What kind of dog do you have?



  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    I've got 2 pits, Hades (boy) and Persi(short for Persephone, girl)
    The pic, if you can see it, was taken back in August. She's as big as he is now.

  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Mine is part German Shepherd and part Chinese Sharpei.
    He doesn't like strangers but he loves his mommy. :-)

  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    Half of the pic got cut off. Any way to fix that?
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member

    Cute! Is the big dog the daddy?
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member

    Cute! Is the big dog the daddy?
    Nope that's the "boyfriend" we bought the female to breed
  • mjg812
    mjg812 Posts: 9
    I have a yellow lab, a blue greyhound and a small black and tan mixed breed.


    I adopted a greyhound 3.5 years ago. Is yours also a retired racer?

    Hi - Yes she is an ex racer but not raced by us, she is a rescue. She's our second retired greyhound and we just love them, sadly we lost her friend Susie last year at age almost 16 which was fantastic for a greyhound. Don't think we'll have anything else now but greyhounds. They make such lovely pets.
  • wendyhutchesonwasden
    wendyhutchesonwasden Posts: 140 Member
    Great dogs, everyone! I'm glad there are folks like me who treat their doggies like family!
  • The_Outlaw_Torn
    The_Outlaw_Torn Posts: 67 Member
    Ares the Boardador(Border Collie/Black Lab mix).
  • jessyemay
    jessyemay Posts: 10
    I have a 10 month Bichon called Milly! The cutest ball of fluff and the best snuggler :)
  • taz343
    taz343 Posts: 14
    2 puggles Sophie and Sissy who are 3yrs old, a Norweigan Elkhound Ranger who is 11 months, and a red nose pit bull Beanie who is 10yrs old. I wouldnt trade them for the world I love my dogs
  • ChunkieNuts
    ChunkieNuts Posts: 135 Member
    <<< a Staffordshire bull terrier. my baby :-)
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    I have a german shepard mix (although not entirely sure with what. Shiba maybe?) that I adopted a couple months ago. She is the sweetest, most loving, loyal dog I could ask for! Love you Dixie!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    <--- German Shepherd. He was abandoned on our road last year. He's such a sweetheart and I can't understand how someone could do that to an animal especially since he's going to be 4 in a few days. How do you just get rid of an animal that you've had for that long?!

    All he wants in life is love, pets and play time. :heart:
  • XLMuffnTop
    XLMuffnTop Posts: 76 Member
    We got a Great Pyrenees from a rescue last April. We had to drive across Texas to get him but glad we did. He's furry, slobbery and huge and the best family dog we've ever had. Our two kids (2 and 5) often use him as a pillow while they watch TV. Beasley's cool with it so long as he's getting attention. :)
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,462 Member
    Never miss an opportunity to show of my K9s :)

    Kanu & River

    Jax, Kanu, & River
  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member

    My little Zoe...she is a full-blooded mutt! Been wanting to get a DNA test done on her to figure out her breeds, but I haven't done it yet.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I have four furbabies, and I can't imagine life without them.

    Here are my girls - L-R: Tasha (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever/Labrador Retriever); Kali (Newfoundland/Labrador Retriever); Dory (Valley Bulldog).


    And here is my boy :love: He is also a Valley Bulldog. He is like no other dog I have ever had and holds a special place in my heart. 73 lbs of Pure Awesome is all he is!!

  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    We have two rescues. They are both true bred pavement specials. :bigsmile:
    It would be hard to say which breed features the most in each of them, but the one would probably be an Africanis and the other one was a pug in a previous life.

    This is Moyo the Africanis: (who is a handsome dog, yes your are!)

    This is Nini (the most lovable thing on four legs, with a pug wannabe tail that is never not moving):

    And the two of them playing:
  • amazon35
    amazon35 Posts: 98 Member
    A Boxador named Hustle aka Daddy aka Fatboy( yes he answers to them all!!) I've had him since he was 5 weeks he is now 6 yrs old and my son. And then there is Piggy aka Fahim aka Earl aka Piglet. And yes he answers to all!!! He is a pit/lab best pound dog ever!!! I've nursed him back to health at 9 months and he is now 4 1/2. AND they have a collective name which is BOYS!!