My dog has dog dreams ...



  • Better4Summer
    I love watchin my dogs legs runnin in her sleep but my fave is that big thud (tail wag in her sleep) ;)
  • KrystalLight03
    My chihuahua was so manipulative.

    Every time she had a bad dog dream, she'd whimper and whine and we'd go and pet her, comfort her.

    Eventually she caught onto this predictable response and began to fake her dreams. I'm not joking. She would fake her dreams so we would pet her, and I swear I have never seen such a smug face on a dog every time we fell for that BS.

    My golden retriever learned that if she head butted us while we were holding food, said food would fall on the floor and she could eat it. At first I thought it was just her being loving and nuzzling me a bit too roughly, but no.
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    My dogs were terrified of the vacuum too. Then I started feeding them delicious treats while vacuuming. So now when I bring out the vacuum they both start sniffing and drooling all over the vacuum cleaner looking for treats. It's hilarious.
  • Better4Summer
    My dogs were terrified of the vacuum too. Then I started feeding them delicious treats while vacuuming. So now when I bring out the vacuum they both start sniffing and drooling all over the vacuum cleaner looking for treats. It's hilarious.

    Must try this... My dog hides when hoover comes out too :(
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member

    Is that a Boston?!

    Yes, a Boston although I joke that she's a cat. Either that or a dog with canine aspergers. She's in her own little world. :smooched:
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Mine chases rabbits in his sleep.. with his legs twitching.
    Scared of vaccuum.
    Will be-head, de-squeak, de-stuff any squeaky toy we give him.

    Now we gave him a huge long raw hide bone.... he hasn't chewed it at all and has had it for over 8 months.
    He runs all over the house with it. I'm sure my calves are black and blue from him running into me with it as
    he tries to be "first" down the hall way. And when he gets to the bedroom, he tries to go thru the door and can't .
    Wonder how many times he has to whack the bone into the door frame before he figures out he needs to go

    His is a yellow lab... so he's just like Marley from "Marley and Me'. Except he hasn't ate any of my jewelry and
    doesn't mess with my undies.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    My dog makes weird noises at the dinner table while bumming for food - after he's eaten his own kibble. A Dachshund, he'll sit down and attempt to make the sound of a cat. Doesn't do too bad a job mimmicking, either. If that doesn't work, he'll make bird sounds. He only makes desperate dog barks if no one will feed him their food. He's just too cracked. And when he lets one go? You don't hear it go off at all - but you sure smell it!!! Silent but deadly, I'm telling you. And he just looks at you and goes "what?" like it's no big deal!!! Crazy canine. :laugh:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Every dog that has ever lived does that in their sleep.

    And it never stops being adorable and funny.

    My dog LOVES the snow and more so the ice that comes with it. Especially the giant ice balls that are left when the plow comes by. Regular snow balls he'll just destroy. Ice balls he picks them up -- some he gets are bigger than his HEAD -- and will run around with them or carry them our entire walk. If I throw a snow ball or ice ball for him and it explodes into pieces he goes crazy trying to find the pieces of that particular ice ball. Same thing when he picks one up himself. He leaves it some where he starts to freak out and runs around sniffing everything looking for it because for whatever reason he has to have THAT one.

    We bought a kiddie pool this past summer to bathe him in and didn't realize that the next best thing to ice balls was a kiddie pool filled with water. So we keep it filled with water and have it on the back deck for him to play in. He can literally play in it for hours. It's so cute.
  • JaziH
    JaziH Posts: 19 Member
    Daschand Mix: keeps other dogs ear and lips clean (she is like the little fish that stick to the tank windows and cleans the tanks, gross !), playfully bites at Great Danes legs when he runs by. , Beagle Mix: Slides around on the wood floors for no reason, she spins her legs alot but gets nowhere, just like in the cartoons ! , Great Dane: Stretches and poots constantly (fortunately they don't smell !), runs and whimpers when he is asleep, falls off his toddler mattress that is on the floor at least twice a night, snores like a big, fat man ! Whenever I cook they aren't allowed int he Kitchen, so they all lie at the edge of the kitchen hoping I tap my foot on the floor (means come get something I dropped), usually the beagle ges it, the others are too slow. They are so entertaining, gotta love
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    Daschand Mix: keeps other dogs ear and lips clean (she is like the little fish that stick to the tank windows and cleans the tanks, gross !), playfully bites at Great Danes legs when he runs by. , Beagle Mix: Slides around on the wood floors for no reason, she spins her legs alot but gets nowhere, just like in the cartoons ! , Great Dane: Stretches and poots constantly (fortunately they don't smell !), runs and whimpers when he is asleep, falls off his toddler mattress that is on the floor at least twice a night, snores like a big, fat man ! Whenever I cook they aren't allowed int he Kitchen, so they all lie at the edge of the kitchen hoping I tap my foot on the floor (means come get something I dropped), usually the beagle ges it, the others are too slow. They are so entertaining, gotta love

    So adorable!! I have a beagle mix too (he's in my weight loss ticker). They're quick on the draw when it comes to food haha