Team Fit- June



  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Thanks Gaby!

    Thanks Angie! I did Pilates about 4x/week. Also, congrats to your hubby! Please tell him thank you for his service for our country!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm going to visit a friend near Miami this week, so I might not be online much. And I don't think I'm going to get to the gym :indifferent: but I am taking my pilates DVDs so I hope to do those every day... we'll see how that goes.

    So I know I shouldn't have, but after Friday's awesome weigh-in, I weighed myself again on Saturday... and was 3 lbs heavier than the day before. Is that normal?? Does that mean I didn't lose the weight after all?? :frown: I know weight fluctuates from day to day, but I didn't think it was that much!!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Weigh in today..................................................................................................and I LOST 2.5 POUNDS!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: SA-WEET!! I'm now back down to where I was when I quit last year right before Thanksgiving! :laugh: But I'm not quittin this time!! :glasses: Hubby and I had a very nice anniversary. I splurged, but kept it under control. Went for a long run that morning. I ate fried calamari, steak, asparagus, bread and butter, and my favorite...WINE! LOL :bigsmile: BUT - I didn't have dessert!

    Angie - I've experience the same thing, so I think that's normal. Don't sweat it! :flowerforyou: Have fun in Florida!!

    How was everyone's weekends? Hope everyone has a great week! Stay focused!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    good morning ladies!!!:flowerforyou:

    Lisa- Way to go on losing 2.5 pounds! thanks freaking awesome!!! keep it up! I knew you could get back into it!! you're doing an amazing job!:glasses:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    good morning ladies!!!:flowerforyou:

    Lisa- Way to go on losing 2.5 pounds! thanks freaking awesome!!! keep it up! I knew you could get back into it!! you're doing an amazing job!:glasses:

    Angie- I wouldn't think too much into your weigh in. It will be different everytime you get on the scale. Depending on the time of day, what you've eaten, if you're weating clothes, etc. Don't be discouraged. You're doing great! just stick to once a week. thats what I do, because I know if I weigh in more than that I'm going to get upset. But no worries, i'm sure it had something to do with some fo the things I listed. :flowerforyou: And congrats to your hubby for that promotion. I bet he is just extatic!!!:drinker:

    Gabby- Way to go on buying bikinis!!:love: i bought 2 myself this year. I bet you look amazing in them!!! keep up the hard work! you're really kicking some *kitten*!!:glasses:

    So I had my session with the trainer Saturday and I am sooo sore still its not even funny!!! My love handles and butt hurt so bad. I cant walk right. I have to walk hunched over! lol :laugh: it sucks so bad! I want to go to the gym tonight, but I dont know if I will be able to move.....:angry: So we will see as the day goes on though. But if I can feel it still today then that must mean its working! And if you guys wanna try the move that did this to me, I'll tell you about it!!! :laugh: then you can try it and see how much it hurts but feels awesome at the same time!

    lay on your left side and put your left arm under your head and bend your left leg to 90 degrees. lift up your right leg and pull your knee into your chest, then extend it up and out. my trainer made us do 3 sets of 30!!!!!! i did 90 of those things!!!!!:grumble: :noway: can we say OUCH!?!?:tongue:

    anyways, i'll try to go today but I cant make any promises. Oh also, I weighed myself yesterdat and I went back down 2 pounds, so now i'm at 157 again. So now I need to lose 4 more to be where I was a few months ago. And once I'm there I will need to lose 13 more. Now I just want the inches to go away.

    Hang in there everyone! you all are doing such a great job!!! i think we have the best "team" out here on MFP! We ROCK!!!:drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :happy: :smile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hang in there everyone! you all are doing such a great job!!! i think we have the best "team" out here on MFP! We ROCK!!!:drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :happy: :smile:

    Totally!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :wink: :flowerforyou: :smokin:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I hope you all had a great weekend. I had a great time in San Diego with my fiance. I didn't get to work out, but my best friend wanted me to relax and enjoy my time with him. We did walk everyone. Didn't even move our car, so I know we burned some calories. Did enjoy two glasses of wine with a tasty lobster dinner! Oh well.
    Now, ready to get back in the groove of things. I'm actually going to be adding one more workout to my day this week, see how it works. My plan is to do Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown in the morning, then after work do my hour to 90 minutes of the Brazil Butt Lift and at night when my fiance gets home, we will do a 30 minute circuit training video from Beachbody.
    See how it all works
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member

    So I wasn't ab;e to make it to the gym. I was so sore still. But I'm feelin fine today so I will be going. It was nice to see the scale go down last weekend so I really hope it keeps it up! I was bad though and had 2 slices of pizza last night. Hopefully that wasnt too bad. I'll be good the rest fo the week. PROMISE!:flowerforyou: And I will go to the gym every night!! plus saturday morning. Sundays are one of my rest days and its kinda of an "off" day if you will. I always make a bad breakfast that day after I weigh myself. hahaha :laugh: Like last Sunday I made homemade pancakes and thick cut peppered bacon!!! MMMMM This Sunday I am making homemade biscuits and sausage gravy!!!! Its probably my next favorite after pancakes!:happy: hehehe bad i know. But oh so good!:wink:

    Gaby- you work out so much! I wish I could do it that much! After an hour I'm like "DONE"! Way to kick some butt!:glasses:

    today: 60 mins of exercise with 8 glasses of water

    Be strong everyone!!! The month is half over now!!!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I'm embarrased to say, but I didn't workout last night. Unless you count walking around shopping like a workout. My BFF and I spent too much time shopping and I got home too late to workout and make dinner for my honey. Plus, in all honesty I was feeling lazy.
    I did get up and do yoga this morning and I'm going straight home to complete my Brazil Butt Lift b/c I'll be going to camp penelton tonight to meet some other beachbody coaches for a fit club. We are going to be doing Cardio X from the P90X series. So that's going to "hopefully" make up for missing last nights workout.
    I'm trying to eat healthy this week thought. So far so good.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Did weights yesterday for the first time in a looooong time. Felt good! Today was good too. Had to work late, so I didn't work out, but I did stay within my calories and drink my water - so I can't complain. :smile: Any day I don't fall off the wagon is a good day!! :bigsmile:

    Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi girls! :flowerforyou:

    Well I didnt make it to the gym last night. By the time my room mate was back it was 8 and she didnt want to go at that time. So I was kinda pissed..... I waited for her. I could have went by myself but I waited. Then she bailed. The reason why though is because I won this thing from Pei Wei and I get to go to their headquaters here in Scottsdale AZ and be part of their live studio audience for their web cast then I get a free 3 course meal. they brought back a dish called Thai Mango Chicken so thats what I get, plus an appetizer and a dessert. So I know I am going to go wayyy over my calories today. Which is why I wanted to go to the gym last night, because I cant go tonight and im going to be eating really bad. but i'm going to try to not eat too much. We will see how that goes though..... wish me luck! hang in there today guys! be strong, unlike me! hbahahaha:laugh:

    lisa- yeah! dont fall off girl! youre doing so good!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: My hubby did the sweetest thing for me today! I got home from work, and he says, "come to the garage and let me show you what happened." My first thought was UH OH, what happened?!?!? So I go out there and there's a bicycle sitting there! He bought me a used bike of Craigslist! Said now we can go bicycling together! :blushing: :heart: AWW!!! He's so sweet! :love: He's a (sometimes) mountain biker, and I didn't have a bicycle at all. I'm more of a runner, but I think he's getting tired of me going to walk/run by myself - so he got me a bike so we could go exercise together!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Sorry, don't mean to brag or anything - was just too sweet not to share! :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!

    well i didnt go to the pei wei thing last night. but i did still eat it, i just went to the one by my apartment. and boy am i mad! i knew it was fattening but i didnt realize it was that bad! 1105 calories and 42 g' of fat!!!! i will not eat that again until i'm to my goal! so i'm going to make myself pay tonight at the gym. my boyfriend is going to see Iron Maiden so he wont be home until late, so that will give me penty of time. I'm going to try to stay for 3 hours but i dont think i'll make it to 3. maybe 2. we will see though. i'm going to do all the stuff on my sheet from my trainer, plus i'm going to do this 30 min group exercise they do thats like a p90x style, then i'm going to use the cross trainer for 45 mins. if angela and my siser mandy come, then i will do the cross trainer and the group exercise first, that way we can do the other stuff together. so hopefully i dont kill myself tonight, but i need to do it!

    hang in there everyone! please be strong and dont be like me!:glasses: haha
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    OMG so last night I had 3 yeah that three slices of pizza! :blushing:

    But I did work out for like an hour and half so I don't feel sooo bad, plus I skipped all my snacks so I still didn't go over my calories, I did go over my carbs though :mad:

    Today I will be trying to sneak in an extra workout for the Brazil Butt Lift to compensate for it. Plus I packed my breakfast, lunch and snacks for work to make sure they are ALL healthy and tasty.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have had a great week so far - tomorrow's Friday!! And I couldn't be happier. It's my TOM and I've been so sluggish this week. I've managed to stay within my calories, but I don't feel thinner. I feel bloated and icky. Hopefully I'll drop a pound or two this week. Stay strong!! :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    well i'm really pissed at myself. i dodn't go to the gym one this week and i ate bad a few times. i dont know what my problem is. well actually i do. my roommate has kind of been dictating when we go to the gym this week because shes been having to take her boyfriend to and from jail everyday. he got a dui so had to serve 15 days in tent city. he'll be done this saturday. but since she's been doing that, shes been asking if we could go to the gym at 7:30. i get off at 4. by the time 7:30 comes, i dont want to go to the gym. i like to go right away. but i've been waiting. so i'm glad i wont have to do that anymore because next week we will be able to go at 5:30 again. because 5:30 is better than 7:30. so i'm not going to the gym tonight, but i do have to go tomorrow because i have my session with my trainer at 11:30. i dont want to weigh myself this week either so i;'m jut gonna wait. i hope you all were better than me this week. oh, and last night i watch the movie From paris, With Love, with John Travolta and Jonathan Rhyes Meyers and it was actually really good! MMMMMM JRM is THE more gorgeous man, EVER! If I could create a man from scratch, he would look just like him! he's perfect! god damn!!!!! okay its getting hot...... better stop! hahahaha just kidding. but he is sooooo sexy.......... :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Ladies - Happy Saturday! Have a great weekend! Weigh in on Monday!! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Awww yeahhhh - lost 2.5 pounds this week!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I hope I keep up this pace!! I added another 5 pounds to my weight loss goal, so I have 13 more to go to be where I want to be. If - WHEN I get there, that will be the least I've weighed since like junior high.

    Ariel - hope you got your roommate situation handled so you can go to the gym again. :flowerforyou:

    How was everyone's weekend? Mine was too short, but good - back to work today. Have a great week everyone!! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!

    Today is the first day of summer! HAHAHAHAHA Its been summer for over a month here in AZ! On thursday its going to be 111!!!! Well I had a good weekend. The Tudors are over now though and that sucks! :sad: I dont know what I'm gonna do! I guess I'll just have to watch from the beginning again! hehehehe. Well I ate like crap all weekend. But I wont have to wait to go to the gym so I'm going to make myself go everyday this week! And I'm going to eat good all week too. Besides, I dont have any money, so I will have to eat right.:flowerforyou:

    I didnt weight my self yesterday, i was ashamed. So I will be good this week and weigh in on Sunday. And on thursday we're going to take our measurements so hopefully I lost some inches!

    Lisa- Congrats on the weight loss! keep it up, you're kicking *kitten*!!

    today: 90 (because we will take an hour doing all the machines and ab moves but then we need to bike for 30 mins also) mins at the gym and 8 glasses of water

    Be strong today everyone! Hang in there! The month is almost over!
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Lisa - congrats on the weight loss!!! :flowerforyou: And it's awesome that your hubby got you a bike! I have one... maybe I should get my hubby a bike! lol

    Ariel - I was worse than you last week. I didn't go to the gym at all and didn't count my calories. I ate my friend's home cooking (which was DELICIOUS but she's not a calorie-counter) and we went out to eat a couple times, once to the Olive Garden. :embarassed: It's so much harder to count calories while on vacation. I didn't weigh myself, and I'm not going to until this coming Friday. I hope I haven't gained too much.:indifferent:
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