Help I have trouble eating under 2000 cals a day!



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I rinse any beef I cook.

  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    What a bunch of BS this is. So what does one have to do on here? Check everyone's previous posts, food and exercise diaries before taking the time to respond to a person that may need help or encouragement? And yeah, I DO keep my diaries private, I will admit that, but not because I want to "fool" anyone. I stumbled on here and found the food/calorie calculator, which was exactly what I was looking for. Didn't even check out "the community" for weeks. Saw no reason to open up my food intake for the world to dissect. But this is total ****, and the OP knows it. What's her name on here? I Want it Too? Something like that...whatever....but as Judge Judy always says "if it doesn't make sense, then it isn't true". Who the hell goes on a fitness site with a handy cal counter app, but rarely logs her food intake?. When she does do it she's logging that she eats doritos, cream filled chocolate cupcakes and candy bars for breakfast,? She claims she is pushing 250 lbs and appears to be a beginner at working out, yet logs that she is doing step aerobics on an 8"-10" step for 30 minutes and then is on an elliptical for 20??? Yeah, riiiight. I just started working out again after being a couch potato for years. I do 30-40 min on a treadmill, 10% incline at 3.2-3.5 mph and I am wiped. I would collapse in a heap doing what she claims to do as a workout and I am nowhere near 250 lbs and I certainly would not even think of cramming cupcakes, chips and candy bars down my throat if 'IWantedItToo".

    Get a life. Seriously. Troll is right. How pathetic.

    Lmaoooooo WTF... I'M just getting a chance to look at recent post... but wtf??? some people are absolutely insane!!!! like whats the point of making up all the sht above... you cant do 30 mins on the elliptical without collapsing has absolutely zero to do with literally the man in the moon... i cant run 5 miles straight so anyone who does must be lying.. absolutely insane...

    Rather i eat 10 sticks of butter or 100 apples a cal is suppose to be a cal, so what does it matter.

    I dont log for you, I log FOR ME! I dont have to click and search for 90% ground beef, 1 oz cheese, tortilla shells etc.. I can do simple math.. it will add up the same, i dont need it to be individualized, but thank y ou for your useless advice and how i should log in my own diary LMAO!!!!

    To all the sane people who actually gave some real advice didnt make up sht and yell troll and actually have an ounce of sense..THANK YOU, SO VERY MUCH!

    The point of the was simply that, i burn a lot of cals, im hungry and i should be able to eat and lose..and i cant seem to do that...

    I should have NEVER posted what i had for breakfast it was given as an example to show how easy it is to go over cals without consuming mass amounts of food and editing yourself.. i actually wanted it twice but for 1800 cals and i knew id want dinner i was like heck no!!!! like seriously someone cant eat 4 tacos and 2 med potatos in a day or they have to skip dinner.. thats part of what sparked this thread.. everyone harping on the 900 cals forget it... simply put! "Is anyone losing weight @ 260 pounds eatng 2000 cals...with exercise.. thats all i wanted to know..."
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I rinse any beef I cook.


    *scratches head, confused*
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Tell me your height!.........I'm trying to cook Portuguese tarts so hurry up! :sad:
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    lmao i'm 5'3....
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    Most of the post in this thread where absolute garbage by people who need to get a clue and a grip. Below are some of the useful post from people who actually can read and comprehend. One of the best quotes ever *if the person next to you is scarfing McDonalds, and you find yourself jealous because they're not should remind yourself that they'll be ****ting all of that out in about 45 minutes anyway, so who cares. *

    I wouldnt say jealous just wondering why its ok for them and the same is not okay for me lol..

    Point of this thread was i burn more cals than i consume and yet i still have to eat under 2000 to lose, which is a struggle... All the talk about not wanting it and not being ready to work etc is hilarious, when it makes zero sense... the was point I do consume under a certain amount of cals whether i have 1500 in one meal or 5 at the ned of the day i burn way less than i consume and i exercise daily it would be hard for me to exercise more than i already do or eat less reallly... i wont be eating 2 boiled eggs or drinking water when im hungry..sorry thats not normal..when i want to eat something i'll have a meal.. one that is within my daily cal limits and i wont be draining my beef.. although some of the advice was very helpful i will incorporate soup or a salad as a side with my potato and just not worry and do what i have to do if i have to eat under 2000 and not have flour shells or cheese thats fine.... i'll just continue to stay within my cal limit because the only real answer is its gonna be a struggle i cant go above if i want to lose and thats just the way it is.
    I can completely relate to OP - I stand and walk all day at work (hospital lab) and I used to think that was enough exercise, probably because I'm exhausted when I'm done working. I'm also a binge eater who can inhale thousands of calories in a blink of an eye and still be hungry all day long. I didn't pay one rats *kitten* to my eating until I was 240 lbs - shocking, I know.

    Since I've been on MFP I've had to try and curb my appetite to get under 2000 calories a day, and I always feel hungry, too. I'm not really doing anything special in the way of carbs, protein, etc at the moment - I'm just trying not to stuff my face with 6,000 calories a day. Once I can get control, I can start figuring out how to get healthy.

    When I first started here, I found myself gorging on chips and queso. I then measured and weighed out what I continued to eat, so I could log it. What an eye opener it was for me to see I had just ate 1000 calories in 15 minutes. Before dinner.

    And no, I don't consider this "normal" and I don't think I'll ever be "normal" with food. That's just the way it is.
    the line backer would eat the entire taco Bell menu... not two small soft tacos!

    To the OP:
    perhaps your problem is trying to have what we were brought up to believe were "balanced" meals.

    I find the carbs kill me. I used to eat a homemade egg mcmuffin for breakfast every morning. Much healthier than Mc D's, but still close to 400 calories. and it's not really that much food, a small, easy to hold in the palm of your hand sandwich.
    Now I eat crepes, or an omelette, scrambled, or whatever, but try not to do the eggs, the bread, the meat, and the cheese all together. Two out of four make a good meal, and way less calories.

    the hamburger is fine, but the bun adds an extra 200 calories and very little nutritional value.
    the taco stuff might be better served on a salad, especially if you want to eat the potato too.
    I didn't read through the rest of the thread but I struggle with this too, OP. I had to start working out to support my eating habit. Now I can eat 2200+ though I still feel hungry. Willpower is key, though sometimes I have none.
    This has been a funny read.
    Good luck IWantToo. Remember: keep complaining, feeling sorry for yourself, eating tacos for breakfast and burning 8000 calories at work. The fat will just melt off.

    ^^^ *kitten* ALERT!
    I feel your pain!! I struggle with trying to comsume between 1400-1500 calories a day. It has truly been a challenge and the only thing I have done that has helped me is to take what I would normally eat and figure out what piece of it I can change out. For instance, you mentioned a burger and fries...well if I went to McDonalds I would normally order the quarter pounder meal (fries and coke) which would come to 1,110 calories. When I get my McDonalds mood, I now order the double cheeseburger meal with medium fries and diet coke, that reduces my calorie intake to 760 that is a savings of 350 calories, which is huge when you are counting calories. That is my breakfast intake. Another good example of modifying the foods you like....I love bagels and cream cheese which would be 270 for a regular plain bagel with 70 calories for the regular cream cheese. I know buy the bagel thins 110 calories and the 1/3 less fat cream cheese at 45 calories. That is over 1/2 of the calories I am saving for later in the day. Hope this helps.
    sometimes i can't keep it under 2000 cals too. Those days are usually days when i work long hours. It just helps to plan your day in advance, have food packed, etc. Buying crap at cafes is no bueno. I had a very unfilling single serve quiche for breakfast yesterday at a ended up being almost 500 calories. WTF?!?!

    Today I had a 160 calorie yogurt that kept me satiated untl noon.

    It helps to be prepared.

    ETA: also, protein is your friend.
    If you're working on your feet all day, you probably DO need to eat more. The biggest thing is to just prepare. Pack yourself a days worth of meals and snacks. That way when you get hungry at work, you have your own, better choices, rather than whatever is laying around or in the vending machines. It doesn't have to be salad and a few chunks of chicken. There are lots of healthy foods out there that are very filling.
    This thread is ridiculous, full of good and BAD advice.

    If someone wants to have a 900 calorie breakfast, and it fits in their calories, so what. I sometimes eat meals that are 1000 calories and other meals that are 200 calories. The total of calories in one meal means nothing if you meet your calorie goal. I could easily eat a 900 calories breakfast, a 500 calorie lunch and 600 calorie dinner and meet my daily goal.

    OP, feel free to look at my diary. I eat between 2000 and 2300 calories a day, based on my TDEE and 30-60 minutes of cardio and lifting a day. I eat a combo of healthy and junk food. Usually, if I have one bad meal in a day, I just try to make sure the others are healthy and nutritious.
    I keep 100 calorie snacks, fruit cups, yogurt...I try to just do single serving snacks. Me counting out crackers form a big box is ridiculous. I cook an entire bag of frozen or fresh chicken breast. However, I cut it up in cubes, spice it up and cook with a little olive oil. I just keep this in the frig for quick meals with pasta or wraps. I drink herbal teas. I haven't changed my eating style much, I do more portion control if anything. I drink a lot water during the day. But having 900 cal for breakfast is a lot of calories, especially if you're not doing anything to burn those off. I try to have 300-400 cal for breakfast, snack at 10, lunch at noon, snack at 3 then dinner by 7 and then sometimes a snack before bedtime. I amped up m work out to 45 minutes in the morning and then another 30-45 minutes in the evening, so I'm burning close to 1,400 when I do this.

    You truly need to just "see" what you are eating and bring in your own snacks. You can get full off of chicken salad, especially if you add veges to it. I keep sauteed onions, peppers, garlic in my fridge too. Plus I add red pepper flakes for an extra zing. It did take me a few months to get on board with my calories and sometimes I make it, sometimes I don't but I don't beat myself up about. I just start fresh the next day. But if you want to truly keep 2000 a day, you have to work hard at it. Try to plan your meals for a few weeks and before doing so, look to see how many calories are in the food you want to prepare. Or make a lot of it but then portion control it in containers, that way you just have to take a container instead. Once you get the hang of it, it will get better and better. Try not to look at this as a diet but getting to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes just adding rice and more vegetables to your meal does wonders.
    One way to stay full is to eat fat at meals. Each meal NEEDS to have fat, protein, and fiber. That's one reason why a steak keeps you fuller than the same amount of calories in a hamburger or a boneless skinless tasteless chicken breast. Also, your body expects to get fat from things like meat and dairy, because humans evolved with only full-fat products. If you eat something that is artificially low or no fat, your body sets itself up to digest full fat, then you feel hungry when your body doesn't get what it expects (there are similar problems with no calorie sweeteners).

    Soup is also awesome, it fills you up more than food and water separately.

    Also, avoid any processed food- it's designed to make you want more! Sugars (even from too much fruit), white flour is the same way. It raises your blood sugar and than causes it to drop quickly, making you super hungry about 30 mins after eating.

    For some people, snacking also increases hunger. Have you ever been not very hungry, then become ravenous as soon as you took a bite of something? That's because your body suppresses hunger signals after an hour or so (so that people weren't bothered by those signals while they were trying to hunt and such). Then, when you eat that first bite, your hunger signals flare up to tell you to keep eating and your stomach prepares to digest a meal. When you don't eat a full meal, your body is left with disappointed expectations and you get hungry again as soon as the tiny snack you ate is digested.

    When you DO eat (during meals), try to do so rather slowly, and pay attention to the taste. This allows your body to know what you are eating and when you have had enough. Once your nutritional needs are met, you will notice that the taste changes slightly (you'll only notice if you're paying attention). The second that your meal doesn't taste as awesome as it did before, you know that your body is sending a signal that it has all it needs and that you should stop eating. If you never get full, eat more variety.
    I'm sorry you've been struggling, believe me, I go through the same thing. Granted, I don't have a job where I'm able to be on my feet (I know it sounds crazy, but consider yourself lucky), I sit at a desk all day long, surrounded by people who are constantly bringing in sweet treats (seriously, I had to give up sweets for Lent to save myself from them) and snacking all day long.
    I do my best, but I havent been losing lately, and it comes down to one thing. Will Power.

    My guess is that you are hitting the same can know all the rules, and want to change for all the right reasons, but when push comes to shove, and you are still eating the way you used to, nothing is going to change. You have to want it for you. Forget what other people get to on you, and what works for your body...if the person next to you is scarfing McDonalds, and you find yourself jealous because they're not should remind yourself that they'll be ****ting all of that out in about 45 minutes anyway, so who cares.

    If you want to fix it, don't come whining and asking for a quick fix, you will never find it, and these people will never give it to you. Bottom line...stop eating junk, and stay under your calorie goal...if you want to reach your goal, that's it, end of discussion.

    Good Luck.
    I like when people assume that they're different. I see all these people eat X and when I eat X I get fat and they don't. Yea, but for example what if that's there only primary meal for the day. I had a 1000 breakfast today and still hit my goals just fine. You need to learn to separate mental hunger over real physical hunger if you can. The best way is to cut simple carbs / sugars and make sure you hit your fiber and daily water consumption.

    Frank Yang and Michael Phelps eat 5,000-10,000 calories because they expend that much energy. The average person doesn't. The real answer is. If you can't find anything that works food wise to get you a caloric deficit you have to burn it off through exercise.
    That wasnt the point of the post. The point of the post was, I could never eat like that. even if i consumed what they consumed just on their lunch break if that was my meal for the whole day I would not lose, i would likely maintain and I would have to be way under the average daily intake of 2,000 even with exercising everyday and having a physical job.. im just saying that sucks for me!

    FYI at nearly 300 pounds with a physical job and exercising I am always in a deficit.... yet i lose no weight eating 2000 cals, which means i cant eat 2000 cals. SImple as that it sucks and NO. I DONT EAT CALORIES BACK IF I CANT LOSE AT A DEFICIT HOW CAN I LOSE AT A SURPLUS SMH..

    I understand what you are saying. I also understand your frustration. I found out early on that I simply could not eat as much as other people and stay slim. I have never 'accidentally' lost weight like some people I know. I compared my diet to men around me and thought I was eating so much less than I was.

    The only time I could eat 2500 and maintain, was when I worked as a baggage handler for a major airline and lifted heavy in the gym 3 days a week, plus 45 minutes of cardio. I was 30 at the time and 5'6", 150-155 pounds.

    When I had a disabling injury that put me in a wheelchair for a couple of years, I gained a lot of weight, and am now working on getting it off at 49. It IS hard. It SUCKS that I can't eat like 'normal' people. But considering that 2/3 of the US population is overweight, and 1/3 is Obese, then 'normal' is definitely not healthy.

    I fought it for years. I would 'diet' for a week or so, lose a couple of pounds, then the scale would stop moving and I would get frustrated and quit, and go back to eating 1800 cals a day. Yeah, I maintained on between 1600-1800 cals a day. Being extremely sedentary will do that.

    Six months ago, after losing my mom to diabetes, and turning 49, I joined MFP and made the commitment to lose the weight. WHATEVER it took. I knew that if I didn't, I would be unhealthy, immobile, and end up with Diabetes very soon. And not be there for my kids and grandkids for all the important events in their lives. My mom died 3 weeks before my first grandchild was born.

    When you finally get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and reach the point that you are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to lose the weight and get healthy. THEN you will succeed.

    It sucks. It is not fair. But not much in life is fair. I had to finally put on my big girl panties. Accept my reality. And just do it. And the next day get up and do it again. And again. And here I am 6 months later, much slimmer, much stronger, much healthier, and much HAPPIER!

    Yeah, some days I'd love a Big Mac and fries. But it just isn't worth it anymore. My priorities have changed drastically. My biggest regret is that I didn't figure all this out when I was 30.

    Will I ever be able to eat like 'normal' people again? Not the definition of the average person's 'normal', no. But I have a 'new normal' and it is SO worth it.

    If losing weight was easy, there would be no fat people in the world. It takes commitment, patience, planning, hard work, and often times telling yourself "no".

    When you are ready, you can do it.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I rinse any beef I cook.


    If I cook hamburger ( I dont eat other beef unless I go to a steak house) I rinse all the fat and grease off of it. Like you'd rinse noodles. I use a strainer. For tacos and spaghetti you cant tell its missing all the grease.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I don't believe that this thread is still going. Every single time I return to this thread, I find insult after insult being tossed out by the OP

    Lady, and I am using this term loosely now, you asked questions and have been so freaking rude to so many people who took time out of their lives to try and help, and it is absolutely shameful!

    I get that some of the answers won't work for you, so IGNORE THEM and carry on!

    And how about thanking people more often than you smack em.

    Disgusting behavior.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member

    eta: no
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    i wont be eating 2 boiled eggs or drinking water when im hungry..sorry thats not normal..when i want to eat something i'll have a meal..

    when i want to eat something i'll have a meal..

    I'm gonna assume this is a part of the problem. No snacks at all? What if you're hungry like 5 times a day? Will those consist of 600-800 calories meals? You've got to be willing to make a sacrifice regardless, OP, if you want to lose weight. Everyone's view of normal will vary, but whether something is healthy or not I feel is more of a topic to be agreed upon - at least there's evidence to support if something is healthy for you vs. if it's 'normal'. If you want a larger breakfast consisting of 900 calories, that's fine, then do it. But don't expect to gorge yourself on a huge lunch and dinner later in the day, unless it's low in calories and higher in nutrient density. (500 calories for lunch, 550 for dinner).

    Example, If you have a burger, eat it open faced - save the other half of the bun for another burger in the future. Do a small side salad with it as well if you like to consume larger quantities of food, but with less calories and still kept full. A few nights a week, do a salad with grilled chicken (not fried as that'd defeat the purpose), and no extremely creamy dressings or you're just ticking up the calories. If you're craving pasta, go for it, but only 2oz dry (typically 200 calories alone), steer clear from any cream sauces, butter sauces, etc. Throw in a little protein (chicken breast), a side of a favorite veggie (or again, side salad), and you'll probably be around 500-600 cals. Most important thing with salads I've learned is, find a dressing that you'll love *and* is healthy. I make mine from scratch and it's actually the only reason I'll consume salad if and when I do. I noticed you're a fan of tacos - do whole wheat or sprouted tortillas/shells if you can instead of flour, 1/2 the amount of cheese, and maybe just half a baked potato (if you're hungry later, you can eat the other half!). If you use ground beef, try checking out ground turkey - just as yummy if seasoned properly. I hope a few of these ideas help for meals.
  • muayqis
    muayqis Posts: 72
    i know it's not the best, but i find that an instant hot chocolate helps me out when i'm flagging.

    i usually try to eat clean as much as possible, but a hot chocolate hits the sweetness and chocolate desires without launching my kcals through the roof.

    another vote for carrot sticks too.
  • mom9198
    mom9198 Posts: 83 Member
    It sounds like your definition of "normal" needs to change. 900 calories for one meal would be normal for, maybe, a linebacker. Or an unhealthy person. I think I eat like a "normal" person. I don't restrict anything, if I want it, I have it. And I am usually right where I need to be for calories. If I am going to eat more I exercise and "earn" some more calories. Check out my diary, it is open.
    Are you serious? A line backer eats 2 soft tacos and a baked potato.. LMAOOOOOooo um okay.. im not sure what kind of linebacker you're accustom to, but definitely not a normal one!

    For one, she's correct.

    Two, why are you giving attitude to people clearly trying to help you?

    When I first started here a year and a half ago, I was eating 1200 calories and did just fine. I eat 1800 calories a day at maintenance now, but only because I strength train and do HiiT cardio on a daily basis AND I'm only focusing on fat loss and loss of inches at the moment.

    Unless you're an intensive sports athlete, as a woman, you don't need 900 calories for one meal.
    Ditto ^this^.

    It took my body/brain to get used to having 1400 calories a day, and there are some times when I feel hungry. I just remind myself I'm not going to starve. When I'm tempted, I try to remember how much exercise it's gonna take to get that food off my hips.
    Losing weight takes time and changing how you look at/think about food. Food is meant to nourish our bodies. Anything extra has to be seldom/in moderation.
    Remember to log everything and maybe read some books about nutrient-dense food and portion sizes.
    It's okay to feel hungry, especially in the beginning. It will get better, the more you learn, log and exercise. Best wishes!
  • Ben_1960
    Ben_1960 Posts: 97 Member
    I have worked on my psyche over the months to get a perspective on eating and drinking. I have taught myself that it is simply a process to refuel my body and not the most important part of the day. Mealtimes are no more important than a trip to the restroom!

    This allows me to eat nutritious foods what previously I would have thought bland and unappetising on a very regular basis.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    It's okay to feel hungry, especially in the beginning. It will get better, the more you learn, log and exercise. Best wishes!

    I think this is really key advice - it actually IS ok to be hungry!

    I have my set meal times and allotted snacks for the day and I space them out accordingly. I am sometimes hungry! But I know if i eat all of my food the second I get hungry then I will have a much longer period of hungriness in the evening when it's all gone by 6pm. Either that or I go over my calories.

    This is called discipline!
  • i just realized this was a Troll post, LOL eat what you want.
  • Try egg white veggie omelets. Super filling, very healthy and even w/cheese, usually under 200 calories :)
  • wyrdmage
    wyrdmage Posts: 4
    It's not about food. It's about perspective. Eating normally is why you need to lose weight in the first place. Stop eating. Your stomach will growl for a while until it gets used to it, and then it will settle down. Plan a menu that only has that many calories in it, and stick to it until you get a hang of what you can grab on the go without planning. How motivated are you to lose? That's how much you should stop eating. That simple.
  • wyrdmage
    wyrdmage Posts: 4
    You might also keep this in mind...hunger isnt about how much food you ingest, it's about the calories you take in. The hunger you feel is psychosomatic. Your body has the calories it needs to get by and more. The food is for the other nutrients you need to stay healthy, but you need to keep the calorie count down so that your body keeps using its stores. Stop eating meals, and snack instead. This tricks us into thinking that we are eating all day, but we are not ingesting all the calories.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Most of the post in this thread where absolute garbage by people who need to get a clue and a grip. Below are some of the useful post from people who actually can read and comprehend. One of the best quotes ever *if the person next to you is scarfing McDonalds, and you find yourself jealous because they're not should remind yourself that they'll be ****ting all of that out in about 45 minutes anyway, so who cares. *

    I wouldnt say jealous just wondering why its ok for them and the same is not okay for me lol..

    IMO you need to work out your TDEE well. I know you have a job where you're walking all day, but if you're anything like me then you won't be burning off anywhere near what you think you are. For example, the last time I entered a dog walk at 3.5mph in MFP they suggested that I'd burnt over 300 calories, however my HRM that I wore whilst doing it reported I'd burnt 124....big, BIG difference. HRMs are also only meant to record short bursts of aerobic exercise, they're not an accurate tool for logging all your daily movement.

    I'd suggest trying the following TDEE calculator that allows you to break down your day into minutes of sleeping, sitting, normal walking, fast walking, heavy exercise etc. When you've got a figure from that, take 20% off it and use that as your goal calories.

    Eating a 900 cal breakfast doesn't matter, however what *does* matter is that if everything you eat during the day is the kind of junk food you were logging back in mid-January, then you will feel hungry a lot of time because you're essentially inhaling empty calories. In fact if all you normally exist on is potato chips, taco bell, McDonald's etc then you may find that you're in this weird situation where you are both obese but nutritionally starving:

    "Diets that contribute to obesity are high in calories, grains, starches, trans-fats and modified fats, and cholesterol. But these diets are lacking in vitamins, minerals, monounsaturated fats and micronutrients. Unhealthy food leaves people feeling less full, making one inclined to eat more of it. Diets that contribute to obesity leave us overfed and undernourished.
    Read more:"

    So once you've found your calorie level, it doesn't matter how you spread it across the day, but you do need to be changing your choices so that junk food makes up the minority of your diet, not the majority. Make the changes slowly if it's too much of a shock; dump the tacos and baked potatos for breakfast and have a big bowl of porridge (made with whole oats, not the easily processed 'quick' stuff) with some ground flaxseed and a dribble of honey on top. Or have a breakfast 2-egg omelette with tomatoes, onions and mushrooms in it - so basically slow-release carbs and/or protein. Try that for a week with what you normally eat for lunch and dinner so it's one small change.

    Then work on your lunch - as in taking in your *own* lunch. Pretty much every office these days has a microwave, so try taking in a carton of soup and making up a big salad nicoise to go with it to get some protein in. If you prefer sandwiches, choose wholemeal/granary bread and make a big tuna/salad sandwich or cooked turkey breast (way more healthy than buying sliced, processed meat that's heavy in preservatives). Then try that new routine for a few weeks.

    Finally move on to dinner and start cooking. If you feel shattered when you get home at night then invest in a slow cooker - some beef shin, root veg, baby potatos, rosemary, bay leaves and a slug of red wine thrown into a slow cooker in the morning transforms into a wonderful stew by the time you get home at night...and it's filling! You can poach a chicken or do a pot roast in the same way. If you feel like a pudding, get a big cooking apple and bake it for 30 minutes with some dried fruit in the middle and a small spoon of brown sugar or dribble of honey.

    Then you've got your snacks - nuts, seeds, lean meats, fruit (whole, not as a shop-bought smoothie) etc.

    The reason for eating the way I've described is simply because it's full of nutrients, wholesome and will keep you fuller than the calorie-dense, nutrient poor stuff churned out by fast food chains.

    Lastly, if you are absolutely convinced that you cannot lose weight then step #1 would be to either prove your suspicions correct or disavow them by going to the doctor and getting a thyroid test and a hormone profile. If everything is ok there then you know, absolutely, that it's simply a matter of getting the right calorie levels for you.

    I'm one inch taller than you, was 4lbs heavier than you a month ago and I'm 12 years older than you and I can lose weight. No, in my 40s I don't lose it as fast as someone in their 20s and at my age, managing CFS and having slightly dodgy knees, I can't lose as much via butt-busting exercise as some can....but what I could do was make small changes and the result of that has been that weight is slowly shifting (this morning I logged in another 1lb off the last week.)

    You can do it - you just need to find your baseline calories, log food properly and make small, sustainable changes. Lastly, forget what other people around you can eat because you are not them - we all have friends that can inhale a chocolate cake and not gain an ounce, but the bottom line is that if we were them, we wouldn't be here trying to lose weight.