Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    Our new food for the week "Nutella". Not sure that's necessarily a good thing though. Great dinner tonight of meatloaf and corn on the cob. The kids have eaten fabulous today!

    Anyone need rain? We've got a ton to spare....sigh.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I'm here, been really busy, had a wonderful day out on the boat we rented today. Everybody is wiped out! The water in the bay was absolutely crystal clear at a place they call crab island. It was awesome, you could see your feet plain as day in 5 feet of water. This pic was taken there.

    I even went tubing, we had a deck boat fully loaded with 10 people, so it wasn't overly fast, the kids invented ways to make the tubing more fun since we couldn't really whip the tube around. I joined in, what the heck. Salt water up the nose when you fall off head first is.... fun.... right?

    Tomorrow is a 'rest' day, this group is pooped! I'll be around more then.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks guys.....tomorrow I am going to buy myself some new hiking boots I am also having a breast biopsy..... I don't think it is anything serious just a couple abnormal cells they want to check's always something. Not sure if I mentioned it but I am going on a trip later in the summer to the Galopagus Islands, that is the main reason for the new boots. I want to break them in before I go. thanks again Richie
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- so a bit disappointed. I mapped out my route on yahoo before going out, but it is rather difficult to map through parking lots, since they don't appear on satellites. And I didn't want to go out on the main road. Still, when I reached what I thought was six, I kept going just in case for another half mile or so-- only to find out later when I mapped it by car that it was only 5.5. Major deflate.

    But, I know I had another 1/2 mile in my tank, so I guess it's all good. It was still exhilarating. It was very humid. Had my first run with my water bottle strapped on. Made sure I sipped at least every mile. Hardest part of the run was running past the Brass Rail bar and grill-- smell of burgers and beers wafting through the air-- *drool*. Best part was running past the hospital, knowing that I'm not in there being treated for diabetes, heart disease or other obesity related ailments. If those things wanna get me, they're gonna have to fight me every step of the way. I thank God that I started this journey before it was too late. (not that it's ever too late-- but, you know what I mean.)

    Had an important lesson in hydration, though, afterwards-- I'd finished the run, and began my walk home and had an episode of tachycardia. I get it now and then, always have since childhood-- but, it's legendarily worse after exercise IF I'm dehydrated. I'd prepped for the run throughout the day with a big gatorade, water and even a slurpee-- and I even drank during the run. And still I had it. So I need to really drink before my long runs. I'm getting you, Shuntae-- I'm getting you.

    Heading to type 43 minutes late-- gonna be a long night.

    Oh-- lovely night with my kids-- nice to have David home even for the night. I hugged him, kissed him, cried and told him I loved him, missed him and told him he's still a part of the family, blah, blah, blah-- nothing to do but reinforce it, and pray-- pray that he makes wise decisions going forward and gleans some self control.

    Need to scoot.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- try it's pretty good for figuring distance.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- try it's pretty good for figuring distance.

    Thanks, Lori-- also just had another thought regarding the dehydration as I was in the bathroom...again....duh, I've had an intestinal bug. Stoooooopid. Pain is better, but still not 100% No wonder I dehydrated more than normal. Dope.

    I've tried same thing. I'll see if that lets me go through the parking lot. I like this route a lot and want to add onto it for next week. I'll figure something out.

    Your boat pictures are awesome-- so happy you're having a nice time.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Me again-- last entry for the night.

    David came home sporting a haircut. Said he woke up one day this week, opened his eyes and saw a sign for Holiday Hair in the parking lot where he was sleeping. Lovely, huh? Said, "I saw the sign and figured it was a sign that I was supposed to get my haircut today."

    So I told him, "Tonight, make sure you park in front of a recruiter's office."

    He and Aaron went downstairs couple hours ago, after dinner, to watch a movie. Just went down to check on what's up. They're both sound asleep on the sofas. I woke Aaron up to go to bed, and will let David sleep. Can't bring myself to wake him to send him back into a parking lot-- not tonight.

    For tonight, I know where all my kids are and know they're safe.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Morning all,

    Marla - so happy that you had a good run and that all of your family were/are safe and asleep in your home last night

    Lori - Glad that you are having some quality family time, and the photos look amazing

    Richie - good luck with you biopsy and I hope that you get your walking boots 'broken' before you go away

    Tamara - Avatar is a brillient film - try to watch it again :smile:

    Opps just seen the time - better go and wake up the eldest, will check back later
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey my friends, what a fabulous day its gonna be..

    It is scortching hot here right now..Everyone knows we own our own heat and air business, in the last 2 days we have gotten several call says their a/c unit is not working..its working..its doing all it can do...its 97 degrees outside with 100% humidity..Our units are not designed to work any better then that...I am hurting so bad from being sun burnt from sons baseball saturday...

    Well logged all my food, still have 125 calories to eat so may treat myself to a york pepppermint patty this afternoon..Work today off tuesday and wednesday..

    Now heading to my favorite place....hopefully my sunburnt arms will move with the machine..and the sweat dont hurt worse..

    You know what I found the other day..I noticed that whe I washed my workout clothes they still had the smell of workout, so when I put them back on it wasnt minutes before I started to smell sweat..So I told my husband I need some color safe bleach or somthing to wash my clothes in..I sweat so much that the arm and hammer and downey arenot cutting it..So we went to ****s to get my a pack o hold my water bottle on my waist for my run, and they had a special laundry detergent that is suppost to removed sweat and grime frm workout clothes..I was elated..I bought some I will let ya'll know if it works..

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :drinker: morning everyone. marla, don't you just love it when the whole family is in one place. I love to make breckfast for the bunch the next morning...........doesn't happen often .......but still a blessing when it does. I like to put cold tea soaked rags on my burns. seems to take the sting out. and also is soothing. Take care all. Richie
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Tamara- I've had the same issues with workout clothes, usually right out of the dryer they were ok, but as soon as I started sweating the smell came out. I started bleaching the stuff.... not colorsafe either. Straight old bleach. I don't use a lot but it seems to kill the smell. Granted some of black shorts no longer look as black, but I can either stink or my clothes can be slightly off colored. No brainer for me.

    Plus, there comes a point where the clothes have seen their better day and no amount of bleach is gonna make 'em smell better. That's why I buy cheap stuff! If I was out paying $40 for Nike shorts I sure would hate to toss 'em in the trash.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just ordered a new bathing suit on sale for $35.



    Not quite her shape. My good ol' hormonal premenopausal floosh that I vowed not to complain about this month (so far, so good-- this isn't a complain, just a notice of said floosh) has all but taken away my waist line..... but, I like this style so my back floosh doesn't ooze through the straps like playdoh through that spaghetti cutting thing that we played with as kids. Y'all get the mental picture, yes?

    Tanya-- do you have playdoh?


    Okay, so this is more like a playdoh bowel movement-- but you get the gist.

    Anyway-- I haven't bought a bathing suit in many years-- definitely not since beginning my weight loss. I've been wearing an old one that my husband bought..... An athletic Speedo with the racer kinda straps on the back-- not good for my shape, lemme tell you-- even on my best day.

    Finally done typing-- sad piece on barrack 66 of the Buchenwald concentration camp in World War II-- wow-- amazing stuff.

    Need to scoot-- kids need a mama.

    David awoke and has gone. I hugged him. He'd said last night that if he is thinking about the military, but wants to go infantry so he can make money, and worst case scenario he'd get blown away and his problems would be gone.

    Told him he's an intelligent, handsome, wonderful person inside-- "David" is a wonderful kid. "Dave" who he's become is the problem. He needs to lose Dave and get back in touch with who he is, how he was raised.

    He said, "I just need to figure it all out." Told him I love him and pray for him around the clock.


    Oh well-- nuff drama-- gotta fly.

    love to all.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Popping in to say Hi !
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Howdy all,

    Yes Marla we have playdoh - I used to eat the yellow one as a kid and it used to stain my mouth (until they changed the recipe and then I didn't like it :laugh: ). The boys like it when we have it but it usually doesn't last very long! The swin suit looks lovely.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Just stopping by for a brief minute.. my oldest is sick and I had to come home from work about 11 o clock to relieve him of babysitting his sister...He is a sleep now and I have to wake him up to take him to the dr..I really quite hope its a virus..he has a head ache stomach ache and is light headed..I told him to eat lunch when I got home from work and usually he can eat 2 or 3 hot pockets and today he only ate 1 and went and laid down...

    I also preceeded to tell him before I came home from work, that if you are sick, you can not go to baseball practice tonight..and let me just tell you this boy eat breath lives baseball, then I asked are you still not feeling well , he said yes ma thats when I knew he really wasent feeling well..

    I am gonna take him to the dr and maybe get his hair cut..I will keep ya'll posted...

    Marla- The bathing suit looks cute I want something like that!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks guys.....tomorrow I am going to buy myself some new hiking boots I am also having a breast biopsy..... I don't think it is anything serious just a couple abnormal cells they want to check's always something. Not sure if I mentioned it but I am going on a trip later in the summer to the Galopagus Islands, that is the main reason for the new boots. I want to break them in before I go. thanks again Richie

    Richie- Sorry to hear about the biopsy. Prayers to you everything turns out ok.

    Awesome to hear about your trip to Galopagus Islands. Take lots of pictures to share!:flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Okay-- so a bit disappointed. I mapped out my route on yahoo before going out, but it is rather difficult to map through parking lots, since they don't appear on satellites. And I didn't want to go out on the main road. Still, when I reached what I thought was six, I kept going just in case for another half mile or so-- only to find out later when I mapped it by car that it was only 5.5. Major deflate.

    have you every checked out
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- so a bit disappointed. I mapped out my route on yahoo before going out, but it is rather difficult to map through parking lots, since they don't appear on satellites. And I didn't want to go out on the main road. Still, when I reached what I thought was six, I kept going just in case for another half mile or so-- only to find out later when I mapped it by car that it was only 5.5. Major deflate.

    have you every checked out

    You know, I had, but once upon a time hubs suggested Yahoo maps, so I switched.

    However, I just saw that has a feature where you can go from point A to point B without following the roads. I did that and plotted in my route from last night, and got exactly what I measured when I drove around last night. Cool beans.

    I'll use this from now on, at least when I'm going through parking lots!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Prayers coveted for my 80 year old mother who fell yesterday and has fractured a vertebra in her lower back. She's presently caring for my father who's basically an invalid and recovering from his own back surgery. Sheesh--

    My icky brother is nearby, so at least she has somebody to care for her.

    I got all emotional-- go figure-- me? Cry? Nahhhh-- talking to her. Just when I finally stop harboring anger towards them and start to honor them again like I'm supposed to, they give me all sorts of things to worry about. Man! :grumble: :wink:

    Need to scoot--

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Tomorrow I will try the 5 am thing. I really want to do the very least I will make a new friend......and she is MFPer too!