Desperate I Am



  • gregr072
    gregr072 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me as well. I"m a 33 year old guy working to consciously make decisions about the foods I choose. So far I'm finding MFP to be a great tool to see where my calories come from and what actually fuels my body. I think you'll find having a community of people working towards similar goals is really helpful.
  • jsgp614
    jsgp614 Posts: 3
    I think admiting is the first step towards change. It seems like a good place to start being with some non judgemental strangers. Good luck on your quest and be kind to yourself. Losing weight is the greatest act of self love at this stage of the game for you (it seems).
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    You just have to know that you are good enough to do this. Its the hardest thing you'll ever have to do...but once you start and take it day by day and see the results it motivates you to do better each day. I have tried and failed many times....I lost 40 lbs before and gained it all back and then im trying to get all that back off. You can do this and be glad you have a supportive wife! Step one is being honest with yourself which you have shown today. Don't snack behind her back bc you'll only feel guilty when its over. Take control and show yourself you are good enough. You can add me for support if you'd like =)
  • made2wonder
    made2wonder Posts: 69 Member
    I admire you for looking for help to get your health on track. I agree with the folks who say to take things one step at a time. You can target a few specific habits to change, like not eating in the car, for example. Then it is not so overwhelming and you can see some positive results before tackling something else. Good luck to you!
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    WOW! Except for the age I would have sworn this was my husband, I guess I wish it was. Good for you coming here, there is awesome support and a lot of good info. I can't add anything to what was said, just that I will support you also if you need a friend and I'm glad you came here.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    You have no place to go but UP!!!!! Pick yourself up and stand up str8 and Do what you know to do!!!!:happy:
  • Eyesblu
    Eyesblu Posts: 60
    It is apparent that your wife loves you. She cares about your health. You took the first step by being on here today.
  • Silver82
    Silver82 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm glad you've found MFP. This place is a great resource for help and direction. You need to take this step by step, looking at the big picture can be very overwhelming, but it's completely possible.

    You're welcome to add me as a friend for support. I've been down a very long road myself full of ups and downs and I'm more than happy to help.
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    I think you came to the right place!

    Here are some tips I can think of - if cutting out the snacking hasn't worked, try changing what you're snacking on. Replace "bad" snacks with fruits or veggies, or even low-cal versions of the things you're already munching on. For example, I could polish off a bag of chips at my desk without blinking (or thinking!) and have replaced the chips with lightly salted sea salt almonds (still gives me the salty crunch I'm really looking for). I portion out a serving and put the bag away, because if I'm still hungry after the portion I can have more, but it usually works out that I'm no longer hungry after.

    Another tip - involve your wife! She sounds like a really great supporter already and I'm sure if you asked her for help she would be there for you. Between the two of you, you can regulate the foods that are available in your house, exercise together, etc. She is your biggest fan :]

    One thing I find great about this site is the accountability - I record everything I eat, even if it's something I feel guilty for later. The other thing is the people here, and outside this site, who cheer me on when I have successes and encourage me to do better when I fall. Feel free to add me if you like, I'm on daily!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It can be done. I'm 29, and a litle over a year ago, I was at 290. I'm at 195 now and I feel so much better and more energized. It's going to be hard and there will be days when you want to give up, but if you stick with it, you will see results.
  • rachlat
    rachlat Posts: 23
    Food is rarely the problem, it's the crutch that some people lean on to cover their unhappiness. I would suggest that you talk to a doctor or better still a counsellor. I think that if you can source your pain, you can deal with it, regain your confidence and self belief and the weight loss will follow.
    No - one here can give you a miracle weight loss recipe but we can help and support you when you need to talk and encourage you when you doubt yourself:happy:
    This place is great and I hope you stay and find some inspiration
    JAROQUANDO Posts: 4 Member
    I feel for you as I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life. At various points in my life, I have dropped 30 - 50 pounds only to slowly put it back over time. When I am focused on what I put into my body, I am successful in both losing and both controlling my weight. The key word is "focus". MFP helps me do this (very similar to a group I joined in the mid 90's - TOPS - essentially MFP in a group setting before tools like MFP were widely available on the web/apps). For me, when I am focused on what I put into my body, I do a much better job of making choices and planning my meals for the day.

    The focus helps me to make the choices I need to make to live a healthier lifestyle and I think it will help you too. Each meal requires you to make choices. Each time you make a choice that helps you toward your goal, treat it as a victory. Good luck and good choices!!
  • AmandaP1001
    AmandaP1001 Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe her confronting you is just what you needed. Losing weight is definitely hard but if you really want to do it you can, I've done all the diets too and used to be very skinny and I am reminding myself daily that it takes time to lose weight but as long as you are trying you will get there. Don't give up. Maybe try chewing gum at your desk instead of snacking, small things can make a big difference. Instead of hard exercise you hate why not try walking. You can clear your head and might really like it. Its gonna be a hard road but there are a lot of people here on to help support and encourage you.

    “If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it’s moving you away from your goals.” ~Brian Tracy
  • Ajellyfish77
    Ajellyfish77 Posts: 36 Member
    Good for you :) this was really brave :).
    It isn't about dieting it is about change. Diets are temperary and fail because of it. You want a new life style :) take baby steps. If you push yourself too far too fast you will get over whelmed and find it impossible to stick to. Let yourself have small treats and off days but work between them. I TOTALLY get the snack cause your bored at work thing :P best solution I have found? It is what you snack on as much as how many. You can have ALOT of raw veg...or one cookie. Look at what you are getting out of it. I have horrible chocolate cravings...but I found if I melt a tsp of chocolate chips in the microwave I really enjoy them smeared over a nice banana. Satisfies my chocolate lust without getting the same fat sugar and cal I would if I just had the bar.

    Your wife obviously loves you. She just loves life and wants to share it with you :) You can do this!

    I wish you all the best of luck :)
    Thanks so much for sharing.
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    I am the female version of you. I dread meeting people and going out. I have lost 25 pounds since new years and I am starting to feel better about myself. I don't consider what I am doing a diet I have really just cut back on how much I eat. You can do this! And you can add me as a friend if you like. Don't give up!
  • leggynita
    leggynita Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you. This is not an easy road, but this is one you can travel on. Your wife sounds like she loves you dearly and would be a great support for you. It's scary changing the habits of a lifetime/or years. I have been nearly 6 stone (94lbs) over my ideal weight for 8 years. Personal circumstances stared my comfort eating. It's been like an addiction, and I mean addiction because the high I got off of eating/binge eating, always in private never when with company! I use to be frightened of being free from the vicious circle of eating I had become accustomed to. I thought I had a 'weight problem' no, I had an 'Eating Problem'. I started swimming twice a week, then pushed myself to swim a mile each time. Then changed my diet and it's taken me 2 months to start shifting the weight. I thought it would never come off. And I found it hard but I started noticing good things like not having IBS type stomach pains. Not feeling tired/fatigue everyday. I really hope you start your journey soon. It's never too late.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Here is a great place to start:

    I have found the most success by looking @ my lifestyle & habits more, and the next great thing less.

    I wholeheartedly second this. Eat healthy, avoid fast foods, lift weights is working wonders for me, you have to figure out what will work for you. Feel free to add me.
  • loisfritz
    loisfritz Posts: 20
    you can do this... you took the first step and now you need to follow through walk a little extra today, put down the yucky food and eat whole food, no booze and drink a lot of WATER...use these boards to help...
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    realize that it is not a sprint to lose the weight but a marathon. one you will probably be racing for the rest of your life. it took quite some time to put the weight on and it wont come off any faster/easier

    you have to realize that food is not the root of your problem but more a coping mechanism. learn to confront what makes you want to eat and find other ways to deal with it.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I'm not intentionally being rude, but I'm going to suggest in addition to your food logging and exercise, that you also consider speaking with a therapist. I only say that because you said you've been overweight your entire life. Based on my experience with people I know, MOST of them (not all) were stuffing/eating some trauma that occurred in childhood or in their teens. They had better luck when they were tending to the inner wounds while dealing with the outer symptoms. I'm not trying to make assumptions about your life. It's just something to consider. I'm a big advocate of working out your inside as well as your outside. Best of luck to you.