Why Isn't it Enough?



  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member

    I know others like to poke fun at them, but something like a single-serve mug cake satisfies my cravings WITHOUT leaving a bunch of tempting leftover cake lying around the house screaming to be eaten.

    Oh. My. God. How had I never heard of this before?! Who would make fun of a tiny cake, that is the best idea ever! Lol seriously though, thanks for posting, because I am definitely going to try this. And soon. *cough*
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Did you know that there really is a science of fast food? That these companies have spent billions of dollars figuring out how to make their "food" appealing and even, to a certain extent, addicting? Someone pointed out chemical release. Many of the chemical additives in processed food are designed for exactly that purpose and none other. It's marketing. And it's ingrained in us from almost birth. How many food advertisements are on television and radio in any given hour?

    Chocolate releases the same endorphines as sex. Sugar triggers similar ones.

    The good news is that as with most addiction, the longer you go without the less you desire it. I now find the taste of a Big Mac almost nauseating. Though I do still indulge in chocolate on occasion.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Here's some food for thought (hurr hurr):

    Instead of examining why you don't feel good *enough* when you're eating well, try this-- the next time you're just salivating craving something so bad, and you just gotta have it, eat it, no matter how terrible or excessive it is. Eat it and enjoy it.

    Then wait about half an hour to an hour, and realize that the crap food? Will shortly after make you *feel* like crap. And you realize that this was how you made yourself feel all the time before you went on a 'diet', and that you are starting to change that for the better! As others have said, it's more in the outlook than it is your 'human makeup'. We want sweets and junky food because we know we can access them and that they taste good, and they taste so good that we purposefully overlook the fact that it crashes down on us and makes us feel pretty miserable later!
  • Helenotero48
    Helenotero48 Posts: 11 Member
    We are human, that's why. What I do is save some calories and have a a piece of chocolate once in a while. I love chocolate, I just can't give it all up.LOL
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I must be a Cylon.
  • MrsG2
    MrsG2 Posts: 56 Member
    You can eat whatever you want, just work on moderation and portion control. Know yourself. For example: I can eat reasonably most of the time, but if ice cream is in the house I will eat it until its gone. Find your balance.

    THIS! I crave junk food and I have it...in moderation. I had 2 pieces of pizza and a beer for dinner last night and it was WONDERFUL! I knew this would be dinner and I rationed my cals for it. I almost always have a piece of chocolate at night, too. This works (for me) to curb my sugar cravings during the day (knowing that I'm going to have that piece of chocolate to finish my day). Don't deprive yourself, just learn moderation. Moderation is the KEY to success.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I actually have to tell myself (sometimes out loud) "everyday is not a special occassion". Alot of the time this works and I make wiser choices. I still allow myself treats just not as often as I think about wanting them.