

  • ELENA01
    ELENA01 Posts: 47 Member
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I have a few more minutes today than I had yesterday, so I’ve read the current thread. Today is my mother’s doctor appointment. She keeps telling me that she’s having heart attacks, but she never tells me until the next day. I can’t get her to understand that she needs to call me to take her in when this happens! Anyway, we are going to see a cardiologist this afternoon. We’ve scheduled my father to have cataract surgery. I hope I’m doing the right thing in encouraging this, as he has only one good eye and would be blind if there are any complications. It would really add to his quality of life if we could get the remaining eye better, though.

    As I mentioned yesterday, I’m going through a rough patch on the eating. I would think that after so many years I’d have this down, but I still seem to have the mentality that “if I don’t write it down, it doesn’t count.” How foolish is that?? Maybe it’s an addiction problem and, like the alcoholic who can’t have a drink, I can’t eat right without logging. My goal in life is to simply be able to eat properly without having to think about it. Right now, I’m not logging. I’m busy, but also eating odd things that would be time-consuming to log, hence making it easier simply not to. I’m up 2.5 lbs., probably half water weight.

    So what am I doing about this? I’ve ordered a Fitbit, in hopes that it will make me more conscious of my lack of activity. It should arrive by the beginning of next week. I’m also looking into trying Isagenix on a part-time basis. I occasionally will drink Slim Fast when I’m in a hurry, but I think that switching to Isagenix might be better. After a ton of looking, I’ve finally found someone here who will sell it to me. They are about 30 miles away, but I’m hoping to get over there perhaps tomorrow morning.

    On a positive note (NSV), I had my physical and bloodwork done this week, and I’m apparently the healthiest I’ve been in years. All of the results were normal, and my cholesterol number was the lowest it’s been in 20 years. My doctor is going to try to get me off of the blood pressure meds, too. We’ve cut the dosage in half, and if things stay okay for the next month, we’ll try cutting it out altogether.

    I visited Foot Doctor #5. Having considered everything they all had to say, I’ve finally decided what I want to do. I’m going to invest in a new orthotic ($400 – ouch!) and have the cortisone shots. If these haven’t done any good by next fall, I’m going to need to let them fuse my foot. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one!

    Jmkmomm – Wow! Congratulations on having come so far, that’s terrific!!

    Brooke – Thank you for the encouragement!

    Karen – Huge congrats on the first 10!

    Linda – I’ve been away from the thread so much lately that I missed your passing the 200 lbs. mark, although I’d been watching for it. CONGRATULATIONS, if a little belatedly! I’ve been rooting for you!!

    Barbie – I can see that I’ve missed so much by not getting to the thread. Jake is having surgery?? I hope that everything goes well – sending positive thoughts your way! Just read a little further and see that he came through well. So glad!

    Tammy – I haven’t read the book, but I did watch the documentary “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.” I also found it to be inspirational from a health point of view. I think that smoothies would be better than juice, though, so that you aren’t losing as much of the fiber.

    Amanda – Sending good thoughts your way, and hoping that you feel more upbeat soon! The bagpipes sound wonderful.

    Kate – You made me laugh about the Flexxies at Costco!

    Mwheatcraft – How long are you going to be in Colorado? We’re doing another lunch next Friday, if you’d care to pop in!

    Laura80111 – I can see that I also missed something about an accounting disaster. I hope it isn’t too bad!

    Jane in Colorado
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Jodios - - - :flowerforyou: THANK YOU so much for the Belker/Shane story. Made me laugh (and cry a little). Love our furkids! :happy:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    Jodois~~ gee thanks for that~ im sitting here crying as one of my furbabies sleeps on the bed..In the last 16 yrs we have had to put 3 of our puppies and a kitty cat to sleep and everyone of them was so very precious to us..
    It hurts so much and we never forget them..I cant wait to get to heaven and meet up with all my precious furbabies again, and of course my family too:wink:
    well I must say I had a PB/banana wrap at 9 this morning and I am just getting a little bit hungry now... God Bless P/B. now to just find a lower fat version that would be divine..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Blue Man group??? I want to go. I love those guys, have never been to one of their shows because of the cost.

    Warmed over french toast just taste as good as the first serving. Plus if you put the syrup in the microwave that makes a MESS. How many calories will I burn by cleaning that out?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    back to snowing here again and and it will snow through tomorrow am,well the good thing is if we plan on going on this cruise it will make me more determined to get the weight off before October :wink: sorta a jump start...
    having a nice cup of tea and some special K pastry crisps , very nice!!!
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jodios --- Thank you thank you thank you. Lovely. We love our dogs. :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    new profile picture is of our furbabies. Chester is the light colored shih-tzu who lives for food especially carrots, Homer is the poodle mix,,who makes us laugh by sitting like a meerkat and barking his fool head off at everything...
    yes we do love our furbabies!!!
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    I was talking myself out of working out tonight, but after logging in my lunch from the Olive Garden I'm already at my 1200 for today....must earn more calories :grumble:
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Good morning all. Happy Thursday.

    Who is the author of the ETL book? I would like to go online to reserve it at my library. My downfall is not enough F's & V's. I need to work on that.

    I wish I had the time to read all of your posts instead of just skimming through, maybe one of these days when I can leave 1 of my 3 jobs.

    Have a great day all.

    Jersey Girl, Jersey Strong

    Dr. Joel Fuhrman is the author. I hope you can get a copy.

    Lin in Central Iowa

    Thank you, so excited to have it reserved. I'll probably buy a copy once I see what it's all about.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy day! It is beautiful here in Omaha, lots of sunshine, but still cold. It’s supposed to be in the high 50s by the end of the week, so I am hoping to get outside and get some walking in. I’m on spring break. Today I got all the grocery shopping done, went to breakfast with DH, read the paper, took a nap and now I’m here. I’m going to work on the book for a while. Tonight is game night and it’s my turn to pick but I don’t know yet what to choose.

    Brooke: sounds like we have some things in common. I really hate hearing the young girls at our college talk about going to their boyfriends homes to do laundry and clean and cook. I want to shake them LOL:bigsmile:

    Barbie: saw on my home page that Jake is all done and you are heading home. I’m sure you are happy to have him back. That is really interesting about wanting to be more active during waiting times. I sleep LOL. Or read a trashy magazine that I never get….sometimes I go to the salon early just so I can check them out!:tongue:

    Spunky: you’re right, goals are such a good idea. I find though that I don’t do them when I write them down, so I try to keep them in my head and think about them instead.

    Jmkmomm: I forgot you were a nurse! I had a similar experience; lots of blood sugars in the prediabetic range and asked about taking metformin. The only blood sugar I have had since was at my employee wellness fair and it was in the 130s but I was using steroid cream twice a day for a chronic rash on my back, so that went in the trash. I’ll be anxious to see what it is at my physical.

    Kiane: I think rest is the key to everything health related!

    Dawn: 30 minutes of walking a day is great! Is there something you like to do activity-wise you could add? Dancing? Swimming? Playing in the pool with grandkids? Anything active helps!

    Michele: chairs that look like mushrooms? That would be cute. Sounds like you are disappointed about your daughter, and I am sorry. :flowerforyou:

    Renny: we try to do the plate method of healthy eating; ½ the plate of produce including not-overcooked vegetables, ¼ protein, ¼ starch. We only eat red meat once a week, or once in a blue moon, twice like if I cook a roast and we get leftovers. We are not so good with starch choices; we all hate brown rice and whole wheat pasta, but at least we don’t eat potatoes much. Sometimes I mix the whole wheat with the white variety, but still it’s not very good.

    Phyllis: wow living in Egypt for 20 years! How fascinating! I’d love to hear more about where you moved there from and how you got there!

    Amanda: are you ill? I’m sorry to hear that you don’t feel the best. Sending you my hugs.:flowerforyou: I Love bagpipes too….when I die I want Amazing Grace on the pipes at my funeral

    DeeDee: ahhhhh so that explains the pancakes!

    Grandmallie: I had the loveliest vision of your snowy backyard and it made me want to take a nap!

    Maggie: welcome!

    Gail: which dress did you buy? Bigpal is around; she is on my homepage. She doesn’t check in every day, but most days.

    Moxie: glad to hear you are doing well.

    Beth: congratulations to your nephew!

    Kathy: take care of that knee!

    Jb: you are always so upbeat!!!

    M: *cough-wine-cough* is a downfall of mine too!

    Lucy: you hit the nail on the head….at least for me. I need to change up my routine too. I’m getting kind of sick of the elliptical.

    LinC: yes there is always hope for those bachelor sons! My hubby’s very elderly aunt, when she met me, said “Dear God in heaven we didn’t think he’d ever get married!” :laugh: I think low carbs for diabetics is dicey…you need a certain amount especially if you take meds. The ADA recommends 45-60 grams a meal and 15-30 grams for a snack. I would not go too low.

    Jodios: wonderful story. I shall have to remember to not bite when a simple growl will do! I gave Benny Beagle a little pet after reading it.

    Jane: wow that lab work is impressive! Congratulations! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your foot. My dad had cataract surgery when he was 84. Both eyes a month apart. He is so glad that he had it done. Best wishes for your parents’ health!

    Well ladies. I’m all set to work. All four animals are curled up around me (heaven help me if the house caught on fire I’d never be able to get out from under all the critters!). make it a great day. Meg:drinker:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Got to the gym today,wish I could get there more,too far to walk and on hubby`s schedule.
    I got spoiled before we lost our home.Belonged to a y and could walk there every day.
    Hope everyone else is doing ok.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie all of our prayers to you and Jake for a speedy recovery. You are truly an inspiration and have no doubt you are to everyone you meet. :flowerforyou:

    EDITED NOTE ;-) So happy for you that Jake is home and yahoo and yippee doo dah! Be well and have a wonderful night!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie glad to hear Jake can go home (maybe he's home by now) .

    :yawn: :yawn: Took a while to catch up with all the posts, it's getting late so I'll get myself off to bed, I'll catch up with you in the morning.

    :bigsmile: Yeay it's my long weekend so no work for me until Tuesday.

    See you in the morning

    Viv x
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Meg - here is a link to the dress for my nephew's wedding (but I actually ordered it from Cache's website):


    I'm still going shopping with a friend next weekend for other options. It is going to be a hard sell for anything else, but I will look!

    Gail, Atlanta
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading all afternoon (after my eyes quit being dilated). This has been such a busy doctor week for me. Dentist, Dermatologist and today my retina guy. Don't remember if I've ever mentioned I have macular degeneration. Been 9 years now and so far doing ok. Just completed a 5 year AREDS 2 study where they were investigation the affect of different vitamins on patients with AMD. We have to go to Dallas so it's 90 minutes there and 90 back. When I got home I went to sleep for two hours.
    Barbie - so glad Jake's surgery is over and hopefully he's home again.
    Jodios - loved the story about the dog and little boy. Lots of lessons to be learned there.
    Sorry I didn't take notes but wanted to read everything so I'd know what's up.
    I'll do better for now on!
    BTW lost .9 this week. That makes 17.9. I wish I could get on an even number!
    Sue in TX
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    bump. sorry no time to read now. going to bed. sweet dreams sweet ladies. remember drink the water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Sue in TX – Congrats on 17.9!!!! :drinker: wondering the outcome of the study you’ve been involved in re: macular degeneration – do you know yet? I have 8 relatives with it, so take lutein and eat lots of greens hoping to stave it off

    Meg – Marrying an older bachelor is something I would recommend to everyone contemplating marriage  After having 3 brothers, I wasn’t going to train another one :laugh: :laugh:
    I agree with you re: young women cleaning/cooking from the get-go, really bad precedent if you ask me:grumble:

    Barbie – hoping you (both) had a safe trip back home and are now settled in and resting comfortably:flowerforyou:

    Jane in Colorado – your labs are awesome! That is truly a NSV The scale is only one tool in our healthy arsenal, right?:smile:

    Amanda – ahhhhh, the bagpipes! Hope hearing them helped to relieve you of your grey day mood:happy:

    Jane – great work getting to the gym today! Every single bit helps us to our healthiest selves:wink:

    sorry for all those I missed, Happy Friday to all :yawn:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Mags - welcome, you've come to a good place for support!

    DeeDee - no matter how much you don't want to go to your training, I admire you for going.

    Maggie - welcome! Keep logging in here, we'll help you and you'll get to your goal.

    chevvy - welcome! Your goals sound very realistic

    Beth in SC - congrats to your nephew. I'm sure you're very proud of him. Have a good time in Bristol!

    jbbrannon and matthews - welcome!

    Got up, did an hour of a Jari Love DVD. Last night around 10 Jessica says to me "ma, I have a request for blueberry muffins . Prior to this I found out (and please don't ask me to explain this) that she was planning to go back tonight. When I said "Jess, there just isn't time" she says to me "oh, you can do it, you're mom". I guess I should take that as a compliment. Anyway, suddenly had to rearrange my schedule. Returned the audiobooks I took out of the library for the trip to FL, got money at the bank, had to go to the store to buy blueberries, went to Lynett's office to give her her soda, then to the Green Room by 10. I was thinking that I was only supposed to be there until 12, but it's 12:30. Anyway, left a little after 12, came home and made the muffins (I'd found a recipe online yesterday so I would know what ingredients to have on hand), Jessica wanted to go to Atlanta Bread for lunch. Had the chicken chili. Ouch on the sodium!!!! Then we had to take Bonnie & Clyde to the vet for shots,

    Tomorrow I'll do incline intervals on the treadmill.

    grandmalle - what a wonderful friend you have there. It's nice to know that there are other dogs who like carrots. I have a friend whose dogs eat them all the time. Do yours like the ribs from lettuce?

    Lucy in DE - we saw Blue Man Group when they were in Charlotte. They DO put on a good show, you'll enjoy it.

    jodios - have fun with your daughter. How long will she be staying?

    janehadji - Best wishes for your mom and dad. Great NSV

    Sue in TX - great loss

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC