Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning folks, less humid today:smile: Got to school at 6:30 to help a young man pass the end of the year tests :yawn: I'm here where is he?????:sad: Oh well , horse to water thing! Have a great day today. Richie

    that could of been my son:frown: I could drive him to school, walk him to the door, and get a call from the tutor 1/2 later that I had to pay even if I didn't bother to bring him!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Sara - (((HUGS)))

    Marla - Glad you had a nice birthday. Was the launch successful? :laugh:

    I am proud to say that my alarm went off at 5. The sun was rising. Birds were chirping. I, my champion friends, got dressed for a run. I did a slow mile. I have a sharp, sharp pain in my left knee. Black team members don't give up. I chanted that through the whole mile. Not sure what the dealio is. After the 5K on Saturday it was hurting big time but felt okay afterwards and yesterday all day. Will schedule an appt for an adjustment. But, I did it. I really, really did. :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    getting there, Kati--

    T minus 64 minutes and counting.

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member
    Forgot to mention that our new food for the week (new to us) was introduced yesterday: cantaloupe. I've never been a fan. But, I tried it again. It wasn't as bad as I remembered. Emerson enjoyed it. Tenley and Dylan not so much. Dean likes it. Yay us for being brave.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift off-- woo-hooooooooo!!!

    Par-tayyyyyy in Jersey!!!!!!!!!!

    Heading out to lunch with a classmate-- woo-hooooooo!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift off-- woo-hooooooooo!!!

    Par-tayyyyyy in Jersey!!!!!!!!!!

    Heading out to lunch with a classmate-- woo-hooooooo!

    I hope your driving, looks like your classmate ate way too many beans last night :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Forgot to mention that our new food for the week (new to us) was introduced yesterday: cantaloupe. I've never been a fan. But, I tried it again. It wasn't as bad as I remembered. Emerson enjoyed it. Tenley and Dylan not so much. Dean likes it. Yay us for being brave.

    mmmmm love nice fresh cantelope (can tell low pay as they say it here in Miami! )

    you may have had some that was not ripe. Buy it and leave on the table for a few days. When the button on the end can be depressed a bit................ding-all done!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Okay daily goals:

    Better food choices and log them
    Continue exercise no matter how freakin hot and humid it is
    Abs and arms

    Short term:

    2 months :2 5K's first goal of 45 min or under

    Ultimate goal: 6-9 months

    Reach my goal weight

    Ultimate goal:

    See what everyone else sees. No matter how many times someone tell me I look great, skinny, thinner...I don't see it. I think like I did 25 pounds ago.

    I reread this and thought, hmmmm not to clear on what I AM going to do. So let me try this again:


    I AM going to eat my fruit and vegetables every day.
    I AM going to log all my food.


    I AM going to do at least 2 pavement miles every day. This will be either running or walking.
    I AM going to do at least 1 water mile 4 times a week.

    I WILL do ab work every day whether I feel like it or not.
    I WILL do arm work 3 times a week.

    Short term by September

    I WILL run in 2 5K races. The first one WILL be under 45 minutes.

    Long term goal by June 2011

    I WILL reach my goal weight. I lost 25 pounds another 20 to go.

    Ultimate Goal

    I WILL see what eveyone else sees. I WILL appreciate the changes I have made, the inches I have lost and the healthy lifestyle that I have started.

    :heart: Black Team !
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift off-- woo-hooooooooo!!!

    Par-tayyyyyy in Jersey!!!!!!!!!!

    Heading out to lunch with a classmate-- woo-hooooooo!

    I hope your driving, looks like your classmate ate way too many beans last night :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift off-- woo-hooooooooo!!!

    Par-tayyyyyy in Jersey!!!!!!!!!!

    Heading out to lunch with a classmate-- woo-hooooooo!

    I hope your driving, looks like your classmate ate way too many beans last night :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The drive there should be cheap enough. Looks like she's got plenty of gas.....
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Love the redo on the goals Bobbi. I believe ya!

    Marla- imagine you are partying about now

    I got up, did a 2 mile run this AM, saw a number on the scale when I finished that I havne't seen for a LONG time. Granted, I sweated out A LOT of water...but, still I SAW it! Normally I don't weight myself because I head straight to the gym, but today I had to take DS to his doctor appointment and I needed a quick shower.

    Ran him to the doctor and back to school and then hit the gym. I took a sculpting class that I have never taken before. The class was fine, but honestly, I'm a little more 'hard core' when it comes to weights and I could have done a lot more on my own in those 45 minutes... but now I know.

    For weights, I'm better left to do my own thing. I want to say I have advanced past those classes but it sounds like I'm full of myself and it's not that. I remember a time when I was very 'at the level' of those classes and I lifted little itty bitty weights and thought I might die. Now, I listen to these women moan and groan and complain about doing a bicep curl with an 8 pound dumbbell.... when I am doing 15 or 20 pounds and not complaining. Or when we were doing the back exercises and they were using their 10 pound weights for the lawnmower pull move .... and I picked up both my 15 pound weights in one hand and did it.

    I'm sure they are looking at me thinking their own thoughts..... :bigsmile: It's hard to listen to those who have been taking the same class for months and months and months moan and groan about it and never challenge themselves to the next level. That is all. I really don't care how much people lift, it bothers me that they never progress. Some of those ladies have been doing it for years. After years of doing it they can't go up a pound or two?

    Ahhhh, I digress......Cardio classes for me at the gym=good. Sculpting=no thanks.

    The point in all of that my friends..... NEVER EVER stop trying! Always strive to do better, be faster, lift more, go further! Got it?
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Love the redo on the goals Bobbi. I believe ya!

    Thank you Lori !
    Ahhhh, I digress......Cardio classes for me at the gym=good. Sculpting=no thanks.

    The point in all of that my friends..... NEVER EVER stop trying! Always strive to do better, be faster, lift more, go further! Got it?

    Got it !!!!!!!:tongue:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Ahhhh, I digress......Cardio classes for me at the gym=good. Sculpting=no thanks.

    The point in all of that my friends..... NEVER EVER stop trying! Always strive to do better, be faster, lift more, go further! Got it?

    Got it !!!!!!!:tongue:

    I agree with Bobbi - got it :bigsmile: . I have just completed 20 minutes on the bike with the weights on my ankles. I am feeling the work out in my legs, and once I don't feel it or I can peddle like I was before, then I will add more weight (is now sitting here wondering what to do when I progress past the 3kg ankle weight - add another?? Now have a picture of me wearing ankle weight leggins :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ).

    Ok, time for me to go. Hubby home from first day back at work and he is dealing with the babies, so better go and help :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just got back from lunch-- oh my gosh. Haven't seen Allison my classmate since graduation day 28 years or so ago-- like old times. Gotta love facebook and the connections you can make. We yapped, we laughed, we cried, we laughed some more-- so much fun.

    Had a lovely Asian Crunch Salad at Applebees-- under 550 calories. Some kinda white peach sangria thing-- not sure of the calories, but it was just lovely. I just got back around 5:15 from a 1:15 lunch. Good times.

    Have to make dinner, blah, blah, blah-- be in touch later with some goals.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone, I burned 750 calories today and I even ate almost 1500 that unheard for me, so I am really trying, I am super tired!!

    Hit the gym after work, been up since 3 am now heading to ball, it wont get over until like 10 pm...

    Hope everyone is doing great...I am gonna get up at 330and hit the gym from 5 to 630 then back at gym from 8 to 830 for an abs class then 830 to 930 for a spin class..I hope I have a good time..who am I kidding I know I will have a good time!!

    Goodnight ya'll!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Marla- Glad you had a good time with your old classmate. I have a similar event coming this summer. Good friend look is having a BBQ for his birthday and there will be a TON of old friends I havnt seen since highschool, Now there is some motivation for me to get my butt in gear. lol

    Run not so good today. Sore and tired but I managed intervals for a couple of miles. Even so, I am happy with it because I got out there. Burned some calories and got one step further in the right direction.

    Eating has been spot on today. Trying to figure out what to do with my last 200 cals today. All Kati's talk about Canteloupe made me buy one at the store today. Maybe I will have that.

    Just feels good to be with you guys again. Shame made me hide. Feels good to be proud enough to show my face. =)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sweet Andrew-- there is no shame among friends, ol' buddy. You let life get to you for a bit-- it happens. We love you enough to remind you there are no excuses. Health HAS to be a priority. You DO NOT want to be that 300+ pound dude ever, ever again. As much as it depend on me to assist, I vow to never let you rest on your haunches. Complacency equals what, Jeannie? That's right. FAT.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Thank you all for making me feel so welcome:flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sweet Andrew-- there is no shame among friends, ol' buddy. You let life get to you for a bit-- it happens. We love you enough to remind you there are no excuses. Health HAS to be a priority. You DO NOT want to be that 300+ pound dude ever, ever again. As much as it depend on me to assist, I vow to never let you rest on your haunches. Complacency equals what, Jeannie? That's right. FAT.
