Words/Phrases you HATE



  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    OM NOM NOM or any variation thereof
    Epic (Thank you very much Blizzard)
    Ironic (because so few people actually use it correctly)

    Did I mention I ****ing hate OM NOM NOM?
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Nucular (nuclear)
    Needless to say

    Also, people who apologize profusely and unnecessarily.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    noms, nommy, nom nom

    sammy or sammich

    hammy (for hamstrings)

    I see what you're doing there


    my bad

    for some reason....


    po po and cray cray

    when people insert stupid nicknames for others in conversation (usually when they are talking about their children) "you should have seen Muffin watching tv " Muffin?
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    We're "bonding"

    Plural of Sister in Law is not "Sister in Laws", it's "Sisters in Law"

    You do not need to get "orientated", it's "oriented"
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Lose vs loose

    I wanna loose weight. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also the word drawer is odd to me
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    Lately, using conjugation. It's=It is. Don't=Do not. I'll=I will.
    Trying to cure myself of it as well. Take back the english language to the old art that it once was! :smile:

  • Lovlilyn
    Lovlilyn Posts: 79 Member
    I can't believe no one has said, "it's to die for" - that phrase makes me cringe.

    Also makes me crazy when people use "loose" when they mean "lose".
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    unbeknownst to you...

    Urgh...This one for me too!
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    Kamode, moist, tinkle...my list goes on haha
  • enoid1
    enoid1 Posts: 14 Member
    using "can I" instead of "may I"...I don't know what you can or can't do
    using double negatives...
  • LagoonaChanBlue
    "Not being rude but..."
    "No offence or out but..."
    Much offence may still be taken xD

    When people end every sentence with "D'ya know what I mean?"

    Calling a group of people "yous"
    And YOLO; kind of reminds me of Rolos and makes me extra hungry :3
  • melwa
    melwa Posts: 44 Member
    Whatever...( shrugs shoulders)
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    I apologize if someone has already used this one. This thread is so long!

    This is more typed than spoken, but I hate "definately" or "defiantly" when the person means "definitely".

    "I defiantly agree with you." <-- This person agrees with you, but they're being defiant about it.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    'Addicting' as an adjective

    'Cute' in places it makes no sense- "Cute dinner with my hubby" Facebook is terrible for this.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    "choo choo trane", "peek-a-boo", "Whee" or anything else when they are said by an adult man !!!!
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    I can't believe no one has said, "it's to die for" - that phrase makes me cringe.

    Also makes me crazy when people use "loose" when they mean "lose".

    Same here. When I hear "It's to die for," I picture that the person is in a creepy suicide cult.
    When I see "loose weight" rather than "lose weight," it makes it sound like the person is just loosening their weight somehow so it's easier to get rid of later.

    I'm a visual person and I picture everything in a literal sense. It makes life entertaining.
  • The1iceQueen
    People that actually say...."Rofl"
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    My ex called me "baby" even after I told him that I hated it. I know it's accepted by most people, but I can't stand it.

    Excuse me, I'm an adult female. Do I look like a baby to you, creeper who dates babies?
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    1) "Everything happens for reason"

    2) "God won't give you more than you can handle"

    3) "Well, it's good enough"

    4) "Oh, don't worry about that"

    5) "awe, thats so nice"

    6) "It is what it is"

    ***Oh my gosh I have so many!! hahaha I ESPEICALLY hate 1, 2 and 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!