500 calorie weekdays and anything i want weekends



  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Isn't that what the 5:2 "diet" is all about?

    NO, read the posts
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    Your whole day is like... my lunch.THIS IS CRAZY. You need to go to a pro ana site or something if you are looking for support you are not going to get it here. this is my FITNESS pal not my weightloss pal. We are all here for one reason- to get fit and healthy not starve ourselves.

    If the OP wanted to be on a terrible pro-ana site they would be. This is a place of education, many people are still learning- that's why people ask questions. Rude to imply that she wants/desires/has an eating disorder because she doesn't follow YOUR mantra. Plenty of people on here are here to lose weight, in their own way for their own reasons.

    That being said, OP- is this something you really think is providing all the nutrients needed to be healthy? It may take some time before you see any physical effects but if you are limiting yourself to these foods and then a junk on the weekends you may be missing out on something major and your body will break down tissues to get it. This can lead to dangerous results. And eventual regain of the weight you lost once you give up and eat "normal" again.

    Variety is the spice of life, there are plenty of high volume, nutrient rich foods out there that would satisfy you more in the long run than a restriction/binge cycle.

    Message me if you want more info- I can send you to some healthy, nutrition based resources.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    Losing a pound every day or two is your clue...not healthy. Episodic binge eating (your weekends of whatever you want) coupled with extreme dieting (500 calories a day by any definition is extreme) meets the definition of bulimia. Consult your personal physician for assistance.

    This. It's not healthy physically or mentally. Please seek some professional help if this is truly how you've been eating. Your body will thank you.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The ironic thing is, a few days ago a thread on 5:2 got locked, but this hasn't!
  • blancokitty
    blancokitty Posts: 30 Member
    I am probably the only person that agrees with eating 500 cal. per day. I try to follow this diet eating healthy choices of food 1200 cal per day and it doesn't work for me. I also workout 4 to 5 times per week at gym. So the only way I've previously lost weight is eating 600 cal. per day and working out 5 days per wk. So do what ever you feel is correct if you feel great then it works.
  • carissawhitworth
    Your whole day is like... my lunch.THIS IS CRAZY. You need to go to a pro ana site or something if you are looking for support you are not going to get it here. this is my FITNESS pal not my weightloss pal. We are all here for one reason- to get fit and healthy not starve ourselves.

    If the OP wanted to be on a terrible pro-ana site they would be. This is a place of education, many people are still learning- that's why people ask questions. Rude to imply that she wants/desires/has an eating disorder because she doesn't follow YOUR mantra. Plenty of people on here are here to lose weight, in their own way for their own reasons.

    That being said, OP- is this something you really think is providing all the nutrients needed to be healthy? It may take some time before you see any physical effects but if you are limiting yourself to these foods and then a junk on the weekends you may be missing out on something major and your body will break down tissues to get it. This can lead to dangerous results. And eventual regain of the weight you lost once you give up and eat "normal" again.

    Variety is the spice of life, there are plenty of high volume, nutrient rich foods out there that would satisfy you more in the long run than a restriction/binge cycle.

    Message me if you want more info- I can send you to some healthy, nutrition based resources.

    Im pretty sure any sane 50 year old would know that a cup of hott chocolate does not qualify as dinner? She knows what she is doing is not HEALTHY. If you read what I wrote before I said exactly the same thing you did. If she is writing a post raving- this works, its great, I am not doing any thing wrong because I am not hungry.. she is basically advocating startvation. Telling people "I lose a pound or two a day" and like you said this is a place of education- sooo the people on here REALLY seeking help who have way more than 20 pounds to lose, may read this and try what she is advoacting. If you want to advocate anorexia then you should post on an anorexia site. This is obviously someone with an eating disorder, she has obviously made her mind up. Why would she eat 1200 calories a day when shes losing 2 pounds a day eating 500?????? She wont. Thats why people die of this kind of stuff. she is old and wise enough to know that 500 calories a day and binging on crap on the weekends is bad. My 5 year old twins know better.
    I am deff not beating her up. Its called the truth and tough love and telling her what she desperately NEEDS to hear.
  • carissawhitworth
    I am probably the only person that agrees with eating 500 cal. per day. I try to follow this diet eating healthy choices of food 1200 cal per day and it doesn't work for me. I also workout 4 to 5 times per week at gym. So the only way I've previously lost weight is eating 600 cal. per day and working out 5 days per wk. So do what ever you feel is correct if you feel great then it works.

    UMMM... NO.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I am probably the only person that agrees with eating 500 cal. per day. I try to follow this diet eating healthy choices of food 1200 cal per day and it doesn't work for me. I also workout 4 to 5 times per week at gym. So the only way I've previously lost weight is eating 600 cal. per day and working out 5 days per wk. So do what ever you feel is correct if you feel great then it works.

    This is really unhealthy as well. And I'd disagree that people should do whatever they feel is correct if what they feel is correct is actually very unhealthy.

    I posted this earlier but I'm posting it again here because it pertains to the exact thing you're talking about:


    Doing what you're doing for a long time will crash your metabolism and make it so that you can't eat more than that without gaining. It takes awhile but once the damage is done it's hard to undo.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member

    This is classic ED. OP...the reason you're eating 500 calories and not feeling hungry is because your body substantially slowed down it's leptin production. This is the hormone that signals your brain for hunger. As a natural defense against the pains of starvation, the body slows/stops leptin production.

    Get some professional help. IF is one thing...what you're doing is not IF. What you're doing is extremely unhealthy...again, seek some professional help please.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Isn't that what the 5:2 "diet" is all about?

    No...what the OP is doing is not IF or 5:2...not even close.
  • Better4Summer
    I am probably the only person that agrees with eating 500 cal. per day. I try to follow this diet eating healthy choices of food 1200 cal per day and it doesn't work for me. I also workout 4 to 5 times per week at gym. So the only way I've previously lost weight is eating 600 cal. per day and working out 5 days per wk. So do what ever you feel is correct if you feel great then it works.

    The reason such low cals is 'workin' for you is because your body is eating it self... Hun i'm dedperatly worried for you because this low cal intake can cause heart failure!!! I honestly ain judging I have been there now i'am trying to do it the right way.. It aint easy but its right.. Even doing it your way.. You wont wake up slim tomo so why not have patience and focus on being healthy!!

    I truly wish you a healthy journey (i have like a hell of alot of weight to get off and it truly is ruining my life) but there is no way I will go back to that extreme.. Which in the long term makes you fat because when you realise you can not do it forever your body will end up struggling to except eatin the right way and hold on to food as it worries when you will go back to extremes again... Please think about it.

    Take care
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    she just joined and only ever posted once... i reckon its someone playng about

    Yup, we've got ourselves a troll.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I am probably the only person that agrees with eating 500 cal. per day. I try to follow this diet eating healthy choices of food 1200 cal per day and it doesn't work for me. I also workout 4 to 5 times per week at gym. So the only way I've previously lost weight is eating 600 cal. per day and working out 5 days per wk. So do what ever you feel is correct if you feel great then it works.

    Check back with me in a year and let me know how well you are able to maintain this lifestyle and how fit and strong you are, ok?
  • Stronger_Diva
    Stronger_Diva Posts: 149 Member
    To explain it the simplest, it's like putting premium gas in your car but only putting in three gallons and expecting to drive 500 miles. Even though you're eating healthy foods, it's still not enough fuel for your body and all the functions it needs to perform.


    Your hair will fall out. Your skin will look shady. Your nails won't grow and will be brittle. Your brain will not function to its fullest and you will likely cause accidents. You will be in a bad mood all of the time. Your breath will probably be foul.

    This is not what you are trying to achieve is it? Doing it the healthy way is better. YES IT WILL TAKE LONGER, but what's the rush?
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I'd have a whole tin of tuna as a snack!
  • Sandrita615
    Thank you. Really if u are going to live on frozen foods then yeah lean cuisine fish with pasta is 300 calories. So u substitute a cup of steamed broccoli with lemon pepper and tilapia with chacheres and spray butter and what have you got -- a healthier version with the same amount of food but at 150 calories. I think the users on this site are really thinking calorie count to include empty carbs. If u eat more healthy carbs and less pre processed (and thus no salt added food) you have a healthier intake with the same volume. I did not log in here to be bawled out...i had asked a question ...one person trying to be helpful suggested i put 3cans of tuna in my lunch salad. But who would eat 3cans of tuna for lunch...thats crazy volume. I appreciate everyone trying to help but i dont think many of u read the full message including sample daily meals and understood i was splitting 3regular meals into 6 tiny ones... Nor do i think you realize how much bulk of fresh broccoli cauliflower green pepper zucchini etc you can eat for under 100 calories. Simmer your veggies in veggie broth ...m delicious who needs butter. I like to cook so i can eat more food with fewer calories than those of u eating frozen 'diet' entrees...and much cheaper. Sorry u guys got so upset. I wish you all luck with your diets and healthy lifestyles. I will eat till um full but will eat fresh fruits and vegetables with lean proteins like lentils and tuna. I did not set out to eat 500 cals...just turns out thats what it adds up to when i stop eating bread (carboholic) and chocolate (chocoholic). I will eat more bread and chocolate after the wedding in april. Thanks for your.support and well wishes to fit into my wedding dress. I wish us all a happy healthy and blessed life.
  • unit1409
    unit1409 Posts: 8
    I am eating about 1000-1200 calories a day. My question now is.....do I need that to be net calories? I exercise a fair amount and burn off my input. I keep track of everything I put into my mouth and every minute of exercise. My tracking is nearly 100% accurate. I guess I just don't understand if at the end of the day my net carbs should be at least 1200 calories. I always thought that it is ok to burn off your input but after reading these comments I'm not at all sure. My net calories are usually around 500 at the end of the day. What should they be?
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    We're not eating frozen diet foods, at least I'm not. I eat 1500 calories a day, foods I prep myself, not pre-packaged.

    Simply stated, you're not eating enough to maintain normal bodily function. But then again, talking to people on this site about nutrition is like talking to brick walls most of the time. Good luck, just know you're not eating enough even though you think you are.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Calories provide fuel for the body, NOT THE VOLUME OF FOOD. Eating a bushel of broccoli a day may keep you "full", but it does nothing to fuel the body.

    And I'll bet when you add the carbs and chocolate back to your diet after the wedding, you will gain everything back, and more. But I guess fitting into the wedding dress for a day is more important then being healthy for the rest of your life.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Thank you. Really if u are going to live on frozen foods then yeah lean cuisine fish with pasta is 300 calories. So u substitute a cup of steamed broccoli with lemon pepper and tilapia with chacheres and spray butter and what have you got -- a healthier version with the same amount of food but at 150 calories. I think the users on this site are really thinking calorie count to include empty carbs. If u eat more healthy carbs and less pre processed (and thus no salt added food) you have a healthier intake with the same volume. I did not log in here to be bawled out...i had asked a question ...one person trying to be helpful suggested i put 3cans of tuna in my lunch salad. But who would eat 3cans of tuna for lunch...thats crazy volume. I appreciate everyone trying to help but i dont think many of u read the full message including sample daily meals and understood i was splitting 3regular meals into 6 tiny ones... Nor do i think you realize how much bulk of fresh broccoli cauliflower green pepper zucchini etc you can eat for under 100 calories. Simmer your veggies in veggie broth ...m delicious who needs butter. I like to cook so i can eat more food with fewer calories than those of u eating frozen 'diet' entrees...and much cheaper. Sorry u guys got so upset. I wish you all luck with your diets and healthy lifestyles. I will eat till um full but will eat fresh fruits and vegetables with lean proteins like lentils and tuna. I did not set out to eat 500 cals...just turns out thats what it adds up to when i stop eating bread (carboholic) and chocolate (chocoholic). I will eat more bread and chocolate after the wedding in april. Thanks for your.support and well wishes to fit into my wedding dress. I wish us all a happy healthy and blessed life.

    Everyone understands what you're saying. It's still not healthy unless you're eating close to 3000 calories on each weekend day, and only then if those calories are mostly from healthy foods.

    Are you getting enough good fats? Nuts, seeds, avocados and nut butters could help get your numbers up. Oily fish like salmon is great, adds more calories than tuna and has good fat.

    You don't have to add carbs if you don't want to, but you do need to make sure your calories average out to at least 1200/day.

    There are plenty of clean eaters here, who eat no processed foods, and they manage to get enough calories. There's no reason why you can't.
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