June 2010 - No more snacking after dinner



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Dew - I don't think you should give the point to the snacks. It was dinner, a necessary part of your day. (words spoken by the Unscheduled Woman) - I'll give you a flower! :flowerforyou:

    You are a sweetheart :love: What would I do without you and Lorna? :smile:
    I will give myself the point for last night . hope that's good :wink:. We ate out but finished by 7:30 and then came back home a bit past 8 and I had some strawberries (no desert at dinner). So all or nothing as I am, I think the strawberries were a very good decision :wink:, so:
    Dew: 4 - Late snacks 1

    Rosemary, being under calories for a while might have triggered the hunger, or it might just be that not all days are the same. Don't feel bad at all about going over - I like the theory according to which sometimes our body needs to be fooled into thinking "ah, the hard times are over, we'll indulge now again". Which you're not going to let happen, right? :wink:.

    Have a wonderful Sunday, team! Lorna, will you start another thread tomorrow? If so, please remember to post here the link to it.
  • agraciana
    agraciana Posts: 19 Member
    I have a tendency NOT to snack after dinner, but every now and then, I slip and have some popcorn or an ice cream while watching a movie with my SO... It's a downfall. He's a snacker, I'm not for the most part.

    My SO just got a job where he works until 10:30 every night, and I go to bed soon after that, so, it's been giving me time to do my exercise and NOT snack.

    So, I will join this challenge and take it!

    So, since June started,

    Me: 5
    Snacks: 0
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks dewdrop & rosemary10 your support means so much!

    I hope everyone is doing well! There have been a lot of challenges that have come up in the past couple days (graduation parties, going out to eat, bbqs, etc) but I was able to conquer them all...largely due to you alls support! Once I stopped snacking, and allowed myself my South Beach diet dessert I just kind of of realized, nothing tastes as good as being thin ( & healthy and fit for that matter) feels. I really had to think about it. Why was I eating this food? It wasn't making me feel good. It wasn't helping my goals. It wasn't serving any purpose for my future aspirations. I can usually stop snacking for about a week, but then I break, so I reaching that point where I usually break down. But after thinking about it, I came up with some really revealing and honest conclusions. I will post them all, b/c if they save anyone else from the cycle that snacking has caused for me than it is totally worth it. I think I wil post two at time, b/c writing about it helps me address the issue.

    1. Just like everyone else, I eat when I am stressed. I had to do an emotional evaluation when I was about to start snacking. I couldn't find my keys, I was late for class, I had a gazillion things that needed to get done in the nest hour, and the dog still needed to be taken out...and there I was opening the fridge searching for something to make all of this go away. But I realized food can;t alleviate lifes problems. After doing some reading, I found that carbs release seretonin which helps you relieve stress, so it is natural to crave them in stressful/painful situations, but ultimately if you don't take control it will just make all the problems worse.

    2. I self sabotage. Just when I am about to make major progress, I start snacking. As much as I want to lose weight, and as much as I have tried, I think deep down in my subconscious I am afraid to change and afriad to fail. If I just go back to usual, no harm done. No failure. It is easier to stop trying than to keep going, and make it through. I had to realize that it is okay for me to be thin. I always thought it was a badge of honor reserved for some other group of people, but maybe never for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my curves, and will always be curvy b/c it is just how I am built, but you know, I deserve to be thin too. I deserve to feel good about myself. I am extremely confident person now, but I can't even imagine who I would be if I didn't have that voice in my head reminding me I was bigger than everybody else. I find myself thinking, "oh I can't try that, that is only for thin people, "when I am thinner, I am going to try that", "gosh, i wonder if they think i am too fat to do this". I deserve, just as much as everyone on this site deserves, to be thin. I'm not going to cheat myslef out of what I owe to myslef, I have worked to hard for too long to give up! I CAN DO THIS! I am ready to live life with no regrets, no " i wish I could have done that"...I am ready to live life to the fullest...and it is silly and just down right pathetic that snacking is keeping from getting there...so from now on, it won't.

    Here's to another successful week for all of us!

    Nikki:3/ Snacks:0
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    4 me/2 snacks

    Tonight, 7:30. Need to focus.
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    Nikki:4 Snacks:0

    The next week and half is where I usually fall off the bandwagon, but I am not going to let that happen this time! I am ready for a permanent change! I deserve it! I owe it to myself to be the best that I can be!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Last night was my "if I get home after cut-off, I'll still have dinner". Which was the case, but I was good :smile: (seems like modesty isn't my thing :blush:), so: Dew: 5 vs Late snacks: 1
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Me 6 vs The Snacks 0 (Too busy to snack at work)

    Nikkie Love your posts -they are thought provoking. 1) I also stress/comfort eat. Usually at work since it's a high stress environment. and 2) It seems like the talk we entertain in our minds really does influence us. As you were describing your fat girl/thin girl thoughts I could see myself in other ways there to. Interesting! :flowerforyou:

    Agraciana - Welcome - you're off to a good start ! :wink:

    Lulabelle - Hope the kids are all better :smile: Here's a flower for your babies :flowerforyou:

    Dew - you are a power house of encouragement to everybody. We are blest to have you :flowerforyou:
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Just joined this site a couple of days ago but have been eating healthy since the first of the year. Snacking has been my favorite method of self sabatoge for many, many years. This year I gutted my kitchen cupboards and refrigerator of everything that was not healthy food. I remember crying when I dumped my chocolate stash in the garbage and poured ketchup all over it. :sad: But if anything snackable is in the house, I eat it. So far, it's been manageable. I do get cravings for chocolate and coke. So, I walk to the gas station and get one square of Giradelli chocolate and force myself to walk home before I eat it. Then eat it in 4 small bites holding it in my mouth a bit ... guess it tricks my brain into thinking it's had lots more chocolate than that one little square. And when I absolutely have to have a coke, I stop at McDonalds and treat myself to one small Coke. At night when I get cravings, I go get a drink of water and that usually helps ... if not, sometimes I get another drink then go walk around my house a few times ... anything to turn my mind away from the craving.

    I'm also trying to add physical activity into my daily life. I do walk every day but at a moderate pace. I'm hoping that when that late night craving hits, a 10 minute segment of weights or steps will change my mind.

    I've also used my scale as a motivator to ignore the craving. For example, I get a craving for something sweet and go stand on the scale and look at the number ... tell myself it's not worth it and have a glass of water with a bit of lemon.

    Any other tips very welcome!! Wishing a successful day (or night) free from snacking for all!!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    cesse47, awesome post! Really really good! :flowerforyou:
    Rosemary, you make me blush. I learned from the best, though :wink:, you and Lorna. :flowerforyou:. You've been there for me when I needed it and almost abandoned this. So... thanks! :smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I haven't eaten past 7! Yeah! :happy: - Dew: 6 vs Late snacks: 1

    Still confused about the weekly vs. monthly threads . If Lorna it too busy maybe we can continue this one and Rosemary (or whoever volunteers) could start a parallel thread each week and post the links here - what do you think?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    5 me/2 snacks

    Tonight, 7 p.m.

    Dew- I'm sorry I did get so busy. I'm liking the monthly thread as it is easy for me to find. Should we post a weekly thread just telling people where to look for us? What do you think Rosemary?

    Great job everyone. Very impressive and inspiring. Keep it going!
  • agraciana
    agraciana Posts: 19 Member
    One good way NOT to snack is to get sick, and fall asleep at 8:30 every night!

    I don't snack in my sleep, so, I've been doing well!

    Congrats everyone on doing so great! Keep up the work!

    Those that have fallen off the wagon, keep trying! You can do it!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    The monthly is ok with me; I can find it alright. The only reason I was in favor of the weekly was because I thought more people joined in, even if it was only for a short time. On the other hand it is more time consuming for the leader/poster to manage. I basically only keep track, on a daily basis, one thread. Multiple threads would be too time consuming for me. So your asking to post a weekly thread that has a link back to the monthly?? :ohwell: I'd have to see it and work with it a bit to have an opinion. Whatever you guys want to do is fine with me. I'll find you no matter what :happy: .

    Me 7 vs The Snacks 0

    Cesse47 Wow great ideas! Thanks for sharing. Also knitting in front of the TV helps me. It keeps my hands busy and I also don't want to get the yarn dirty from snacks. And nice work with the weight loss. It's inspiring :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Sorry about you getting sick Agraciana :flowerforyou: Hope all is better now.
  • This is tough!

    I feel like a drug addict trying to kick the habit, but food is my drug of choice.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Success 6 me/ snacks 2

    Even with hubby getting an ice cream on our walk. Didn't even take a lick. Yeah me.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Lorna, you are awesome! Thumb up and :flowerforyou: for you!
    elizholmes, it does feel like it, doesn't it? But unlike drugs, you can't really go cold turkey on food. What we can try going cold turkey on, though, are sweets, unhealthy food or late night snacks. :wink:

    I'm kinda puzzled about who gets the point for last night :ohwell: : came home later than my cut-off, so dinner was pretty much a must :smile: Except it was not 100% healthy :blushing: . Funny, just right after I signed in for the eating clean challenge :embarassed: ... Anyhow, I was still decent and had no more food after dinner for more than 2 hrs before going to bed, so... I'll count it: Dew: 7 - Late snacks 1
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Me 8 / Snacks 0

    Been busy as my new upgrade from last week uninsured phone got lost/stolen. Then my operating system on my computer got corrupted. (Yes, I'm at the library) The recovery disk worked to get it back but I lost some pictures. The pics are on the memory chip I took out of the old phone but can't really spend more on a new phone since the AC on my car is getting fixed at the dealer"s. The week before last it was the waterheater and other plumbing issues. Taking my grandson on a vacation next month to our Church's yearly family conference. It'll be great fun, but it's looking like I need to do a fair amount of overtime to catch up. :ohwell:

    Hope all is well with you all.
    Good story lulabelle (Lorna) :flowerforyou:
    Dew I agree, the snacks never got the point. :drinker:
    Elizholmes - you are so right. Keep at it with this site, with the food diary, exercise and logging in with us and you will start to see it turn around. You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope everyone is well this Wednesday! I have been very good not eating after dinner but boy is it hard it is almost like a little devil is talking to me telling me to eat and I have to make it stop!!! LOL anyway if I can take care of this problem and I believe I can my next step is tackling some weekend weaknesses I have. If I can get those two things under control....I can reach my goals and I am on may way to one of them!!

    Good luck to you all!!!!:happy:
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    Just read everyone's post- elizholmes I totally agree it is very much like that!!! Last night I really felt like an alcoholic but with food and I kept thinking "One minute at a time!!!"
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