Things that make you lose respect for the human race....



  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Trust me I have get annoyed on a daily basis! I'm a switchboard operator for 7 hospitals. I deal with doctors and patients and visitors. I know I'm only dealing with a small portion of the population, but it seems that people just don't have common sense or manners. Half the time I can't understand people because it sounds like they have a ball of cotton in their mouth or they are just too lazy to open their mouths and annunciate. Most people call because they think they have an appointment but they don't know the name of their docotor or what department they have the appointment in. Most people call to get information and they can't say please or may I, it's "give me"!

    Don't get me started, I could go on and on!
  • FloyMcCaudie
    FloyMcCaudie Posts: 1,132
    chicks not wearing shorts EVEN IN SUMMERS! goddd so unfair
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Someone pulls up next to me at a red light, they have a cigarette hanging out of their mouth with the windows up and two kids in the backseat........scumbag:noway:

    ^^AGREED!! In Maine, it is now illegal to smoke in the car with any child under the age of 18 and you will get a steep fine!
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    People who don't check the log before sending an e-mail to a bunch of people asking about the status of a phone call. REALLY? Why not look it up? It would have taken the same amount of time as sending an email! Sigh.

    Drivers who don't use turn signals and either slow down, cut me off, or otherwise impede my progress when a simple turn signal would have alerted me to their intentions.

    (These things have happened to me already today and it's not even 9:00am.)
  • oex0duso
    oex0duso Posts: 27
    - Store Employee's Parking right in FRONT of the store doors. Those spots should be for customers. You will be there for 6-8 hours, park farther away.

    - Family/Friend re-unions in a store taking up all the space and can't get around them and they just look at you and give you a snotty look like you did something wrong.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member

    Pretty basic.

    It is good for absolutely nothin'

    Oh is that so?

    Star Wars, Cake Wars, Storage Wars....
    I'd like to add people who like Star Wars to my list.

    That's not funny. Even in the slightest. Especially from someone who considers Twilight entertainment. You be quiet.

    WTF??? Twilight IS entertainment!!
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    The gay agenda.

    It's so packed with fanciful outings. Why must you guys have appointments every day?!

    Bwahahahahahaha! Hi-freakin-larious!!!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yeah I got messages like "hey ur hot wanna do it call me"

    Not impressed with eithe th content or the grammar

    My OKC profile says "You should message me if: u cn wryt a msg wivout tlkng lk dis."

    I got a message a couple of weeks ago that opened with "I can spell corectly".

  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    People who hurt other people for fun, religion or any reason at all.

    People hurting the earth by filling landfills and oceans with plastic junk, not even being aware that the sand in islands in the Pacific is now becoming plastic sand and the ocean is plastic soup. No joke.

    People slitting the throats of innocent animals and eating them. And calling it 'humane'.

    However, I think there are lots of good people out there. I'm not losing hope.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    People thinking that "lol" is a punctuation device to denote the end of a sentence.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    MyFitnessPal community
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Yeah I got messages like "hey ur hot wanna do it call me"

    Not impressed with eithe th content or the grammar

    My OKC profile says "You should message me if: u cn wryt a msg wivout tlkng lk dis."

    I got a message a couple of weeks ago that opened with "I can spell corectly".


    Oh god. Yeah. The abbreviations people use make me sick. Spelling 'your' as 'UR'. C'mon- is it that hard to type TWO letters? Or people that spell things other ways so they can sound retarded. 'WAZ', 'HAZ', etc. Ugh.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Someone pulls up next to me at a red light, they have a cigarette hanging out of their mouth with the windows up and two kids in the backseat........scumbag:noway:

    this is illegal where I live thankfully
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    People who smoke while trying to talk on a cellphone while driving at the same time. The same goes for putting on make-up, shaving, and doing your hair while driving. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE A HAZARD ON THE ROAD.
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    1 - Animal cruelty - there is no need for it you don't like animals then stay away from them !

    2 - Disrespect of other people - what ever you may think of other peoples choices/views/ways of doing things in life if they are causing you no harm then leave them be it's their choice not yours !

    3 - People who force their views on you - whether we are talking about God, politics or anything else I have my views I keep them to myself unless asked, you have yours I will not respect you for trying to batter me round to your way of thinking I'll just think you're an idiot !

    4 - People who spit in the street - Gross more needs saying on that one

    5 - Disrespect of people in public service - waiting staff, shop assistants , bus drivers these people are providing you with a service or trying to help you in some way treat them nicely !

    6 - Mothers who scream abuse at their children in public - getting more and more common in the UK sadly but if you can not treat your child with compassion and understanding there is no hope really ...

    In fact the way people are now treating each other with no respect and no consideration of each other is pretty sad :-(
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Overuse of TLAs

    Apostrophes to denote plurals.
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    People who block traffic in a parking lot while waiting for someone to load their groceries and children just so they can have a relatively close spot. DUDE in the time it took waiting I could have PARKED AND WALKED IN BY NOW! GRRRRRR.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    My brother works as the "Target Cop" and was called outside because some guy was wailing on his wife in the parking lot. Bet her to a bloody pulp. He said he ran out to stop it and there were probably 30 customers standing around watching, not ONE of them tried to stop it.

    That makes me lose faith in humanity.

    that's disgusting and has happened to me before. Not a bloody pulp, but he was beating me and his friends just stood there and watched. Some people are repulsive.

    This happened to me too, although not to a bloody pulp either and his THREE friends just stood there and watched. Didn't bother to look away and didn't help, even though they are ALL bigger than he was! :mad:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    People thinking that "lol" is a punctuation device to denote the end of a sentence.

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