The Gym is great for people watching!!

cln714 Posts: 174 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Do any of you see people doing some really strange things at the gym. I'm a very "live and let live" kinda person. I admire people who just do what they feel... but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to figure out what makes you tick.

Three recent observations:
1. The Leaping Lady: There’s one lady who gets on the treadmill starts walking and then does a little leap every once in awhile. There’s no rhyme or reason to it either. I watched her for a while to see if I could pick up on the pattern and, I’m telling ya, there was none. Also, she’s quite overweight so it can’t be good for her knees to be doing that.

2.The Treadmill Addict: I have gone to the gym on different evenings at different times, for weeks now. This one lady is always there, always on the same treadmill, and she’s on it the entire time. Judging from the clothes drenched in sweat, one would think she’s been there all day. The woman needs an intervention!

3. Desperate for calves: You know that weight machine where you sit back and your feet are on this platform and you push out against it until your legs are straight. Well, there a lady that’s always on it, but she has her legs straight and she just pushes her toes against it to work her calves. Now she has unfortunate birdlike legs. I understand her quest for calves but give somebody else a turn! I always know when I see her that I won’t be working my legs that day.

Now I want to hear some of your funny gym stories. I can’t be the only one who has some oddballs at their gym.


  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    I think I am the oddball at my gym :-)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I don't go to the gym but now I wish I sounds quite entertaining! :laugh:
  • onyxlibra7
    onyxlibra7 Posts: 93
    LMAO!!! I workout in either the cinema where is pitch dark almost and the only thing I'm trying to watch is the movie on the screen. It's called a cardio cinema...just like a movie theatre. But I took zumba last night and I'm sure someone like you had a story to tell about me! lmao. I would tell it but I'll leave that alone. U are TOO funny! I was crackin' up reading ur post. =)
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I dropped my gym awhile ago (I like working out at home) but bump! I want to hear some more stories! These are hilarious :laugh:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    theres one creepy morning gym goer man. He has to be Id say mid-60's and he immediately jumps on the treadmill and power walks whilst leaning forward in a very rigid form almost like a toy soldier and this is what brings the creep actor. He is a fan of the cheesy gold necklace and old school tank tops.

    there is also and god bless her heart a little russian lady that loves to befriend EVERYONE she will trap you in conversation for as long as she possibly can. she means well tho...
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I love it! I am a huge people watcher, not to be judgmental but just because people are fascinating. I'm sure someone is watching me when an especially good song comes on my ipod and I start grooving and strutting on the treadmill.

    We have a guy that holds the elliptcal bars from the inside out instead of the natural way to just hold on. Does he know something I don't? Am I missing something here?
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I went to a step aerobics class in our gym and the county commisioner was there with his wife and while doing a leg lift he unceremoniously farted so LOUD I thought I would die!!!! Being the childish woman that I am I had to stifle it all evening, yet occasionally broke into snickers the rest of the night. ( I am laughing now). I will never be able to see him without cracking up!!!!:laugh:
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I think I am the oddball at my gym :-)

    LOL... Meeeee tooo!!!!!

    I am the drenched girl on the treadmill with a towel!!! :drinker:
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    1. The Leaping Lady: There’s one lady who gets on the treadmill starts walking and then does a little leap every once in awhile. There’s no rhyme or reason to it either. I watched her for a while to see if I could pick up on the pattern and, I’m telling ya, there was none. Also, she’s quite overweight so it can’t be good for her knees to be doing that.

    Hmm... I do that when I run on the treadmill, but it's because my thighs are huge, which makes my shorts ride up on my inner thighs. When I go a little jump, it makes them go back down.
    ... That would be really creepy if you were seeing me at the gym. =O Just kidding...
  • HeatherCanDoIt
    HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
    I love this post! That is one of the things that keep me motivated at the gym, I love people watching. I spent time watching 2 people who were very cute and shy that liked each other start a relationship and I love to watch the muscle men posing for eachother! So fun!
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    1. The Leaping Lady: There’s one lady who gets on the treadmill starts walking and then does a little leap every once in awhile. There’s no rhyme or reason to it either. I watched her for a while to see if I could pick up on the pattern and, I’m telling ya, there was none. Also, she’s quite overweight so it can’t be good for her knees to be doing that.

    Hmm... I do that when I run on the treadmill, but it's because my thighs are huge, which makes my shorts ride up on my inner thighs. When I go a little jump, it makes them go back down.
    ... That would be really creepy if you were seeing me at the gym. =O Just kidding...

    *gasp* I think that might explain it!!! Thank you... I was going crazy trying to figure out what was going on!!!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    I went to a step aerobics class in our gym and the county commisioner was there with his wife and while doing a leg lift he unceremoniously farted so LOUD I thought I would die!!!! Being the childish woman that I am I had to stifle it all evening, yet occasionally breaking into snickers the rest of the night. ( I am laughing now). I will never be able to see him without cracking up!!!!:laugh:

    This made me laugh out very childish when it comes to others farting......a .lady did it in our lemaze class and my husband made me leave cause I couldnt stop
  • There is one lady at my gym that we call "Gorgeous". She is in her 60's and ALWAYS has something bedazzled on her. Usually, it is the velour pants that have "Gorgeous" bedazzled across her behind. She is always walking on the treadmill and drinking her diet coke or her iced coffee. No joke - on the treadmill with Diet Coke or Iced Coffee.

    But hey, she's having a good time!
  • georgette70
    georgette70 Posts: 158
    bumping for the good stories:bigsmile:
  • foxgo
    foxgo Posts: 11
    My gym has plenty!

    a) the aerobics addict - this one woman (in amazing shape) is in every single class, whenever I walk by...bootcamp, spin, body-sculpting, etc. I once asked her and she said "it costs less than hiring a personal trainer". Does this person ever work?
    b) the machine hoarder - there are a few guys at the gym who commandeer the "smith machine" and use it for an hour straight. Although some of their workouts do not even involve the machine, they setup their own "circuit" of 2-3 machines, with towels over them all, and pretend they are the only ones in the gym who want to workout!
    c) the anorexic - there is a young woman at the gym who I always see on the elliptical and the treadmill, she must weigh 80-lbs soaking wet. It is surely not healthy for her to be the way she is, she must be anorexic as I can see her entire ribcage, and she has zero fat on her arms & legs.
    d) the housewives of nyc - there are a few ladies who come in with their kids, drop them in babysitting, and do the lunchtime aerobics class plus some cardio machines afterwards. I have never seen the "housewives" show but these women seem to be enjoying their daytime ritual of dumping off their kids for 2+ hours while they workout
    e) the bodybuilding exhibitionist - there are one or two guys who train for competitive bodybuilding, and they spend half the time flexing and observing their muscles in the mirror!
    f) the overdressed workout - an older woman who spends an hour on the elliptical (at low levels) dressed up far too nice for the gym, The rest of us are wearing workout shorts, etc and she looks like she is ready to attend a dinner-party! And her hair is always so primped and perfect.

    I too love people watching, and gyms always have a good crew of characters to watch!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I forgot to mention the creepy burglar. He spends an hour on the elliptical in full heavy sweats (our gym has little to no a/c) knit hat and hoodie with the hood uparound his face. I like to sweat but this is ridiculous.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm robably the odd one at my gym. XP I usually go on the elliptical for an hour. There are a couple people who frequently come while I am there and usually leave before I'm done so I'm sure they think I'm always on it. One lady even always teases me or yells out when I come in something like "theres my friend, she's gonna do her hour on that elliptical I bet" and get some of the other frequents in on it. haha, I love the people who are usually there with me. (Its a small gym combined with the physical therapy clinic since I live in a small town.)
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Not sure if these are funny but we have weirdos also

    1. This guy looks like he can be a bodybuilder (probably is one) always were weird color strip tights. One day he had on some yellow ones with a long red shirt, kind of like a dress. The next day he wore some that made like the US flag and a long shirt. I could not control myself. I laughed out loud as soon as he came in the weight room and everytime I seen them

    2. I am a weirdo....At 5am I am on the treadmill drenched in sweat like I have been there all day LOL

    3. There a lady who open the gym she looks like she lifted weights or just have broad shoulders and she always were "daisy dukes" the gym tank and flip flops.....haven't really figured her out yet. Oh yea she looks about 60 years old!

    4. When I first started there was this guy who always worked out on the step mill that is located behind all the other cardio equipment. Some mornings I wear my earphones even if I am not watching or listening to anything. This particular morning that is what I was doing and I heard him make a comment to one of the other guys, very smug like, that he likes to workout in the back because he gets to see all the booty action...perve....
  • autumn130
    autumn130 Posts: 48
    My husband always get on to me when I people watch but the gym is the one place I can do it without getting caught! I just act like I am finding a focus point.
    We had this girl at our old gym who was very similar to your "all day" lady. But she seemed very young. Maybe in her mid to early twenties. She was SO skinny....too skinny. It would make me sad to watch her workout. She would be on the elliptical for hours. She looked anerexic. I would see people talking to her so she either had friends join her or they just know her from the gym.Either way I feel like they should get her some help. It can not be healthy!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I am so glad i am not the only one. I cannot get control of myself when someone else "loses control" of themselves. It will probably all come back on us when we get old. My grandma had that problem and tooted wherever she went.
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