Very Down



  • Fitburd
    Fitburd Posts: 92 Member
    Baby steps.... make a small change and set yourself a short term goal like no junk food for 5 days, or drink only water for a week. Don't try everything at once, it's hard and you are more likely to fall off the wagon. Once you have stuck to one goal and it becomes comfortable, introduce something else e.g. walking for 15 minutes at a brisk (for you) pace each weekday and build on it.

    Anything you decide to do has to be sustainable for you until the day you die. Focus on lifestyle changes and the result will be life changing.

    Good luck...You can do it!! xxx
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Because it's a huge change and you are looking at it as a huge change. You can't lose 100+ lbs overnight. You can't lose 100+ lbs in a month. You likely can't lose 100+ lbs in a year.

    But you can lose a few ounces overnight. And you can lose a pound in a week. And you can lose 5 pounds in a month. And you can lose 50 pounds in a year. And that all adds up relatively quickly when you consider how long your life is gonna be if you get and stay healthy before you develop any obesity-related health problems.

    You will make mistakes.
    You may gain some back here and there.
    You might even fall completely off the wagon for a while.

    I started four years ago at almost exactly your starting weight. I'm now at almost exactly half that.
    I have made mistakes.
    I have gained some back here and there.
    I have fallen completely off the wagon, sometimes for months at a time.

    Feel free to add me if you like. I was where you are, scared and discouraged and intimidated, and everything around me was telling me I couldn't do it without some pill or some program or some surgery. Sometimes I'm still scared and discouraged and intimidated, but I'm living, breathing proof that it can be done. This is about changing your life, about burning down the bad habits that got you here and building a new set of habits to help you get where you want and stay there. It's huge, and it's scary, and it's hard, and it's gonna take a long time. But in the end, if it's really what you want, I know you can do it, and deep down I think you know you can too. That's why you're here, right? :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: Also, when you're feeling down and discouraged, you're probably better off posting in the Motivation and Support forums, as it tends to house less people who don't understand that giving you crap is the opposite of helpful.
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    one day at a time or it will frustrate you and eventually become to much, and ignore the jackwagons like the one above, avoid the negative
  • SquidandWhale
    Hey Kim, I started off at 289, and I'm down 40+ pounds, but it's taken a lot of time and effort to get here. There are weeks that I don't feel motivated, and there are weeks that I just don't want to do the work--hell, there are one week around my birthday that I went absolutely bananas--but I keep plugging away because I want to change.

    You're the only one that can do this, and if you don't want it enough right now you can quit, but at some point you'll be back and kicking yourself for not doing it earlier.
  • Kimma34
    Kimma34 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks everyone for the inspiration, advice and motivation!! It really does help!!

  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Just like everyone has already said: You have to actually want it. It HAS to be a lifestyle change. Don't think of it as a crash diet where you will suffer for X amount of months, then you can go back to the way it was.

    1) Use the "in place of roadmap" thread that is on the forums (I think someone already linked it). Determine all your numbers and set it in MFP. Track your food EVERY day and be honest. You are only cheating yourself if you fudge (no pun intended) the numbers.

    2) Get rid of and never have your "weakness foods" in the house...EVER. Sure, you can enjoy those foods ever once in a while, but just don't go overboard. Make yourself work for the "prize." My weakness is any kind of chips (especially Doritos). If I get one of those large bags at the grocery store (because oh it's such a great deal) I will end up eating the whole damn thing in one sitting. I just can't control myself. And don't think of it as "oh, I'm so awful, I have no self control, I am bad...blah blah blah." Think of it as just minimizing the temptation. Set up barriers for yourself. This is one of the most valuable parts of dieting. If you do nothing else, do this!

    3) Fads and gimmicks and pills don't work in the long run. It's all about eat less, exercise more. The end!
  • nm8962
    nm8962 Posts: 43 Member
    Don't give up! I started out weighing 256 pounds. The thought of losing more than 100 pounds seemed impossible. My first goal was to weigh 225 pounds. Once I reached that goal, I wanted to weigh 199 by Xmas. I didn't meet that goal until January, but I made it.. My current goal is to weigh 175 by March 25th. I currently weigh 181. I need to lose six more pounds & it's March 13th. I have decided, to cut back on my breakfast calories & increase my exercise. I may not make it by march 26th, but I am so close that I refuse to fail. For me the key is small obtainable goals. Maybe you should try this approach. Nothing stops a failure but a try. Please feel free to add me as a friend. You can do this!
  • tryinghard71
    I don't think coddling or encouraging unhealthy behaviors is the answer

    Yes you do.

    All the coddling and rainbows, and special snowflake bs never got me moving. It was when my doctor told me You will die, you will have a heart attack in the next few years, it will happen. I finally got my *kitten* in gear and got moving.

    I think if you had said what you said first plus your reply above "together" it would have come across different. I do understand what you are saying. My doctor saying something to me got me moving as well.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    One day at a time, I tell myself....just for today I'm going to eat a high protein breakfast, then I do it and record everything. Just for today I'm going to ride the stationary bike for 45 minutes [or 10 minutes, or twenty minutes]. Just for today I'm going to drink this whole container of water......break it into small steps for each day, fill your fridge with healthy, high protein food and vegies.

    Record everything. Keep a written journal if you can, just for today write one page of how you feel.

    And get some self-love
    no matter your weight you are worthy of love just as you are.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member

    Due to the weather and lack of entry level gym in your area, I would suggest that you get a wii and start zumba or other exercises they have (may be others can help on appropriate play system). Or, you can find exercise video on youtube. Search for the Befit channel and they post new videos every week, different exercise levels. If you do not have internet at home, download the freeyoutube downloader from at your work computer, and download the videos and then transfer them in a usb stick to your home computers. Keep healthy snack at work-I mix cheerios with some goldfish and peanuts, nuts and drink a lot of tea without sugar. If you drink soda, eliminate it. Drink plain coffee for the caffeine and switch to Poland spring sparkling water for the gas to help digest. Document on mfp ALL your food intake and try to identify what triggers a lot of food eating.
  • kkgriggs
    kkgriggs Posts: 15 Member
    HI. Kim.
    .I have felt like you before several times. I have "wanted" to lose wieght for years. What I lacked was the desire to do so. I truly believe attitude/mindset/willpower is the key to losing it. So once again I have started my weight lose journey. The difference this time ...besides the physical need and the wanting to... is the mindset I can do it. The big picture I need to lose 100 lbs. The mindset...I am not going to do it by the end of the took years to get this way and will take (almost hate to say it) years to lose it in a healthy way. It is a lifestyle change and I admit I am pretty stuck in my ways. I am breaking them down one by one. If I don't lose a pound but started eating healtier...yeah for me... the weight will come. I think this is how you need to look at your journey. Good luck.
    Kim (my name too) :)
  • wankesuz
    wankesuz Posts: 4 Member
    Pray for strength to not give in to temptations everyday. If the temptation is to eat junk food, make a plan when you will have a treat, and sit down and enjoy it with friends. Once a week. Chips, icecream, cookies -- these are NOT things that slim people eat everyday at all.

    If your temptation is to not exercise, you must find a time of day that is good, and commit every day to "meet" your exercise buddy. This buddy is you, your tv video, your slimmer self, or God. Commit to this person, even if it is only 10 minutes. Do it.

    Love yourself. Easy to say, hard to do. You are a child of God. He has a plan for you. You are important in his eyes.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    YOU have to want to change. Nobody can do this for you. Your body will follow where your mind goes. You have to want to succeed. Quit beating yourself up and do something to change your life. I knew if I didn't change I was going ot die prematurely. Sadly, look around at the senior population. You don't see many obese senior citizens. You don't have to starve yourself. Follow the IPORM program. Eat above BMR and below TDEE and move more.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Hi Kim,

    The best thing about starting where you're at is that nearly every positive choice you make will have a direct effect on how you feel and the number on the scale. I lost 95 pounds (and gained a smidge bit back when I got some injuries) and it's overwhelming to think of it as a whole. Think of little choices you can make, and just start doing them one at a time. Little things like parking further from your destination (so you have to walk further) or getting off the bus one stop before yours (so you have to walk further) all that kind of thing ads up.

    Also think of this: A year from now you could keep doing what you've been doing, and stay the same or gain weight and be less healthy. OR you could start logging your food, moving around a little more, and then a year from now you'll be 50 pounds lighter (or more!). Time is gonna pass either way. Would you rather be healthier a year from now? or stuck where you're at now feeling depressed and hating yourself even more?

    There's a lot of great info on this site, and lots of supportive people. Ask questions. Get ideas. Learn new recipes. Learn new tips and habits. Forget the fads, focus on healthy, sustainable choices. Good luck! <3
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Well when you die from something surely obesity related you won't have to worry about it.

    Wow. Stunned at just how real you are.


    Actually, I fixed it myself if you take a look. I realized you weren't trying to be rude, you were trying to smack her with reality. Sorry about you see from my corrected post.
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    I say, change one thing at a time! Write down the steps, and do one a month.


    Recognize it will take a long time--and losing slowly and making lifestyle changes will last longer and be healthier than a crash diet and starving yourself.

    There is a saying in Spanish, which I don't really speak, but here goes: "Poco a poco, paso a paso." Little by little, step by step. One small change at a time. It works!
  • Bethnevergivesup
    I dont know if you are reading all the comments but I just want you to know that you are not alone! I finally decided on January 26th this year after I saw a picture of myself at Christmas, that I needed to change my life, and that's what I did. I weighed 290 lbs when I decided enough was enough and I have lost 31 lbs since then. Don't ever give up on yourself it will not be easy in the beginning but it will get better as time goes on, I promise! I thought I could never give up all my favorites and the truth is you dont really have to, you just have to make changes to them! Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can help each other! :) Stay strong because you are worth the fight!
  • ma2tay2003
    i know all about being over weight and feeling down. You just have to find a motivator like mine is I want to be able to run and play sports with my 9 year old daughter.
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    I started very small this yr instead of a new years resolution I aimed for a new yrs fresh start & I set simple goals I wanted to obtain. Like layoff the soda, minimize the coffee & cut the sugar from it, Eat more fruits & veggies, increase lean protien, be better about taking my meds including vitamins, Walk more & finally the hardest one for me don't weigh in too often. I am happy to say I have done a pretty good job & have lost 25 lbs since the beginning of the yr with this except for the weighing in I still find myself doing this several times a wk which is a really bad habit. Just start small & good luck to you :)
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I'm far from finished, however I consider myself on my way. There are a lot of people who will say things in a hurtful way, but what they are really saying is wake up and smell the roses. Let's live a better life.

    There is no magic here other than support. Make better choices and move. That is the secret. Accept that there will be good and bad days, accept that you are not perfect. It isn't all or nothing, just move through each day. I'm celebrating today because I just hit the 20 pound loss. I still have 80 to go, and I'm going to get there. I don't know how long it is going to take, and frankly I'm not going to worry about that. My goal is to loose a pound a week. Some weeks I loose more and some I loose less. One week I even gained. So what, I'm going in the right direction and I'm happy again. You can be too.