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Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    I am not a small person but since joining MFP I have had most of my days under 1000 calories. I just eat alot fo veggies and brown rice and found recipes that are low cal. So no I dont feel people are lying in their food diaries. Plus who am I to judge.
  • gapm
    gapm Posts: 48
    I never intentionally lie on my food diary. I am human and I'm sure I forget to log some foods on occasion, especially if I log all my food at the end of a busy day. If an item is not in the database, I go with the closest thing I can find that is in the database. That might not be perfectly accurate either. I do try to log absolutely everything as accurately as I can, but I will go with an approximation if trying to be accurate is making me crazy.
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    I don't know how anyone could live on that little! I would be starving! I exercise a lot and it makes me hungry! I try to make good food choices but if I have a glass of wine or some dessert I am still going to put it in my journal! I think that moderation is key when it comes to the less healthy choices but I am not perfect and I am not going to live on only lettuce for the rest of my life!
  • littlebre33
    littlebre33 Posts: 318
    i try not too,but unfortunately I most likely can be doing better. I try to make the appropriate serving sizes but i find staying home alone w/ a 2 year old n a 5 month old the whole day i get as close as i can. Something I need to work on!!
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    I don't log my drinks sometimes, Main reason is I can't remember how many I had....
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I used to lie, but now that I have been participating in a group challenge (where one of the requirements is staying in the 'green' on daily calories) I would feel dishonest lying to others rather than to just myself. It was the best decision I've made for my weight loss effort, and is acting as a great kickstarter for healthy habits and truthful logging.

    On my cheat days (once a week) sometimes I don't log everything or don't publish it, but when I publish my diary to my friend feed, everything's on there.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I suspect no one lies on purpose unless they are trying to impress their MFP friends. I do sometimes think things get omitted, forgotten,

    I didn't do it to impress anyone, I did it because I was lying to myself about how much I was really eating, and was trying to pat myself on the back when I wasn't actually being any healthier. However, the guilt about publishing untrue information to others which would SEEM like trying to impress / show off was part of what finally broke the cycle for me.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    NEVER---and that's why my diary is closed. I log all my food...the good, the bad, and the ugly.:smile:
  • MrsC160
    MrsC160 Posts: 85 Member
    Do I "lie" on my food diary? Yes.

    How? Well, mostly I put more calories than there are actually in the food (because I am not sure always about calorie content in some food). But I log everything that I take in. (With occasional skip for small portion of lettuce or cucumbers or beetroot :bigsmile: )

  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I know some people that just don't log things they know the calorie numbers of.. they keep a running tab and use MFP for the database. I wonder then what the point of keeping your diary open is, though.

    Sometimes I stop logging on my "day off" or if I just really went overboard and don't want to see it. But I wouldn't mark my day complete.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I wouldn't call it "Lieing" (that doesn't look right.........lying? how do you spell that? lol)

    Anyhooooooooooo..........sometimes I slack a bit, and don't put everything. Sometimes I might put in a bit of cardio that might be a minute or two off (especially if I'm close to my goal for the day.) Sometimes.....well, it just gets to be too much, and I don't have the energy to see that horrible RED number!

    I"ve been maintaining for about a year - and trying to just stay EVEN...................I"m not in this thing to obsess about every calorie or every movement, but to have a different LIFESTYLE, and to be thinner than I was. It's working for me - if I "lie" a bit now and then, I can't see it hurting anyone but me...........and it makes me FEEL better to have a positive outcome each day.
  • wntrbreez
    wntrbreez Posts: 32 Member
    I don't lie. I'm honest about it. As other's have said - you only hurt yourself. The only exception is that I don't log zero calorie foods such as pickles or diet soda. The sodium will obviously be underestimated as a result, but I'm not monitoring my sodium intake at this time. I'm more concerned with calories, protein & calcium.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Lie? on purpose? What would be the purpose?

    I'm sure I misjudge portions, I substitute what's available for things I don't know, and often neglect to log dinner at all, but I do not intentionally lie. I'd only be cheating myself.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member

    Tho i was realizing yesterday that i underestimate my daily activity level. I am not sedentary. I am walking around all day, up and down the steps several times, and i walk very fast. I keep it at sedentary tho because of the days I am slow at work- which has been quite some time now since i was slow...
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I'm too "type A" to do that...which is why I've logged everything, every day, since I started this almost 20 months ago.

    (Wow. That sounds crazier than intentionally *not* logging something occasionally. =\ )

    Agreed. I wouldn't bother doing it if I wasn't going to be as accurate as possible.

    Although I admit to not bothering to weigh out my lettuce.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I'm just curious how a "lie" would be differentiated from a lie. Because this could help my perjury case a lot.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Nope don't lie, why would I waste my time here if I'm gonna lie, in the end it's me who I hurt. Some days I don't get to log everything, but I try to pre-log before eating anything, just so I know exactly what I'm having.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I never lie on my diary and I consume around 800 calories a day and I'm just under 300 pounds. It's not unhealthy for a VERY obese person such as myself do a very low calorie diet if you are being monitored by a doctor and you are meeting all of your macro and micronutrient goals. I make every single calorie count with no frills.
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    No, I try not to lie on my diary. Sometimes, as others already stated, it is hard to find out the true nutritious value of the food. Especially when eating out or not self-cooked. If I am unsure I go with the higher value. On the weekends, when I have sedendary days, I am sometimes under 1000 cals, but I am also sleeping or watching TV during that time.
    I also use a table scale for the snacks, like nuts or dried fruit, to get the exact amount. We tend to gestimate often too high.

    I am also currently overseas and I can't always find the nutritious value for the original greek food and not the "americanized" version.

    With my exercises I go more with the lesser value, so it will even itself out and I put more effort into it.
  • kg4ulu
    kg4ulu Posts: 39 Member
    I do not lie. If I screw up, then by putting in my diary I'm holding myself accountable. If I choose to lie on a web site about what I eat so people don't know, I am only lying to myself. Those people aren't going to suffer from my choice of food. Whether it's good, bad or ugly, I log it.