


  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Eating at McDonald's?

    Apparently, some people have no interest in being "elite".

    Besides, everyone knows that fast food calories are a ticking time-bomb of death. I hope that burger is worth the inevitable 5-8+ years you're cutting off of your life.

    From what ive seen the years from 85 to 88 are pretty crappy anyways so meh.

    They don't have to be.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    McDonald's = vomit food

    Have you seen Super Size Me - the documentary?

    Or the experiment with the McD hamburger and fries that has been sitting on a plate for two years without rotting?

    Fast food sometimes, go for it. But McD... gross!

    Super Size Me is hardly a documentary. The dude at like double his BMR, gained a ton of weight, and - surprise - had health problems.

    Look at Fat Head, where the guy at nothing but McDonald's but kept it within a calorie limit.

    The "sitting on a plate for two years without rotting" thing is absolute bunk. Yes, it happens, but it also happens to a hamburger you make at home. Cooked ground beef and bread dry out long before they can actually begin to rot.


    (Your facts and science and stuff are getting in the way of her self righteous narrative.)

    McDonald's is vomit food. Everyone knows that. The end.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member

    The "sitting on a plate for two years without rotting" thing is absolute bunk. Yes, it happens, but it also happens to a hamburger you make at home. Cooked ground beef and bread dry out long before they can actually begin to rot.

    I double dog dare you to prove that with a homemade hamburger.
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    I used to eat there a lot now I try to limit myself to a naughty cheeseburger once every 2weeks or so,

    The thing with maccies is, especialyl since the made it a bit more low cal.
    you eat it and are hungry again 15mins later like you ate nothing, so end up eating a normal filling meal as well as the greasy fatty burger if you are not careful. Or have to feel hungry until the next day when you have cals to use up again, or try exercise it off on that hungry feeling - all of which suck
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    Every now and then you just need to give into your cravings. You're doing it the smart way though: planning it out, thinking it through, and making sure it will fit into your diet.

    Go for it. Just don't make it a regular habit and you'll be fine.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I am thinking about it lately. The funny thing is, in the last five years I've only been there once, and that was in Japan. And that was before I gave a flying rats behind about calories. I just did not like it, did not like that fast food smell and could not bring myself to eat it.

    Now, after a month of clean living, I want it.
    I mean a cosi salad is 600 calories and I can get a crispy fried chicken for that.
    Egg McMuffin is only 300? My breakfast of yogurt, nuts and fruit is over that (really, take a look).
    Small fries are only 230??? That's crazy.

    I'd certainly feel a lot more full eating there. But is it crazy?

    no doubt your calories are calories, but the macro nutrients are different and you might not get a 'balanced' diet by eating just at Mcdonald's...
  • happythermia
    I'm not sure that you'd feel more full eating there, but go for it!

    I totally need my chicken nuggets from time to time.
  • carijok
    carijok Posts: 32

    An Egg McMuffin is a single fresh egg, an English muffin, a piece of ham, and a slice of cheese. What on earth could be wrong with that?

    You're forgetting the copius amounts of margarine. And the fact that its processed cheese. You're better off making a mcmuffun at home.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Eating fast food every so often won't kill you so I say go for it and enjoy.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Eating at McDonald's?

    Apparently, some people have no interest in being "elite".

    Besides, everyone knows that fast food calories are a ticking time-bomb of death. I hope that burger is worth the inevitable 5-8+ years you're cutting off of your life.

    Haha right on cue! Lol.

    We didn't plan that I swear.

    Aw, you two are so cute. Can I be a bridesmaid?!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I double dog dare you to prove that with a homemade hamburger.

    Already been done, my dear:

    "Well, well, well. Turns out that not only did the regular McDonald's burgers not rot, but the home-ground burgers did not rot either. Samples one through five had shrunk a bit (especially the beef patties), but they showed no signs of decomposition."
  • Schellsisbacktoattack
    I LOVE their grilled Chicken snack wraps with out sauce. I et it with only pickle and lettuce!!! SO good!!
  • Mgetsfit
    Mgetsfit Posts: 27 Member
    Look at how the food there is processed (especially the meat! -> ) and you'll never want to eat there again ^^
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Look at how the food there is processed (especially the meat! -> ) and you'll never want to eat there again ^^

    What McDonald's "food" do you think this picture illustrates?
  • Medcoder75
    Medcoder75 Posts: 17 Member
    Just not worth it to me! :)
  • justjean
    justjean Posts: 55 Member
    Mmm, I loveeee egg mcmuffins, but if you look at my food diary you can see I eat a a lot for breakfast and feel fuller longer. When I eat an eggmcmuffin, I can't control myself and then I eat another one which makes it so I've had 600 calories before I've even started the day.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    just get some mcdonalds...its not the end of the world... just dont make a habit of it.
  • Bubsys_mom
    Bubsys_mom Posts: 124 Member
    Or the experiment with the McD hamburger and fries that has been sitting on a plate for two years without rotting?

    I never liked McDonald's anyway, but after seeing that experiment a couple years ago, it made me hate it even more. If I am going to "cheat" I rather spend less money for more and go get me a baconator from Wendy's. lol
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Or the experiment with the McD hamburger and fries that has been sitting on a plate for two years without rotting?

    I never liked McDonald's anyway, but after seeing that experiment a couple years ago, it made me hate it even more. If I am going to "cheat" I rather spend less money for more and go get me a baconator from Wendy's. lol

    Then you may be interested to learn that the exact same thing happens to a burger made at home. I posted the link on this page proving it.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Eating at McDonald's?

    Apparently, some people have no interest in being "elite".

    Besides, everyone knows that fast food calories are a ticking time-bomb of death. I hope that burger is worth the inevitable 5-8+ years you're cutting off of your life.

    Haha right on cue! Lol.

    We didn't plan that I swear.

    Aw, you two are so cute. Can I be a bridesmaid?!
    totes. :)