30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • bump
  • rlower78
    rlower78 Posts: 5 Member
    L1D2 completed tonight. I really didn't feel like doing it but told my 5 year old son that we had to do our exercises today. I think he is in love with Natalie on the video! He kept talking about her the entire time!
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Hello Shredders! Sorry I haven't been on much...been busy! Summer is a busy busy busy season for my business, and I feel like I'm running around like a crazy person! But hey, I'm loving what I'm doing AND burning calories...right? :laugh:

    Did L1D7 today...a little terrified of moving up to L2 on TUESDAY (eeeek! :noway: ) but I am also welcoming a new challenge. L1 is starting to get boring and more than a little repetitive :grumble:

    Hope everyone is doing well...haven't noticed any weight loss (I think it's TOM coming up here in a week or so) but my jeans do fit better! I'm halfway to those size 4's I've been dreaming about :bigsmile: :heart:

    Keep shredding, and GREAT focus and determination from all of you! :flowerforyou: :glasses:
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Just finished L1D5...halfway through level 1!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    I record it as 20 minutes of circuit training, general.
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    L1D6 complete. I hate exercising on the weekends but I told myself if I just got up and did it I would be done in 30 minutes and then I wouldn't have to think about it for the rest of the day. Plus we had chinese buffeet last night and I gained two lbs but I know it salt from the chinese food. I guess I've changed my eating habits so much that the first two bites were so salty. I know my body pretty well and I'll drink lots of water for the weekend and the two lbs should be off in no time. Good luck to everyone with their weekend workouts.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    L1D6 complete. Uggh, I just couldn't muster the strength to do it yesterday. Sometimes I just have to listen to my body. So yesterday was my off day... This mornings workout was good. Now off to finish mowing the lawn.
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    L1D6 complete. Uggh, I just couldn't muster the strength to do it yesterday. Sometimes I just have to listen to my body. So yesterday was my off day... This mornings workout was good. Now off to finish mowing the lawn.

    don't forget to add the lawn mowing as exercise
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    So, my feet are feeling much better and so is my stomach. Everything's good today. Now, it's time to start over. It'll be L1D1 for me!
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    L1-D7 done. I can't believe I'm only 3 days away from level 2 :noway: but I feel ready and should be by wednesday.
    Today was ok, I am still improving but I still have a hard time with the first cardio segment, go figure...

    Anyway, I hope you are all doing great, it looks like everyone is on the right track! Great job everybody :flowerforyou:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    L1D4 done. Missed it last night - I was beat. Made sure to get it in tonight though. Since I had a day off Friday I won't have another day off til at least next weekend, if not longer. Still haven't figured out how to do it in the morn but that's ok as long as I do it.

    I'm not a fan of level 2 really. My fave is level 3, but I'll work my way through.

    ETA - I just created a '30 day shred' that I use when I log my workout. I put 30 minutes, but I just manually adjust the cals burned.
  • ~*~*~Afraid of finihing~*~*~I realize the TRUE meaning of "To whom much is given much is required.....But I am glad to see someone looking forward to moving on.....Enjoy
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    L1D6 done! I damn well better be on my way to being shredded, Jillian...
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    Hey everyone :-) Just finished moving back from uni (a horrible couple of days with no room to breathe let alone shred, and far too much hoovering for my liking) and I'm ready for Jillian :smile: will pick it back up tonight when the temperature drops (I'm sweating just sat here - not complaining though!) this evening. I am so impressed with everyone's commitment!! Really good going from everyone here :-) xxx
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I haven't done my shred yet today (t's only 8:45 am though - hee hee) - but y'day I did L1D4 PLUS mopped and polished the floors and did a few rounds of Wii boxing - if you know me and my competitive side, I pound those fools like I'm boxing in real life :wink: - all before lunchtime. I was so tired last night and I'm SORE today! But I'm committed to getting D5 in today. The good news is I noticed I got through the pushups without having to take a break yesterday. IMPROVEMENTS! Yippee!

    Shred on, sistahs ~
  • I did L1D5 on Friday and took yesterday off. I was out of town all day. so I will pick it up today.
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    I was a sloth yesterday. :yawn: I had every *intention* of shredding yesterday but laziness got the better of me. :embarassed: So, right out of bed this morning I hit it and finished my 3rd workout. It is easier already. I only had to stop briefly on the side lunges, the boxing and a little bit on the squats (my calves were burning with lactic acid and I had to shake them out!!)

    So now that's done and on with my day. Lesson learned... don't put off my workout until "later" - JUST DO IT first thing! :happy:

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I felt really down on myself this morning (work and life troubles!!) so I needed a challenge.... decided to go up to Level Two a couple of days early. I figured the worst that can happen is I had to go back to L1.

    The good news is I made it through!! :happy: Very sweaty! hehe. A combination of the muggy, hot weather and it being more intense - but it wasn't as scary as I imagined.

    The only thing that did upset me a little was that it's supposed to be a HOME workout DVD yes?? What sort of home does Jillian think I live in? Probably one with an annex for a gymnasium.... there just isn't enough space for some of the activities. I did manage to do them all - but banging into my sofa/table/poor startled cat in the process!! I already have to move my coffee table and shift all the sofa's back to do the workout as it is, but I'm not a short/small person...and I just don't think level 2 is as "practical" as level 1.

    Sorry for the moan, and don't worry, it won't make me give up - it's just a bit frustrating!
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    L1D7 complete this morning. Figured I would get it done early and over with. Plus my daughter pushed me a bit and said you gotta do it mom. So I did.
  • Adkins_Sherri
    Adkins_Sherri Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone, I fairly new to this website. I started my weight loss journey on March 18th and since then have lost 11 lbs! I ordered the 30 day shred and just received it in the mail! I was so excited to run across this thread! Is it too late for me to join you? I also had another question....and please keep in mind that my exercise routine for the last 10 yrs has pretty much been nonexistent. After a workout, when you feel sore...is it best to rest a few days or are you suppose to just keep going and work through it? I have a pretty bad back and just want to be very careful when doing things like this. I don't want to end up with any more injuries than I already have. (Like torn muscles, etc) Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated! Looking forward to getting to know everyone!.
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