Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE) and Garcinia Cambogia



  • faireplay
    faireplay Posts: 126
    3 pounds and 1 inch lost in three days is a physiological impossibility.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    if you could prove that your crap-in-a-pill worked i'd give it a try.
    Why does he have to prove it? You're taking the other one with out any proof...
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    When it sounds too good to be true it usually is. Weight loss happens from less calories in than calories going out. There are no magic pills and the "effects" you'll see will be partly you thinking it did something and partly the fact that it's making you more aware of what you're doing.
    I don't think this gets talked about enough (part I bolded). Just counting calories - using a tool like MFP or similar - and not attempting to change anything about your diet will generally result in less calories consumed. Just making ourselves aware of what's going in has an effect on people. We want to attribute it to something else, some "secret," but just paying attention can alter behavior around food.

    I'm convinced the "miracle pills" and quick weight loss scams are so successful partly due to the effect above, partly due to short term weight loss (often water weight or other temporary measure), and partly due to an intense yearning for something different, something new, something magical that will get us to our goals quickly. People will continue to spend a lot of money on that yearning.

    The problem is that no matter what reasonable response is stated, people will look at themselves, or their aunt, or their co-worker, and see the weight loss and attribute it to this thing. And I am confident that the weight loss is about decisions made and behavior changed. That's it. Convincing ourselves otherwise doesn't benefit anyone. In fact, it just perpetuates the falsehood and feeds the yearning. NOT telling people the truth when they ask about something that doesn't work is the antithesis of helpful weight loss advice.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    ill be partly you thinking it did something and partly the fact that it's making you more aware of what you're doing.
    I don't think this gets talked about enough (part I bolded). Just counting calories - using a tool like MFP or similar - and not attempting to change anything about your diet will generally result in less calories consumed. Just making ourselves aware of what's going in has an effect on people. We want to attribute it to something else, some "secret," but just paying attention can alter behavior around food.

    I'm convinced the "miracle pills" and quick weight loss scams are so successful partly due to the effect above, partly due to short term weight loss (often water weight or other temporary measure), and partly due to an intense yearning for something different, something new, something magical that will get us to our goals quickly. People will continue to spend a lot of money on that yearning.

    The problem is that no matter what reasonable response is stated, people will look at themselves, or their aunt, or their co-worker, and see the weight loss and attribute it to this thing. And I am confident that the weight loss is about decisions made and behavior changed. That's it. Convincing ourselves otherwise doesn't benefit anyone. In fact, it just perpetuates the falsehood and feeds the yearning. NOT telling people the truth when they ask about something that doesn't work is the antithesis of helpful weight loss advice.

    Absolutely. You'll notice every person posting here who had success is saying "And I worked out and exercised." THAT'S why you're losing weight, not because of a pill. If it REALLY worked, it would work no matter if you're working out or not. And we know they don't.

    Science and chemicals don't care if you're fit or fat - if they worked as awesomely as they said they did, it would melt the pounds off eating both salad and Big Macs. They don't.

    Own your work, be proud of it, don't pawn it off on some bottle you bought at Walmart. YOU did the work, YOU get to take the credit.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if I put some crap in a pill, bottled it, and said it "stimualtes fat loss" would you buy it?

    Don't forget to say its all natural :laugh:

    Well I eat all natural foods, so my crap is all natural....
  • faireplay
    faireplay Posts: 126
    I have been taking Garcinia Cambogia for about a week and a half. I extensively researched it before starting. Dr. Oz recommends a brand with at least 50% HCA (hydroxycitric acid) which is the active ingredient. The brand I purchased was Life Extension because it was the only one I could find with the 50% HCA. It is actually called HCA and when you read the nutrition facts it says Garcinia Cambogia. You have to take one or two pills 45 minutes before you eat. I find I am less hungry and I have also lost about 4 pounds since I began to take them. I am already dieting and exercising and I feel that this product does exactly what it says it does, makes you fuller and makes you lose a little more weight than you normally would with diet and exercise.
    This is the link to the Dr. Oz article
    This is the product link

    Dr. Oz is a cardio-thoracic surgeon which in no way makes him an expert on weight loss or nutrition. Doctor's who are not specializing in a nutrition related field have to have very little schooling in regard to weight loss and nutrition. Dr. O is capitalizing on the MD title to sell his products. You would do better to listen to the people on this web site who have lived, learned and lost weight. They know what works and what doesn't.
  • bhoechst
    bhoechst Posts: 3
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.
  • faireplay
    faireplay Posts: 126
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.

    Got only reply if you are willing to cosign the BS.......and how is that helpful?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.

    Saying they are a waste of money is constructive. It is a public forum... when you post something here (or anywhere else) expect to get responses that are what you want and some that aren't.

    This is a weight loss board. Most people here know pills don't work and some get annoyed seeing the same posts over and over again because people don't search before posting a topic.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.

    The advice is constructive - they don't work save your money and eat less / move more.

    Positive advice on a miracle pill - nope - these things just take your money. Get a grip - if you just want to hear these things work blah blah blah go to a Dr Oz blog for helpful BS. :grumble:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.

    The advice is constructive - they don't work save your money and eat less / move more.

    Positive advice on a miracle pill - nope - these things just take your money. Get a grip - if you just want to hear these things work blah blah blah go to a Dr Oz blog for helpful BS. :grumble:

    Exactly! How "supportive" and "helpful" would it be to not point out the pitfalls of this kind of thing? Should one just tell the OP "oh yeah they are awesome and so worth the money"? Would it be better to lie?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.

    The advice is constructive - they don't work save your money and eat less / move more.

    Positive advice on a miracle pill - nope - these things just take your money. Get a grip - if you just want to hear these things work blah blah blah go to a Dr Oz blog for helpful BS. :grumble:

    Exactly! How "supportive" and "helpful" would it be to not point out the pitfalls of this kind of thing? Should one just tell the OP "oh yeah they are awesome and so worth the money"? Would it be better to lie?

    Yes, clearly - otherwise we are being mean and bullying.

    Op - don't waste your money. They are all as scam as shown by where it normally says on the bottle - in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. :huh: Just do the healthy diet and exercise. Simples. :drinker:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.

    You would not be saying the same if someone asked the question "Will eating lint help me lose weight?" and others responded "No." Eating lint would not help you lose weight and, in large enough amounts, could harm you. The posters saying "No" would be answering a question in a helpful, honest manner.

    Same concept here.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    I'll honestly answer..I have tried the Raspberry Ketone, Green Coffee Bean Extract and Garcinia Cambogia.

    I like the "Think Thin Green Coffee Bean Extract" at Walmart because it gave me enough energy to plow through my workouts at 5am which helped me lose weight.

    I'm currently taking Raspberry Ketone and I don't know if it has contributed to my weight loss but I do find that I don't crave junk as much.

    I did the Garcinia Cambogia because of the reviews and to be honest...I didn't see a change at all.

    Bottom line, there is NO miracle pill but I do like the results I got while taking the supplements. Stick with whatever helps you.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Or maybe people who don’t like those products should not read the post if they cannot provide positive or constructive advice to the person asking the question.

    You would not be saying the same if someone asked the question "Will eating lint help me lose weight?" and others responded "No." Eating lint would not help you lose weight and, in large enough amounts, could harm you. The posters saying "No" would be answering a question in a helpful, honest manner.

    Same concept here.

    Lint... would that count towards your daily fibre intake?

    OP - the absolute best help with weight loss that comes absolutely for free is building up a good group of friends on MFP with similar goals. Sure, I find the logging and forum advice good, but having friends who you can talk to on your private support in an open and frank manner is invaluable. They are the ones who cheer me on when I get off the sofa and go for a run or decide not to binge on rubbish at 2am. Yep - proven to be effective and don't cost me a penny :smile:
  • yhtak1013
    yhtak1013 Posts: 2 Member
    My husband are I have been taking GCBE (supposedly good quality) for the past 5 weeks. Neither of us has seen an increase in the amount of weight we have lost compared to what we lose with being on a healthy diet and exercising. I was skeptical, but I thought I'd give it a try because I hit a plateau. For us it didn't work, but everyone is different.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    tough crowd huh? I thought this is the place you could go and ask questions not be torn apart for asking them

    What just because people are not giving her the answers SHE wants to hear.... that makes it a tough crowd? She said she dieted enough to know - well obviously not because she is back again. How about making a lifestyle change and not tossing away money that could be used in a better way than that crap.
  • I am new to this I started this monday I want to be able to lose at least 52 pounds I am using Melaleuca products and I am doing ok so far. Wanting to loose this muck weight may be ok but a lot of work for me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if I put some crap in a pill, bottled it, and said it "stimualtes fat loss" would you buy it?

    Don't forget to say its all natural :laugh:

    well I eat all natural foods, so my crap is all natural....
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    DiaryOfaThickFitWoman Posts: 406 Member
    I just bought this product today and like the clerk and owner of the store told me, "it works along with a consistent regimen like most supplements do!". No its not a magic pill. But I'm going to give it a try along with my regular regimen and it could enhance the results......Dr. Oz recommended taking calcium and vitamin D to help with weight loss and to promote healthy bones, I wonder if he's getting paid for all the vitamin D people buy (and have been buying) too, lol. Its not that serious people, he has a health show, seems like he's doing what the show calls for......

    Im just saying, alot of supplements actually do work with a calorie deficit and exercise....
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