Is there a way to track WW points??



  • corinnecurcio
    corinnecurcio Posts: 4 Member
    I can't afford to rejoin WW right now, so I am thankful for MFP - It's working well for me.
  • Hoop4la
    Hoop4la Posts: 68 Member
    I read somewhere in here that you CAN convert it to ww Points. I didn't bother because I am happier using calories and it looked a bit techy for me .. but I remember reading it - search the blogs

    (sorry I cant be more helpful but i DID see it )
  • Hoop4la
    Hoop4la Posts: 68 Member
    Indeed Never124 has explained it above ! well done Never124 !
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I currently track on both. After this month I am not renewing my WW online membership and will just be doing MFP. Since you're doing WW why not track on both and once you see how many calories your eating with your WW points you can easily adjust over to just doing MFP. Or you can just figure out that every point is about 48 calories. Example: One of those 90 calorie fiber one bars is 2 WW points.
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    I stopped using weight watchers because I was always hungry and cranky. I had no energy for workouts. Then when I started tracking on both, there was a day where I was over on my points (logged accurately and built a recipe for homemade meal). When I logged them on MFP, (also logged accurately putting in recipes) I realized I was hungry because I had only eaten 920 calories that day. That was when I decided weight watchers wasn't helping learn to eat correctly. It was helping me learn to starve myself. Never again.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    If you find that you are meeting or going over your points, but you are way under on calories, then that pretty much means you aren't eating the RIGHT foods. Foods higher in certain macros are going to be higher points, so you will use up your points faster, while possibly not eating enough calories. If you make the RIGHT food choices, you will have no problem meeting your calorie and point goals at the same time.
    I am currently following the old points - I get 27 points per day and I never have a problem getting to around 1300 calories. If I was getting way under that, it would be because I ate foods higher in fats and lower in fiber, which would use up my points and not my calories. It really isn't rocket science.
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    I did not know you can track both! Have been a member of ww and was thinking of rejoining but will try tracking both on here 1st once I have installed it!
    Anyone doing both please add me, would love the support!
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hello all-

    I have been doing WW since 10/22/12 and am currently down about 30lbs... Is there a way to track WW points on here?

    Best of luck to all!

    YES YES YES, there is a way to track WW points on MFP!! This is something that MANY people on here don't know!!
    First off, you need to use the Mozilla Firefox browser. If you don't have it, download it for free - You won't be sorry.

    Second - You will need to install a script into Firefox (like a plug-in) that will display the points in your food diary.
    Here is the link:

    It can be used for both the old and new points systems.
    Here are more instructions about getting it setup:

    I've been using this since March and I absolutely LOVE it. It is like using the WW E tools except for free!!

    Oops! Looks like it was answered!
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Not getting embroiled in the pros and cons of WW - I've used it twice, under 2 generations of Points systems, and lost weight on both, but I prefer using MFP these days.

    But if you want to convert your daily totals on MFP into WW points, here's a formula that'll get you close enough (taking grams in each case):

    Fat - divide by 4
    Carbs - divide by 9
    Protein - divide by 11
    Fibre - divide by 40
    Add them all up and you have near enough your WW Points.

    If you want to simplify it, divide both Carbs and Protein by 10 (so much easier to do in the head), and leave out the Fibre. It'll still be near enough.

    As a matter of interest, the old WW Points formula was roughly: Divide Calories by 75 and Saturated Fat by 4, then add them.
  • ratherride
    ratherride Posts: 5 Member
    it has been a few years since I was involved in WW but if I remember correctly 1 WW pt is about 50 calories give or take a few calories. You have to be able to figure in protien and fat and carbs to come to their exact pt values.

    What they really do is count calories, but they have a secret formula.

    Counting calories is the simplest and best way to go. All diets are calorie based no matter what they say.
    SEC_RULES Posts: 63 Member