mmmm, healthy food. :tongue:

    Elite athletes are notorious for eating a load of crap! Their bodies are like furnaces. Would you call Micheal Phelps unhealthy?

    They pay a lot of money for coaches who watch over their food intake while they are training. When they are not training, I would expect that they are more likely to indulge. They can afford it because, as you say, their bodies are like furnaces. But they know that they need every edge they can get when they are trying to maximize their performance--and that includes healthy food--and lots of it.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can easily burn 1200 calories OVER my predicted TDEE in a day (ie, yesterday I did an hour's running followed by a few hour's rock climbing, as well as getting to said rocks).
    So if I was going for my conservatively set 1450 calories for a non-workout day, I'd be at 2650 including exercise.
    Do I really need to eat 2650 of greens and organic grass fed virgin-petted meat?

    I ate all sorts of 'bad' food and still looked fairly trim in the mirror after.
    I did feel a bit tired, to be fair - but I think my activity level and six and a bit hours sleep justified that just fine, to be honest!

    So, I wonder what addiepray80 bases their opinion on. Fine if that's the case for them, but for others, eating unhealthy (sic) unnatural (sic) food works just fine.

    *sigh* Why is it mostly men, who are burning calories like a freight train, who LOVE their junk food...who can not get it through their heads that not everyone is like them. No, we don't think you need to eat 2650 calories worth of "greens and organic, grass fed, virgin-petted meat" but you are building the body today which will stand you in good stead tomorrow or next year or next decade and you would be WISE to pay heed to the nutrient content of your food. Not every single morsel, but overall, your body will thank you with good performance, if you do. Elite athletes understand that a constant diet of junk will not make them champions. Why is it that you people have such a problem with this concept. Junk food doesn't taste THAT good. I just had a snack of cottage cheese and a half ruby grapefruit (and it was organic too). It was wonderful. :smile: Now that I am free of my addiction to sugar and wheat, I can actually say that food tastes much better and I don't inhale it anymore. I savor it. Mmmm, healthy food. :tongue:

    I'm a men and I wish to God I burned calories like a freight train. My daily net is 1550.

    I do too---my net is 1400. That is one of the reasons why I simply cannot afford junk food. Even if I were inclined to eat it, which I am not, I just can't justify the empty calories.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I wish the ones who eat all the junk food and then exercise it all the calories off should get some sort of magic crystal ball to see what there body will be like in 30 years, how many scars they have form the surgeries, how much oxygen they have to have just to get by, how many heart medicines they are taking and what their small nursing home room looks like instead of their own home. I eat processed foods but try to stay within my calories, cholesterol, fat, sodium. Now some days aren't as good as others, such as my birthday (really bad). But I am learning
  • JPVT4U
    JPVT4U Posts: 2
    I am not loosing.... I am getting angry actually. I've been doing this for what 2 months + and what have I gained??????? more weight..seriously. What is the point of this....? So I've decided instead of focusing on LOOSING I'm going to focus on GAINING! Maybe reverse psychology will help.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I wish the ones who eat all the junk food and then exercise it all the calories off should get some sort of magic crystal ball to see what there body will be like in 30 years, how many scars they have form the surgeries, how much oxygen they have to have just to get by, how many heart medicines they are taking and what their small nursing home room looks like instead of their own home. I eat processed foods but try to stay within my calories, cholesterol, fat, sodium. Now some days aren't as good as others, such as my birthday (really bad). But I am learning
    It's possible to still have processed foods and live a good life. My mom and dad are good examples. Well into their 80's (my mom will be 88 this year) and is still actively going out and dancing Zumba (albeit not to sexy!) and my dad still engages in fast walking. Neither are suffering from much with the exception of joint wear.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I think exercise can make up for a lot of poor choices. I also think that people exaggerate what it takes to eat healthy. You don't have to eat perfectly 100% of the time and a lot of foods that people demonize aren't really that horrible IMO especially in small quantities.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am not loosing.... I am getting angry actually. I've been doing this for what 2 months + and what have I gained??????? more weight..seriously. What is the point of this....? So I've decided instead of focusing on LOOSING I'm going to focus on GAINING! Maybe reverse psychology will help.

    Open your diary.

    By the way, it's "losing."
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I wish the ones who eat all the junk food and then exercise it all the calories off should get some sort of magic crystal ball to see what there body will be like in 30 years, how many scars they have form the surgeries, how much oxygen they have to have just to get by, how many heart medicines they are taking and what their small nursing home room looks like instead of their own home. I eat processed foods but try to stay within my calories, cholesterol, fat, sodium. Now some days aren't as good as others, such as my birthday (really bad). But I am learning

    Scars from surgeries? WTF?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I wish the ones who eat all the junk food and then exercise it all the calories off should get some sort of magic crystal ball to see what there body will be like in 30 years, how many scars they have form the surgeries, how much oxygen they have to have just to get by, how many heart medicines they are taking and what their small nursing home room looks like instead of their own home. I eat processed foods but try to stay within my calories, cholesterol, fat, sodium. Now some days aren't as good as others, such as my birthday (really bad). But I am learning

    Scars from surgeries? WTF?

    Apparently eating Taco Bell with regularity means you're going to have major organ failure when you get older, no matter how fit you are or whether or not you're overweight.

    Like Ronaldo. That guy is on an obvious path for heart disease, lung cancer, and diabetes.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I am not loosing.... I am getting angry actually. I've been doing this for what 2 months + and what have I gained??????? more weight..seriously. What is the point of this....? So I've decided instead of focusing on LOOSING I'm going to focus on GAINING! Maybe reverse psychology will help.

    There are plenty of us out here willing to help. Open your diary, start a thread and people will flock to help. It happens every day on MFP. You will get both good and bad advice, so just take your time to work your way through it.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I wish the ones who eat all the junk food and then exercise it all the calories off should get some sort of magic crystal ball to see what there body will be like in 30 years, how many scars they have form the surgeries, how much oxygen they have to have just to get by, how many heart medicines they are taking and what their small nursing home room looks like instead of their own home. I eat processed foods but try to stay within my calories, cholesterol, fat, sodium. Now some days aren't as good as others, such as my birthday (really bad). But I am learning

    I'd like to share that crystal ball with people who eat "clean" but eat too much and don't really exercise. I'd be quite happy to share life experiences.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I wish the ones who eat all the junk food and then exercise it all the calories off should get some sort of magic crystal ball to see what there body will be like in 30 years, how many scars they have form the surgeries, how much oxygen they have to have just to get by, how many heart medicines they are taking and what their small nursing home room looks like instead of their own home. I eat processed foods but try to stay within my calories, cholesterol, fat, sodium. Now some days aren't as good as others, such as my birthday (really bad). But I am learning

    Scars from surgeries? WTF?

    Apparently eating Taco Bell with regularity means you're going to have major organ failure when you get older, no matter how fit you are or whether or not you're overweight.

    Like Ronaldo. That guy is on an obvious path for heart disease, lung cancer, and diabetes.

    and Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt, how on eath will they win any medals as they eat McDonalds.............Oh. Hang on...
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Hormonal responses to a fast-food meal compared with nutritionally comparable meals of different composition ~ Bray GA et al


    Apart from blood lipids, the responses were roughly the same when calorie and macronutrient content were roughly the same...
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hormonal responses to a fast-food meal compared with nutritionally comparable meals of different composition ~ Bray GA et al


    Apart from blood lipids, the responses were roughly the same when calorie and macronutrient content were roughly the same...

    I think many people are thinking there's a 4th macro called "junk". Liek any other food, McDonalds has carbs/fats/protein, and not just "junk".
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The problem with this type of discussion is that it becomes polarised - either everyone zomg is eating a diet filled to the rafters with junk food or they are eating like, totally clean. Zen man.

    Realistically there is a middle ground in real life and that middle ground means room to maneouvre. I doubt anyone would suggest that if you like eating a diet high in lean protein, fresh fruit and veg that you should replace it with a fast food diet because it is somehow superior.

    However, in the context of a diet which includes reasonable amounts of the above then some junk here or there won't be detrimental will it? The only thing that should be really minimised or avoided altogether is man made trans fats.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    It's all about moderation. It's a lifestyle change. If you feel like you can cut out certain foods your entire life, then have at 'er. It's possible...look at vegetarians. But, is it feasible for you? I know that when I cut out junk food completely, I last a few months doing great, but when I allow myself a "little treat", it trips my trigger and I spiral out of control. I rather let myself have things I enjoy once in a while and have maybe a little slower weight loss, than have to lose 10 lbs, and then gain 15 back, just to keep having to lose it over and over again.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    My whole thing is that I can eat more veggies, healthy fats and protein (which keeps me pretty full) as opposed to junk food. On most days I prefer to feel more full, than eat most my macros up with something that isn't going to keep me as full. Albeit I have had a few days where I have treated myself (sugar/fat free pudding mixed with heavy whipping cream - yummy!)

    I simply don't have the will power to do the whole "in moderation thing," so I just go to the other extreme, but I'm completely fine with that. You should always do whatever works for you!