
  • Triggert8855
    Triggert8855 Posts: 3 Member
    I wanted to introduce myself, I am 57 years old and started using this website 5 weeks ago and love it. I actually started my diet 6 weeks ago and with the help of this website plus the fact that I had the Sleeve Weightloss surgery done 4 weeks ago I have lost 23 lbs. I have dieted all my life so I know what needs to be done but like everyone I need encouragement from others. If anyone wants to add me as their friend, feel free, I need all the encouragement I can get!
  • Triggert8855
    Triggert8855 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, forgot to give you my name, duh, it's Teri from Kansas City. :)
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi lovely ladies:smile:

    Had to leave work early because my knee started acting up so now I'm elevating and icing while I catch up on all the posts. Thought I was finally getting my groove back with exercise yesterday but guess not.:grumble:

    Karen from Mi- I can so relate since I too am laid up at the moment but congrats on your loss!!

    Jodios-Thanks for the ip abt Jessica Smith! I'm going to check her out on youtube!

    Grandmaillie- Try not to feel bad-it's hard to get out of the habit of weighing everyday and we all wish the scale would budge quicker!
    There are a lot of good chair exercises on youtube. I used a lot of them to try to still get exercise in after my toe
    surgery last summer. And I too love the serenity prayer and thank you for the reminder that in the face of drama it's
    always good to take a step back and just breathe!

    Meg- Hugs to Benny Beagle! :heart Our furry babies are such an important part of our lives!

    Barbie-Keeping Jake and you in my prayers!:flowerforyou:

    Glenda- Thanks for the kind words!

    Marge in the Midwest- I too am in the Midwest:smile: I can so relate to what you said about reverting back to comfort eating! That is
    what I'm struggling with the most at the moment!

    Congrats to all who are showing a loss and hugs and encouragement to those that are struggling!

  • debbieoyam
    debbieoyam Posts: 2 Member
    I just found this site today....so thought I would give it a try to see if this helps. I am 58 years old and getting ready to retire from job as a kindergarten aide for 40 years. I think with retiring I will be able to find more time for exercising and eating right. I do know that I really like to exercise in the morning.....my husband and I both went to the gym this morning as we had no school here today.
    I would really like to be able to enjoy our days together in retirement doing the things that we like most....camping, fishing, spending time at the beach and hopefully we will have grandchildren soon.

    Thanks for this post.
    Debbie from WV

    March goals

    exercising 3 days a week
    taking more walks in the evening instead of watching tv
    eating healthier
    lose at least 2 lbs a week
    remembering to post my foods/exercises daily
    remembering to post on this site too
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    trying this bump thing ;-) hope everyone is having a good day
  • GrammyDanni
    GrammyDanni Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Danni from Texas and glad I found this thread. Definitely in need of support from others over 50 on MFP. Turned 52 last month and dieting alone hasn't worked for me yet. My husband and I have 5 adult kids, 3 grandkids and one more on the way in August.

    I really like the idea of listing my monthly goals. I list goals for work so why am I missing the boat personally?
    I really struggle with the munchies from 3 to 5PM and again before bed. Is it habit, am I hungry or just craving snacks. So far this has been my biggest obstacle.

    List my foods daily on MFP and stay within my calories
    Exercise at least 3x a week - Start running again (Get in 6 miles per week)
    Lose 2 pounds per week.
    Shop & prepare snacks/meals on Sundays (helps when reaching for snacks during the week)
    Have a plan before going out to dinner with friends
    Find better low cal meal ideas
    Stay away from the evening glass of wine :-)

    I'm looking foward to reviewing this in April to see how I've done.... I'm going to rock it, I hope :-)

    Thanks and hope to get to know others too !!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Welcome to the new people.
    Barbie ,you and hubby are in my prayers.
    Went to my knitting group,turned in a baby blanket and lap robe.Working on a new one as well as the kitty blankets.
    Hope you are doing ok.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,986 Member
    Evening ladies, hope everyone's day went well,
    Today was ok but it was a slip up food day for me... I dont even want to add to my food log but I will, I was ok until I got home tonight and decided I was starving and had 3 slices of veggie pizza, and a mini marshmallow egg:embarassed:
    Oh well.as Doris Day would say Que, sera sera..
    And as Scarlett O'Hara said~ Tomorrow is another day.. will get back on the band wagon and get crack a lackin..
    So many new face's welcome to the fun~~ hop on in the water's fine:bigsmile:
    We have a boat load of fun and catch up on all sorts of things, dont we ladies?
    Tonight we are supposed to be getting some snow/rain/wind~~ I am soooooo ready for spring .. green grass, flowers, birdies
    Hoping all the newcomers hop right in,
    Barbie,Jake home and tucked in? hope so.....
    Meg how is mr Benny doing?
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm behind so only read page 14. Glad to see you are all keeping very busy.

    sorry to hear about your cousin.

    For those of you having hard times look ahead better days to come.

    As for me i'm coming in from tops and a loss again tonight. 2 lbs gone to the wind. So putting me a little further away from the 200.
    I'm leader at tops for another year which I thought I would be. No one stepped forward oh well. At least that makes me be there every week.

    Tonight my cheat is going to be a nice bowl of honey nut cereal with almonds. Better than a chocolate bar or bag of chips I guess but it's tops night always was my cheat night. lol.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Bump for Joyce
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi there happy ladies. I had a so-so day at work, but now I’m off for the rest of the week. At least I am getting 2 days of my spring break! I think the class is at least marginally ready; the first 4 weeks look good and I can go from there. Still cold here and no precipitation….wishing all you people getting snow would send me some!

    Jane: be careful shoveling all that snow

    Betsy: you’re right about everyone having to find their own program for success

    Marge: welcome to our group….you’ll find lots of support here

    Grandmallie: I had to laugh because I just told my best friend’s husband that he would starve at our house. He said Nope….I’d buy and eat my own food” and I said…NOPe you would eat what is cooked to make a good example for the kids. LOL. I agree….no short orders around here. No lunch making either LOL. Or washing his clothes! When my hubby asked me to marry him I said yes on 2 conditions, 1 I am not changing my name and 2 I don’t do laundry. He agreed! But then he had been single and not married til age 45

    Viv: good for you to get back into the groove!

    Lin: good for you to try to manage your fibro without meds. You do need your liver!

    Roz: what a tremendous weight loss! Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Renny: that is about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! Thank you for your sweet words!:flowerforyou: I’m jealous of all the flowers in your part of the world.

    Barbie: I am so sorry that Jake has to stay and have another procedure. That must be so frustrating! I love how you find a positive aspect to the situation. Sending hugs and good wishes!:flowerforyou:

    Rori I hope your ice packs bring relief!

    Mkasieta: welcome. If we are seasoned, I am tobacco sauce!:tongue:

    Nel: welcome! Bump is just a way to mark your spot so that the thread will show up on “my posts” and that makes it easier to find.

    Marcia: welcome to you too!

    Jmkmomm: Being a nurse, I would encourage you to do all the diabetic classes possible. Research shows that very few diabetics actually take care of themselves properly and usually its related to lack of knowledge.

    Michele: I’m so sorry about your cousin. Even if you knew it was coming….its still so hard . :flowerforyou: My thoughts and prayers are with you. Wonder where your daughter thinks she came from without sex? LOL

    Carol: I sure hope you are feeling better now!

    Viv: a walk at lunch sounds great. I think I should try to do that too. My fitness partner and I did once a week when the weather is good, but maybe we can just walk around the building.

    DeeDee: hoping it stays snow-free where you are!

    Moxie: wow that’s a lot of issues to be dealing with. But that’s the beauty of this group, there is always someone here who has the same issues and can lend you support.

    Ekafont: happy belated birthday. I have a 16 year old daughter who is the queen of the universe….yes god help you! :bigsmile:

    Lentigogirl: good wishes to hubby for his colonoscopy. Good news for your weight loss!

    Tammy: how did a piece of tiramisu stay in your fridge for a week? In fact how did it get there? OMG it wouldn’t have survived 1 minute here! :laugh:

    Jb; I wish you luck on your search for jeans. I hate jeans. I have never had a pair that fit and looked right. Even when I was thin. So I can related to badly fitting jeans.

    Jackie: I agree with you (and who ever else was talking about this) about the food scale. I can’t live without it

    Kate: OMG I am SO impressed that you are still alive after touching your toes. I’d end up in the nursing home

    Katla: great news on the weight

    Brooke: wow that’s a great weight loss. Congrats!!!

    Laura80111: re-entering all that data sounds like a pain. Hope it goes fast!

    Jodios: I am going to have to try some of those videos. We can get internet on our big tv so I have to give it a try!

    Phyllis: Maybe I missed it but do you live in Egypt or have you gone to visit family that still lives there. I would love to visit Egypt and other places in the middle east.

    Jolene: have you found out why you are so tired lately?

    Jane: so nice to see you again. You have been missed!

    Jmkmomm: what wonderful news! Congrats!

    Karen: you are making progress with your foot and I hope it feels better soon!

    Glenda: stay safe in the snow!

    Teri: welcome to our group. We are practically neighbors. I live in Omaha

    Kathy: take care of that knee!

    Debbie: welcome to you too!

    Danni welcome and come back often

    Linda: your cheat food sounds pretty darned good. You are so dedicated!

    Well that’s all from me. I’m taking it easy tonight (which means making a grocery list while watching Hoarders LOL) since I am on spring break. Tomorrow will be groceries and working on the book all day. Take care everyone. Thanks for being here. Meg
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Karen (MTGWW) – Ouch!!!!! Sorry it hurt, but hope this helps move your recovery along. Congrats on 10# down despite your current infirmity

    Glenda – glad to hear you’re feeling better and back to the pool. It really won’t be too long until you can enjoy your flowers!:flowerforyou:

    Teri from Kansas City – Welcome, you’ll enjoy these new friends!

    Debbie from WV – Welcome and congrats on your impending retirement (I can’t deny I’m a bit jealous) hope you enjoy your camping, fishing and beach times

    Danni from Texas – Welcome, you will find many supportive women here. Your goals are a means of keeping YOU on your own list – great job!:smile:

    Lin of Ontario – Awesome loss of 2 more pounds, congrats too (?) on your TOPS appointment. You’re right, as leader it incents you to show up! :wink:

    Meg - "When my hubby asked me to marry him I said yes on 2 conditions, 1 I am not changing my name and 2 I don’t do laundry. He agreed! But then he had been single and not married til age 45" LOL :laugh: I had a similar conversation.

    Brooke from Colorado

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am sitting here at the computer trying to not look at the phone….at least it didn’t ring while I was walking the dogs……..I’ve read all the posts and my head and heart are full of replies but I’ve not written anything.

    :flowerforyou: I had an interesting insight yesterday on my 8 hour trek to and from the hospital in Seattle…….I packed my book and my knitting which is something I’ve done for as long as I can remember, but now, instead of reading or knitting when faced with waiting time, I seek a way to be active. As I walked around and around on the passenger deck on the ferry I saw so many people doing things with electronic devices (phones, tablets, computers, etc.) and others with books, crossword puzzles and food. While I’m sure that many were working on school or job related tasks, I recalled how many years I spent sitting when I could have been walking…….I am so thankful for my new inclination to be active rather than sedentary.

    :flowerforyou: Jake’s surgery was scheduled for 3 PM but there’s no way of telling when I’ll get a call about it, so I’m spending a few minutes with all of you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • ssb1662
    ssb1662 Posts: 26
    Glad to find you.
    Did not set goals for Feb. although I did want to be down 20 lbs from my Dec. weight at MD office. Made it by 0.1 lbs.
    Good idea to set monthly goals. So here goes:
    Work out at Y 2/week
    Wii balance 3/week
    Increase speed on treadmill by .5 mi/hr by end of month.

    Spunky - WI:glasses:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member

    :flowerforyou: Jake’s surgery was scheduled for 3 PM but there’s no way of telling when I’ll get a call about it, so I’m spending a few minutes with all of you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Barbie - I did not know Jake's surgery was scheduled so late in the day. I hope you get good news very soon. Long distance hugs and best wishes...........:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake’s surgery was scheduled for 3 PM but there’s no way of telling when I’ll get a call about it, so I’m spending a few minutes with all of you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Thinking of you. I hope all is well.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so I walked away from the computer and got on the exercise bike and in two minutes the phone rang.....the doctor said that the surgery went very well and Jake is fine and could come home tonight and I said thank you for all your great care but I'm a three hour drive from Seattle so I'll be there in the morning.

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: thank you for all your prayers and good wishes and your large doses of Vitamin F.

    :heart: Barbie
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, I am the one who approached my doctor about me being a diabetic. He had never even said the word pre-diabetic. He put me on Metformin years ago to curb my craving for carbs. Didn't work. But because of that medicine on my list, the computer always would spit out diabetes. Then I started getting blood sugars in the l range of 102 - 110 with one blood sugar of 131. I have never been able to stick to a diet and keep it off. I thought that if I had a diagnosis of diabetes that I would stick to it. So I asked him if I had it and said that according to ADA I didn't since I hadn't had enough blood sugars above 131. So I reminded him that all of these in the pre-diabetic range had been taken while I was on the Metformin and what would it have been if I were not on it???? So he said yes, I was. That got me the classes, meter and availabilty of more individual sessions. I was an RN for about 30 years so I know about diabetes but I also know that things have changed so much in the years since I had to quit due to MS. And the MS itself has made me forget what I learned. I think I am talking myself into getting more sessions. It's just that when I took the group classes there wasn't anything I didn't already know. My A1c is 5.8 and that's even before I started on my diet.
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    Seems like you r a great bunch of ladies. Do u suppose rest could help with my fitness goals? I really need to reduce mt fat intake, lower my snack calories and stay under goal. Need to exercise!
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    I did read all the posts, but won't be long winded tonight.
    Barbie so happy to hear your hubby's surgery went well.
    Good night all