Desperate I Am



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I was practically the same weight as you are when I started here myself.

    The only thing you need to know is this place WORKS, provided you keep up your end. Log what you eat, try to hit your calorie goals, and exercise is a great help.

    Just stick with it and you'll be posting your own success story one of these days. And hopefully that wife of yours will be very proud.

    Good luck mate.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I am glad there are a lot of cheerleaders here but in reality you aren't going to loose any real weight until you change your mind set and decide to do it for your self. If you are doing it for your anyone besides self when times get hard you are going to sneak the cheeseburger at the drive through. If you are doing it for your spouse or anyone else failure is inevitable.

    How do I know this? I have been there. I have lost tons of weight for other people only to gain it back. I finally decided one day I am sick of this I want to get healthy. Even doing it for myself I trip up every once in a while. No more sneaking food or cheating because I am always with myself and I am doing it because I want to.
  • Sandijolarsen
    Sandijolarsen Posts: 1 Member
    Dear Desperate I am,
    You have a very negative outlook with a very positive lady by your side take advanage of that and realize she wants you by her side and to give up on you is to give up on her. Thanks as you reminded me to get started again and be accountable. I had lost 18 lbs last year on this and felt great than let myself down and my weight came back so I too like you have to get my mojo going!!! Thanks for the reminder.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    PS I have a desk job also. Instead of eating I do push ups and squats every hour on the hour. It helps get rid of the boredom. Just started my new life 3 weeks ago and I am down 10lbs.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    You've made a start by being on here if you want to add me as a friend for support your more than welcome xx

    Totally agree :) You've taken the first step and there's nothing wrong with posting on a forum when you feel you need help! I've been using MFP since the New Year and pretty much everybody is so motivational and I find that if I log in everyday, I feel the need to stay on track etc.

    I'm going to add you now, this is a good place to be :)

    Embrace your wife's enthusiasm for wanting to do all of those activities and you will feel even more determined to look good for her, but more importantly yourself. You may want to consider a new job too? I know that's never as easy as it sounds, especially if you've been doing the same thing for a while. But work is a big part of a lot of people's lives so ideally you need to enjoy it to some extent. Maybe think about doing something that would be keeping you busy when usually you would want to eat :)

    I hope you have success with MFP!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Losing the weight is mostly a head game and making the decision... you sound like you're close. Once you figure that out, the food and exercise are far less important.

    Consider changing your username to something more positive. That's a big part of what you need to do.

    Be determined, not desperate.
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    You have received great advice, now is time for you to use it. There's a reason why you are here now, a reason why your wife talked to you today, everything is in the right place it's your turn!
    No one here will tell you this is easy, because we all know it's not. You just need to get this inside your head and work at it every single day. Some days you'll feel them as a success and a step closer to your goals, some other days not that much; but the only thing that matters is that you pick yourself up and try again.
    We can all cry and feel defeated daily..but what did you do about it? that's what's important.
    This is a great site, with great people and we're all willing to listen to each other and give advice based on our own experience in the subject, but no ones knows you better than you.

    Start thinking about why do you eat? Hunger, stress, sadness, loneliness; whatever the reason is you need to find what triggers your eating and avoid it. And I can assure you, most likely it won't be hunger!

    Then, log your food, whatever it is, even if it's not healthy....just log everyting! This will get you in the habit of tracking and you'll realize how much food/calories you're eating.

    Finally add any kind of activity. Doesn't have to be a class at the gym; even a walk around your house, or walk the dog...or park your car as far as you can from your work....whatever just add a bit of exercise.

    Little by little you'll start losing and regaining that much need it selfsteem back, and from there is the point of no return.
    Your food choices will get better and so as your exercise; when you see the scale go down I promise the feeling of empowerment is so great you won't want to go back!

    I'm sending you a friend request...surround yourself with support here so when you feel a bit down you have someone to pick you back up. Every little change counts, every single day counts, every tiny decision counts!! You can definitely do this!! Use the resources you have and make the decision now.....we'll be waiting for you.
  • sbetts2229
    sbetts2229 Posts: 79 Member
    You can do this, we all can... feel free to add me if you'd like. I post everyday!
  • turryandsally
    turryandsally Posts: 28 Member
    I think it took lots of courage to write what you did, and I'm proud of you for that. I think it takes a "one day at a time" mentality - we are addicted to food, just as alcoholics & drug addicts are addicted to their poisons. My suggestion would be to commit to myfitnesspal - but don't tell anyone - for now. Use your friends on this site to talk to, to gain support from. You'll be SO proud of yourself when you accomplish your first day on mfp, and you're under your allotted calories, or when you've done your workout, whatever. Use that pride to do it again tomorrow. You can do this. IF/when you have a bad day or don't do so well, shake it off, and start fresh the next day. You'll see results. It may not be as fast as you'd like, but you will. Hang in there. Change your lifestyle for yourself - not for anyone else. I'm sending a friend request if you'd like my support. Best wishes!
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    Add me if you like
  • dbarchus
    dbarchus Posts: 42
    I think admiting is the first step towards change. It seems like a good place to start being with some non judgemental strangers. Good luck on your quest and be kind to yourself. Losing weight is the greatest act of self love at this stage of the game for you (it seems).

    Absolutely spot on.....Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over [people, places and, alcohol, sugar, caffiene, cigarettes, fill in the blank] – that OUR lives had become unmanageable.

    And the best part, you don't need to do it alone, because Step 2: Came to believe that at Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

    Today, that power can just be the awesome people who responded to your call for help. Most have great advise.

    It's great you wife feels passionately enough about you to confront you, rather than just walk away.

    God Bless you on your journey!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    There has been lots of good advice in the replies so far. I would add that based on what you've said, your wife is waiting to be your ally in this, and that, my friend, is truly a gift. So many of us have spouses who (intentionally or unintentionally) sabotage our efforts.

    My advice is this: Tell her that you're ready to try a healthier lifestyle, and that you really need her help. Above all, DON'T postpone doing the things that you've been stalling on. Meet her friends with a smile. Go to the family gatherings, even if it's hard. Go to the beach, and if you don't feel like you can bare it all in a swimsuit yet, fine - don't. (Walking in sand is great exercise by the way.) Life isn't something you wait to live until all your ducks are in a row - life is what happens day in and day out right NOW. I have a boring desk job too, and I make it a point to get up and walk around at least once an hour. Down the stairs to get water or use the facilities. Out of the building to walk around the block at lunch, etc. I use a Bodymedia armband, and have been very surprised at how much those little things add up over the course of the day. I also use my cell phone for conference calls now, and I shut the door to my office and PACE during the call. Even with stopping to take notes or look something up, I can get in thousands of steps during a call. The point is, small changes can add up to a big difference. You can do this!
  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    track track track everything! Even if you go over. Just start doing that, and gradually you may see how much you are eating, and then change your quanities gradually. Well done for posting on here that is a great start!
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    sorry you're having such a hard time.

    my advice if to stop being in diet mentality. diets dont work as you've learned. what works is making small changes in your lifestyle that will be things you can live with for the rest of your life.

    you more than likely have years of bad habits like most of us on here, which means you're going to need to relearn new habits. also there's also kinds of emotional, mental and spiritual reasons why someone lets themselves get so large. only you can know your issues but in order to let them go (and the subsequent weight) you need to figure them out and work on them.

    slow and steady wins the race!

    just follow MFP guidelines for eating (dont talk yourself into eating less because you think that'll help you lose weight quicker because you've probably gone the deprivation route before and look where you are), incorporate some exercise or activity into your daily life and give it time.


  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you so much for reaching out to all of us. We have all been there. It sounds like you need your "aha" moment - when you are totally fed up and need/decide/want to make the change and fully commit to it. Once you get that moment and commit, it will be easier for you to move forward. You might still eat out of "boredom," but make them healthy snacks and limit them for your daily intake. Take baby steps and help yourself change your behavior. Drink more water. Tell yourself you will only snack between 3:00 and 4:00. Get up and walk around. Ask for more things to do - it will make your day go faster and take your mind off of food. You can do this - you just have to take your first step, then add something on, then add something else on. It sounds like your wife will give you full support. Have her pack your lunch and healthy snacks - if she doesn't pack it, you don't eat it. Start exercising and it helps curb your appetite and makes you think more about what food you put into your mouth. Start - and don't give up. You will fall off course, but get right back on. Set your mind to this, and you can do it!