Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    run sideways
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Doesn't bug me, but I don't get all the reading.

    I How can you read and run at the same time.

    Doesn't bug me, but I laugh everytime:

    The people who bring in their phones and music players, set them on the treadmill, start running, and knock them off like 5 times, wonder why, and evetually give up on listening., you can get an arm-band for any phone or ipod for less than $20..with shipping.
  • kariannmbc
    kariannmbc Posts: 144
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!


    Don't see the point in going on the treadmill to walk for 30 minutes - just go outside in the sunshine!

    Um, it's March. We just got a foot of snow and there are 25+ MPH winds today. Probably not going walking.

    With that said.

    People who do HIIT, get their heart rate up extrememly high and then....jump off. The reason that "bugs" me is it effects me. I usually am the firts person on scene to perform 1st aid to the person after they pass out.

    People don't understand that even though you're not moving anymore, your heart is still forcing blood to your head like you are, which can cause blackouts. Someone will attack me, saying they won't stop their routine. Please, just control the speed and come down to a walk. If you run outside you don't come to a jumpstop, do you? Either way, I'll still be there to help get you off the floor.

    So on the heart rate part, how low should it be before stopping? During my workout, I stay around 4mph, with bursts up to 6mph (elliptical, not treadmill), but my HR is 170+. I spend the last five minutes walking around 2mph, drop the arm thing, but even by the end of those five, my HR is still usually around 150. My resting HR is <65.
  • rylovesty23
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

    This. I'm self conscious enough in my 3rd week at the gym without knowing the runner 4 treadmills down is judging me for holding the handles.

    They might look like they can see, but they won't be able to view your stats on the machine without extreme effort.

    If they suddenly whizz off the end, then you will know what they have been doing :wink:

    I like to put a hand towel over my treadmill because I go farther adn longer when I am not staring at the time and distance- but just thinking ( i know this has nothing to with this thread) but you could also do this if you have an insecurity of other people looking at your stats. :0
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    The muscle head sitting on the bike and cycling like he is sitting in front of the TV. Hands locked behind his head and pedaling at 3mph.
    Or how bout the skinny chick walking on the treadmill at 15% incline and holding the top rail in front of them. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of using an incline?

    Yes, I know it was probably a warm up or cool down, but for some reason, that day, it really bothered me.

    My momma always said "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all".

    I should have kept my mouth shut. Y'all forgive me?
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    The muscle head sitting on the bike and cycling like he is sitting in front of the TV. Hands locked behind his head and pedaling at 3mph.

    He's probably cooling down from his work out.

    Good work on the insult though...
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I hate it when people sing along outloud with the music on their ipod...

    This ^^

    Went to our apartment gym yesterday with my boyfriend. Only three treadmills and they were full. We were doing weights while waiting for them to finish. First person was running like a normal treadmillian. Second guy was wearing a sweatshirt and boxers.. not shorts but literal boxers. He was walking. The last woman was a fair body size, had her treadmill flat, set at 2.mph and was singing at the top of her lungs to her ipod. Seriously?
  • lindseymaekeller
    This is also me. I wear minimus running shoes. No cushion..they are loud. we cant help it!:)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!


    Don't see the point in going on the treadmill to walk for 30 minutes - just go outside in the sunshine!

    Um, it's March. We just got a foot of snow and there are 25+ MPH winds today. Probably not going walking.

    With that said.

    People who do HIIT, get their heart rate up extrememly high and then....jump off. The reason that "bugs" me is it effects me. I usually am the firts person on scene to perform 1st aid to the person after they pass out.

    People don't understand that even though you're not moving anymore, your heart is still forcing blood to your head like you are, which can cause blackouts. Someone will attack me, saying they won't stop their routine. Please, just control the speed and come down to a walk. If you run outside you don't come to a jumpstop, do you? Either way, I'll still be there to help get you off the floor.

    So on the heart rate part, how low should it be before stopping? During my workout, I stay around 4mph, with bursts up to 6mph (elliptical, not treadmill), but my HR is 170+. I spend the last five minutes walking around 2mph, drop the arm thing, but even by the end of those five, my HR is still usually around 150. My resting HR is <65.

    I don't know. People are different. I stepped off the treadmill once in the 160's and felt lightheaded. I wouldn't worry about 150, it's jumping off at your elevated rate (170+)
  • Prisme
    Prisme Posts: 65 Member
    when they walk backwards (one guy even does a side-to-side crab walk). I mean WTF?

    It works different muscles, same concept as going up hill or down hill backwards, a lot of people do it actually.


    There is a girl at our gym who cranks the treadmill's incline and walks backward and sideways at 2mph all the while texting on her phone. Then she started doing twirls. Then she started stumbling. Everyone was watching and the guys especially as she was wearing a skirt. She did this for about 5 minutes.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    1. Fart
    2. Wear perfumes or colognes
  • wannatangle
    wannatangle Posts: 80 Member
    The lady at the Y who walks backwards on the treadmill..........I mean I don't care but when I am in the next row of machines on the elliptical, she keeps staring at me..................
  • carissawhitworth
    The muscle head sitting on the bike and cycling like he is sitting in front of the TV. Hands locked behind his head and pedaling at 3mph.
    Or how bout the skinny chick walking on the treadmill at 15% incline and holding the top rail in front of them. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of using an incline?

    Yes, I know it was probably a warm up or cool down, but for some reason, that day, it really bothered me.

    Judgemental much??? Everyone thinkgs they are going to go to a gym and get stared down by "muscle heads" or "skinny girls" but really it's the bitter, out of shape, unconfident but heads who feel the need to minimize everyone elses efforts. Who cares who does what and how they do it!? Everyone is there for the same reason to get or to stay healthy. No judgement or critisizm needed.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member

    The people who bring in their phones and music players, set them on the treadmill, start running, and knock them off like 5 times, wonder why, and evetually give up on listening., you can get an arm-band for any phone or ipod for less than $20..with shipping.

    I have an armband but dont use it because its too hard to skip songs with it strapped to my bicep.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    Nothing bothers me, I just mind my business and do my own weird treadmill routine =p
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    The muscle head sitting on the bike and cycling like he is sitting in front of the TV. Hands locked behind his head and pedaling at 3mph.
    Or how bout the skinny chick walking on the treadmill at 15% incline and holding the top rail in front of them. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of using an incline?

    Yes, I know it was probably a warm up or cool down, but for some reason, that day, it really bothered me.

    Judgemental much??? Everyone thinkgs they are going to go to a gym and get stared down by "muscle heads" or "skinny girls" but really it's the bitter, out of shape, unconfident but heads who feel the need to minimize everyone elses efforts. Who cares who does what and how they do it!? Everyone is there for the same reason to get or to stay healthy. No judgement or critisizm needed.

    Agreed! Im always hearing newbies complain about people being rude or insulting at the gym but as someone who been consistently going to gyms for 13 years I have never encountered any such thing from regular gym go-ers.
  • xGracieGirlx
    xGracieGirlx Posts: 99 Member
    I had a woman next to me who just decided to start going to the gym that day. Not only would she not stop talking to me, but she had the nerve to stop her workout to look at what I was doing, then increase my incline. Needless to say, I avoid her like the plague, but I see she does it to other unfortunate folks who happen to be stuck next to her.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I have osteoarthritis in my knees, and I am trying to build up to run by walking and jogging and walking, I can't walk at a fast pace for very long and can't jog for that much longer, but I try to push as hard as I can, and need the assistance of holding onto the handlebars to keep me from falling off.. NOW I feel self conscious about my efforts thanks to people passing judgement. Thanks alot.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I just dislike the stompers, they don't get that they have bad form and you are supposed to run as low impact as possible.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Please for the love of god.......... STOP HOLDING ON TO THE MACHINE! whats the effen point of putting the treadmill on a steep incline if youre gonna HOLD ON!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
    get off the treadmill!!!:devil: