Do your partners/family give you support or not?

kathneal67 Posts: 35 Member
When I lost the weight last time he didn't do or say anything to encourage me, not even my daughter. Then it is the same this time. Do any of you have problems with this as well? How do you cope? How do you not let it get to you? As aren't they meant to congratulate you with what's happening and tell you that you are doing a great job? Mine just says your happy with that aren't you and then gives me funny looks when I eat a small amount of something bad! or eat something late when I feel hungry. he also said WOW eating apples in a sarcastic voice as I never usually eat fruit. AAARRRGGHH tell me all how you cope with it. I try and ignore it, but sometimes it is hard.


  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    he trys but he doesnt get the whole if you have leftover cals..who says i cant have ice cream he automatically thinks im cheating or something! drives me crazy...i also try n cook most meals because he looks to add olive oil to eevvvvvveeeerrryyyy thing!
  • TheGnomeQueen
    No, mine likes "more cushin' for the pushin"...and has been very vocal about that.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    My boyfriend eats whatever the f@#k he wants, and when we go grocery shopping he's the one throwing cookies and chips in the cart. He's got a little bit of a belly himself (mostly from soda I think), but it's not my business to criticize him when he's still at a normal, healthy weight. He doesn't exercise with me, he doesn't constantly encourage me, and he says "don't blow your diet" every time I talk about wanting to eat something like ice cream. And then proceeds to snarf down a whole bag of snack mix in front of me. :P

    But you know what? It doesn't bother me. Because this is MY weight loss, not his, and ultimately at the end of the day it is most important to ME. Sure, I liked it when he told me tonight that he's proud of what I'm doing. But praises from him like that are few and far between. He's not required to be supportive simply because he is my boyfriend, and to expect that from a loved one is just setting yourself up for disappointment and upset. Your family is there to support you, yes, but that doesn't mean they have to be your personal cheerleaders all the time-- you can't force everyone to be on your same game plan.

    If you feel like your husband is demoralizing you on accident (or on purpose), then communicate that to him. Tell him that his teasing is discouraging to you, and that you would appreciate more positive encouragement. But don't expect him or anyone else to hold your hand and guide you every step of the way. Be grateful for support you DO receive, but realize that if you want this bad enough, if you really want to change your life, you'll do it for YOU, and not for recognition or approval from anyone else!
  • kelcro40
    kelcro40 Posts: 115 Member
    I think the sarcastic comments come from his fear of you getting healthy and looking good. My husband supports me quite well, and always tells me how proud his is when I tell him I've lost another pound. He has never once said anything about what I eat. He knows that if I am eating it then I can "afford" it. We talked about getting my gut fixed when I loose all the weight and possibly a boob job, to which he has replied he doesn't want me to leave him afterwards but that's about as negative as he's been.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Just have to move on and not let every comment get to you. Or you will drive yourself insane. I cope by running.
  • mommy2twins2011
    My hubby has been so amazing with me, my friends too. Hubby just laughs at me when I have something sweet, and I tell him ill just work it off later, I dont do it very often tho. I dont know where I would be if it wasnt for my hubby and friends.
  • CarrieBeck29
    CarrieBeck29 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow, you need to tell him how you feel. I would be so annoyed and upset! you do not need sarcastic remarks and rude, judgmental stares. He needs to know that getting healthy requires support and encouragement. If I didn't have my man and all of my family cheering me on, I would have fallen off a looooong time ago. Good luck!
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    For the most part, my husband is very supportive. He has actually enjoyed a lot of the healthy meals I've made. He does sometimes make a face when I check my phone before ordering when we're out but he understands why I do it. And he enjoys that I am liking how I'm looking.
  • haley255
    haley255 Posts: 117 Member
    Once I complained to my boyfriend's friend about how he doesn't support me trying to lose weight and he told me that guys feel uncomfortable because he doesn't want to imply that he's unhappy with me not trying to lose weight and make me feel pressured.... if that makes sense?
    Idk, man logic.
  • janerfitnesspal145
    janerfitnesspal145 Posts: 55 Member
    Yes, most definitely having support from your family/friends makes it easier as it helps with motivation. My husband started on MFP in January and I was helping him with his entries, then decided it would be easier if I did it too (since we eat the same thing for dinner). Once I started logging too, it was much easier to plan meals, especially now that we can see how much sodium, etc. is in everything. MFP has definitely helped both of us, our son included, start eating much better. I also got my sister to start logging as she needs to gain a few pounds, or at least not lose any. Now she too is eating better and making sure that she gets enough calories every day. My husband and I monitor each other, coaching to make sure we aren't under-eating most days!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Before I started MFP and my weight loss journey, I discussed my plans at length with my husband. I communicated to him what I needed from him - support, encouragement definitely - but that I was ultimately the one responsible for policing myself. I'm only 2 months in, but he's been terrific so far.

    But he's not a mind-reader. If I have extra calories available due to better food choices/smaller portions, or have earned them through exercise - I'll tell him that I have XXX calories left for the day and that I can now enjoy that cookie (or whatever). And if I don't have extra calories available and I choose to indulge anyway? I tell him that too, and he doesn't judge me either way. Like I said, I'm the only one responsible for my actions.
  • Jhingz
    Jhingz Posts: 13 Member
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    My husband has supported me for my health. First clean eating, then switching to a vegetarian diet. He is my biggest cheerleader but sometimes he can be the biggest instigator about sweet treats lol
  • Thinknight
    Thinknight Posts: 35 Member
    My Fiance is doing MFP too, but not as to the point as I am. When I try to stay within my calorie allowance and he has had a bad food day, he keeps on about how we cant let this thing rule our lives. But on a good day he is sitting beside me trying to be more healthy too! It really pains me as I have been battling Ana and Mia for years and this is the first time im losing weight in a healthy way. To be honest I just dont think men get it, as someone else said on here, they are happy with us the way we are. For me I feel soooo much better than I did two months ago when I started. There really is no comparison.
    Do i wish he was more consistant yes, but hey im going to battle through the calorie counting fights and hopefully make it out the
    other size slimmer and happier.

    Its my health after all...and for any support go on this website for ten seconds and you get bucket loads!
    Well done to everyone, we are all in this together :bigsmile:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    There are different ways of being supportive. My husband is a lot less strict about his diet than I am, but he eats what I cook (and says nice things about it). He used to keep a lot of junk food and soda around, but he's cut back on that, even though I never asked him to. He's always into going for a hike or a bike ride. Also, he's extremely supportive of how I look, no matter what my weight is. But I would do what I do, with or without support. I think that my determination is really what has gotten his support, and also gotten him going to the gym and cutting back on some empty calories.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    My husband isn't on board with the whole thing. He supports me but does not really encourage me. He eats crap and won't try anything that I come up with that is healthy. I am big into smoothies with fruits and veggies for breakfast and he is always making smart remarks about the way it looks. My comeback is "it's so yummy and so full of good nutrients for my body. I LOVE IT". A lot of times I cook for my family and then I eat what I want. Change your way of thinking from letting what he says hurt and hinder you to.......I deserve this, I can do this, I will do this. No matter what. If he doesn't want to eat and follow you, that is fine. But do not let him stop you from being sucessful! YOU are in control of every thing you eat. YOU are in control of your body. Every choice you make is YOUr choice. Make good choices and do this!
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    For the most part, my husband is very supportive. He has actually enjoyed a lot of the healthy meals I've made. He does sometimes make a face when I check my phone before ordering when we're out but he understands why I do it. And he enjoys that I am liking how I'm looking.

    Mine has benn great save for moments of being a little (and I do mean little) frustrated with the whole checking my phone thing. He's just not too used to having to stop and wait while I aim my phone and scan barcodes while he's trying to make something. He forgets and throws packages out before I can scan them, and he gets a little annoyed when I try to micromanage what's going into the pan. But it's a little bit of an adjustment, and I get that, so I try to be flexible also.

    But these little adjustments aside he has been just wonderful. Most of the time, if we are out somewhere, like say we're at a place we havent been to before, he asks me "Did you check your phone yet? Did you find something you can have?" Or he will suggest we go to a certain place and he will say "Check your phone see if you can have this".

    He's been very encouraging also, every single day he tells me how well he things I'm doing and he doesn't criticize at all when a "bad food" goes into my mouth. He goes on walks with me (he likes to walk so he will usually be the one to suggest it) and he didn't bat an eye or make any kind of bad comments when I ordered Shaun T's Rockin' Body. (I guess I'm overly grateful for his support because my prior relationship offered nothing but criticism with ANY kind of interest or venture no matter what it was, so I'm shock not to have been made fun of for any of this yet)

    He's been SUPER supportive and super helpful about the shopping and cooking. And now he's starting to infringe on my food a little too... he wants all of my tasty snacks! (he still eats his own crappy ones too, but he's trying, at his own little pace).

    It makes me sad that not everyone gets that kind of support at home. I think its just terrible and selfish not to support people who are trying to make any kind of positive change in life, especially when it comes to health.
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    Just have to move on and not let every comment get to you. Or you will drive yourself insane. I cope by running.

    ^^^^Do you RUN AWAY, or do you run back also? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:huh:
  • lease1981
    lease1981 Posts: 57
    My husb does not say negative things to me, he's been supportive. Even if i cheat and have ice cream he never makes rude comments he knows i've been working hard andhe knows i know what i'm doing. I've even got him eating better:) by his own choice:)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Nope. No matter. I'm doing this for myself.
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