Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • JuliePleasant
    JuliePleasant Posts: 72 Member
    Some of the people that you are seeing may have had Weight loss surgery. I try to stay under 1100 per day.
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    I don't lie in my tracker, but I also keep it private. If it was public I might be tempted to not write down small stuff that adds up. I write down everything, even when I eat 3 blackberries, for instance. It all goes in my tracker, just for me.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    I used to just guess on how much of something I was eating or just not log that bite of this or bite of that. But I realized I was really only sabotaging my efforts. For the last 8 weeks I have logged every single thing...including the days I had 5 rum and diet cokes (ouch) or the two french fries I snagged while working the other night. I also weigh my food now.

    I figure the more accurate I am then the more I can learn about my body and how it either loses or holds on to weight.

    Honesty really is the best policy when it comes to this
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    I log honestly and it shows. :embarassed:
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    i eat 1200 or under every day i dont binge... and i log everything infact its 6.30 pm and my diary might look empty but im actually not hungry ...
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Never. I would be lying to myself. That being said, I am tiny and I only eat TDEE - 20% = 1025 c a day.
  • Justamom410
    Justamom410 Posts: 90 Member
    It's one thing to "forget" to log a meal. But I see breakfast, lunch and dinner...and each meal is like 300 calories.

    I use other people's food diaries to get ideas for new meals. So it's frustrating when all I see is "2 saltine crackers" or something.

    I'm just getting back on the wagon after over a year of being off. And I'm determined to get the weight off and keep it off.
  • red9812
    red9812 Posts: 85 Member
    No, although I get too lazy too log everything sometimes (I don't log when I feel lazy and I know for sure that I'm at least at my goal calories for the day).

  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    What's the point, who would you be lying to? I do know when I first started here I was averaging 900 calories a day thinking I was doing a good thing, maybe the people who log 1000 don't realise the harm they are doing :flowerforyou:
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    The only thing I "lie" about is that I don't typically put spices on my food log. And, of course, sometimes I just have to guess at things I didn't make for myself.

    Pretty much this. I don't log an occasional piece of gum , my vitamins or spices. I am a figity person who is set to sedentary because I have a desk job. I make it a point to get up several times a day to keep moving. It has worked ok for me so far. I think I would go crazy logging those little things and for me they wouldn't add up to much.

    This for me too!
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    I lie about tiny tic tacs...I don't log my tic tac consumption.

    However under 1K cals isn't a good idea. There are plenty of people on here in various stages of eating disorders. Some are recovering, some are just starting, and most are somewhere in between.
  • laurengaugler
    laurengaugler Posts: 45 Member
    I don't understand why people would want to lie on their food diary. You are only cheating yourself.

    There have been times I made some REALLY bad choices and didn't want to log them, but in the end I decided I can only learn from my mistakes and move forward. I log EVERYTHING I eat, even if it's just one pretzel or one chocolate chip.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    what would the point in lying be? it's not like your body won't know if you ate crap or not. I mean I'm sure there are people who don't put it down..but it's working against them
  • taymarie8046
    taymarie8046 Posts: 27 Member
    When I first started using MFP, and didn't have any friends, I would lie to myself and "forget" to add snacks that I had after dinner. Finally, I put myself out there, got a few friends and I make sure I'm not lying. In my mind, if they choose to be honest with me, I should be with them too.

    On another note, I do notice that the weeks where I don't eat much, my body tends to go into starvation mode. That was my problem for a while. I only recently figured out that I need to eat more to lose more.
  • HolyPeas
    HolyPeas Posts: 71
    I'm a big person eating a steady 800 calories a day because I had weight loss surgery - these people may have had the same and are not sharing that aspect of their weight loss so I wouldnt be so fast to say that they are lying.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    they're only lying to themselves and you can obviously see if they eat more than that just by looking at them. i'm ocd with my diary and everything is recorded
  • GinaLPadilla
    GinaLPadilla Posts: 1 Member
    If I snack it, I track it. Many times I turn away from nibbling on something just cause I know it will have to go in my log.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I don't lie on mine. I keep it as honest as possible. Plus ( I think) my diary is open, which is more motivatoin to keep it healthy. Even the one time I went to Burger King on a road trip- I still logged it.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I try not to lie - because really I'd just be lying to myself so what's the point? I do forget to complete logging some days. There are alot of people who try and "diet" there way to weight loss and haven't figured out that you can't lose weight by starving yourself and stay healthy.

    If I know the person then I will comment directly to them about the lack of calories and a lot of the time they will respond by logging more calories (now whether or not they truly are I will never know). At the end of the day you can be supportive but we are all responsible for our own weight.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    If I see myself going over 3000 cals, I lie... lol... If looks better to me. Also, before I got a food scale, I totally overestimated calories. I try not to though, but sometimes when you have to make a guesstimate, you may under estimate... just saying...