People minimizing our success



  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    You should make her read this:

    Jesus in a Jar made you lose the weight! (that's what she wants to hear after all)
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Unfortunately, that's how our society is. People want the quick fix. They want a pill that will shrink their waistline. They want a DVD set that will make their babies geniuses. They don't want to accept that maybe they'll have to change their approach and put in some work.

    And it can hurt when people seem to dismiss our efforts because they're not easy enough for them to be bothered.

    It's intimidating to stand at the foot of the mountain and look up at the peak. But until teleportation becomes a reality, the only way to get there is to take one step, then another, and another, and another...
  • So shes jealous or wants to know what miracle pill your taking that there isnt.. Hard work and determination is the only way to reach your goals of any kind...
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I tell them I have a pet tape worm.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I get the same comment from people who are doing "miracle diets" with not so miracle results.....the "you work at home so you have plenty of time to exercise, if I had that much time I could lose weight like that too." It makes me think if you watched what you ate and moved some then you could lose weight with all of that limited time you have available. I mean these are the same people that HAVE to watch the evening line up of shows and then run out of time for exercise.
    I have been trying to keep it positive, but that is the one comment that completely pisses me off.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    The thing I get all the time is "YOU don't have to watch what you eat," like I just accidentally ended up being fit.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I tell them that I found taking 1 low dose aspirin every day makes all the difference. But, just to be safe, I watch what I eat and sweat my balls off in the gym 5 days a week.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    my body pump teacher always says during the cool down, you should be proud of yourself being here because this is not easy, if it was easy there would be more than 30 people here tonite.

    At work this happened also
    :I have a scale at my desk that people use. One larger guy came over and weighed himself.
    He had lost 1.2 lbs and then said wow now I can eat and drink as much as I want this weekend. He is 5ft 10inches
    and weighs 232 lbs with no muscle. I looked at him like he was crazy and he said I do not want to be anorexic like you.
    I am 5ft 7in 167 lbs... not anorexic.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm looking forward to the, "OMG, she so had weight loss surgery!" comments. Or, "Hey, are you using ViSalus?"
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret".

    What she said is actually the truth.. Anyone can lose the weight if they work out that much.
    However, NOT everyone has the drive, the determination or the willingness to put forth the effort to achieve great results through hard work and eating right..
    And THAT is what you should have pointed out to her.
    Remember, with your success comes haters. Use their ignorance and jealousy as your motivation to kick it up a notch and get even greater results. You'll either make an enemy for life or you'll inspire others to follow your lead. Either way, you'll be better off in the long run. Congrats on your success and good luck with it all in the future..
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret"

    Those that don't exercise or try to live a healthier lifestyle are ALWAYS looking for some quick fix.

    Bottom line for those of us taking on working harder and smarter to live better, is the process really IS easy, but it takes committment and time.

    Eat less, eat better, move more.

    It just blows people away that it isn't some pill they can take.
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    If it was easy, there would be a lot less obesity in the world.
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    Well, heck! I'M proud of you! Weight loss is hard and don't you dare let bitter people make you feel less than super proud of what you're doing!!!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Unfortunately, that's how our society is. People want the quick fix.

    Then give it to them. Tell them the real secret of your success.

    Celery salt.

    Yep, celery salt.

    You know how celery is a negative calorie food right?

    Of course you also know that celery salt contains the essential homeopathic natural essences of celery right?

    By adding celery salt to your food, you are _removing calories_. If you do this in sufficient quantities, you'll lose weight with no effort required just like I did.*

    And as an added bonus - celery salt is much more affordable and available than Sensa!

    But wait - there's more! Celery is high in fiber - remember those essential homeopathic natural essences? Yep, they add fiber too!

    You'll wish that you had got on this bandwagon early when I am living the life of luxury in Ankeny IA buoyed by the fortune I made on celery salt futures.

    *Actual results may vary. Weight loss results simulated. The FDA has not evaluated these statements.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I try to minimize it a bit myself. There's no great secret or effort involved in getting to a healthy weight. You're not supposed to be fat and out of shape. Realizing you're fat and fixing it is what you're supposed to do.

    I don't want a parade because I lost 50 pounds.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Am I the only one who saw this as making conversation.

    I must be hard to offend or something....
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I work from home and only go into the office 1/week. Just this morning someone commented that I looked like I had lost weight (yeah!!!). Another asked how I did it. I said that I had been working out 5-6 times a week and had cut out my snacking and was logging what I ate. Her reply "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret". I felt like crap for about a half hour afterwards but now I'm just angry and want to tell her if anyone can do it then get off your fat *kitten* and work out...lose the weight! I'm pretty proud of the fact that I manage to work out almost every day while I'm home with 2 little kids and still manage to fit in work, playdates, preschool drop offs and all that other crap. I know it shouldn't matter what other people think and I'm doing this to make myself healthy but it's hard when people completely don't get it

    Had you told her you were taking Hydroxycut she would have pulled up a chair and asked the details. Don't ever let the naysayers discourage you.. People avoid exercise like the plague Kudos to you..
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret".

    When I read that it translated into this in my brain ... "well *kitten*, I don't want to actually work at losing weight. Unless you are taking some stupid-*kitten* supliment that actually tastes like cookie dough or found some new-fangled machine that you only have to sit on for 10 minutes while watching television I don't want to hear it because your success reminds me that I'm lazy"

    This is how I read it in my brain too.
  • srgtbiggles
    srgtbiggles Posts: 170 Member
    WE know how much hard work it is. Keep up the good work!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    There's a saying about having money that I also think applies to weight loss.

    "Being rich (or thin) doesn't change you, it changes the people around you."

    You're still you, just trying to be a healthier version of you. For some people that's a real threat to their system. They don't like change. They see people a certain way based on preconceived notions of body size. They worry so much about how YOU'RE going to change that they are the ones who start acting differently toward you.

    In the end there's not much you can do about it. Just keep being you, keep improving, and the people in your life who matter will always be there for you.