Is diet pop REALLY that bad fro you????



  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    Did the computer you typed this on grow on a tree?

    So you're eating computers? What macro does that go under? Not sure how you can afford that "food group".
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    We've been walking barefoot in the woods and dying of the bacterial plague for thousands of years too. I don't think Nikes or Cipro are found in nature, but here we are relying on them.

    did you hear Z-Paks cause abnormal heart rhythms and death? In the news just yesterday.

    guess we shouldn't rely so heavily on those unnatural antibiotics...
  • kmw899
    kmw899 Posts: 41
    I drink diet coke. I don't like the taste of regular coke/pepsi or any other soda. I'm not a big soda drinker anyway.

    Sometimes though, I'll drink Zevia. Not sure if it's that much better for you, I haven't read the ingredients, other than knowing that it's made with stevia.
  • thecrass
    thecrass Posts: 79 Member
    Sugar Free Rockstar nom nom nom
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    We've been walking barefoot in the woods and dying of the bacterial plague for thousands of years too. I don't think Nikes or Cipro are found in nature, but here we are relying on them.

    did you hear Z-Paks cause abnormal heart rhythms and death? In the news just yesterday.

    guess we shouldn't rely so heavily on those unnatural antibiotics...

    There you go cherry picking information and changing Z Packs presents a higher risk in patients with pre existing heart conditions to "Zpacks cause abnormal heart rhythms and death".
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    We've been walking barefoot in the woods and dying of the bacterial plague for thousands of years too. I don't think Nikes or Cipro are found in nature, but here we are relying on them.

    did you hear Z-Paks cause abnormal heart rhythms and death? In the news just yesterday.

    guess we shouldn't rely so heavily on those unnatural antibiotics...

    You know what else causes death? Bacterial meningitis and cholera.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    Exactly. Exactly. And in addition . . . there are anecdotal stories regarding aspartame negatively effecting health, and there are some studies that raise enough concern to conduct more studies. Why do people defend something that has all the ear marks of being the next big oooooops in our history of thinking something is okay and then realizing later it's toxic. Look at cigarettes for instance. We were told they were harmless for soooooo long. Yeah right.

    People drawing false connections are not "earmarks" of being the next big OOOH.

    Aspartame has been tested and scrutinized more than nearly any other item on the market, and the evidence for it being harmful has been found to be lacking.

    But people will still believe what they want.

    Funny that many of the same people tout the use of "herbal" supplements and pseudo-scientific methods that have not undergone nearly the same level of testing. But that's OK because it's "natural". As if there are no poisonous substances in nature.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    BUT I say people have been eating sugar for thousands of years...why change that now for an unnatural chemical?? Id rather deal with the calories :-)

    Finally, a sensible response. If it's not found in nature, most likely it's not good for you.
    Why risk it if you're concerned about your health? If not, go ahead and drink artificial sweeteners every day. It's your body.

    We've been walking barefoot in the woods and dying of the bacterial plague for thousands of years too. I don't think Nikes or Cipro are found in nature, but here we are relying on them.

    did you hear Z-Paks cause abnormal heart rhythms and death? In the news just yesterday.

    guess we shouldn't rely so heavily on those unnatural antibiotics...

    You know what else causes death? Bacterial meningitis and cholera.

    I'm not going to indulge your attempts to further derail the thread. I shouldn't have the first time. Instead I'll repost this:
    alright how about THIS:

    If you are open to the world of holistic medicine, and see value in it, then you will likely feel that there are issues with aspartame, and will, thus, stay away from diet sodas.

    If you subscribe only to the things that have been officially proven through published scientific studies, and discount the value of holistic medicine, you will likely feel that aspartame is 100% safe.

    OP: which category do you fall under?

    Everyone else: we can stop arguing now because no one will convince anyone else they're wrong. Sound good?
  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    32 oz? That's a LOT of diet soda... maybe limit yourself to 1 can and that's it. Diet soda has no nutritional value at all -- its just chemicals. It doesn't hydrate you... study after study has shown that drinking diet soda tricks you into actually eating more so if you're not careful you could go for more calories during the day/week (hopefully with MFP tracking you wouldn't fall prey to that).

    I limit myself to 1 soda a week because the coloring is dubious (I've seen all sorts of arguments about caramel coloring being linked to higher rates of cancer and medical problems in lab rats... I'd rather stay away from ingesting daily).

    Also the phosphates in sodas are bad for you. They cause more rapid aging and wear out your kidneys.

    It's not bad for soda to be a treat -- but every day in large amounts? Stay away!
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    I drink diet soda....................for over 25 genetics trump pseudoscience.

    That or the correlation of diet soda and health issues really are just correlations.

    Time for a can of Diet Pepsi now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Correlations? of course that's all they are. I never said aspartame definitively caused anything. (you can check). but as long as there's a correlation, that means there is a POSSIBLE (regardless of how small you believe it to be) risk.

    So as long as there's a RISK they could be harmful - no matter how large or small - it makes zero logical sense to drink them.

    but again, to each his or her own, which is what my initial post in this thread stated.

    So by that rationale you should become a pirate in order to prevent global warming.


    except that becoming a pirate involves personal risk. not drinking diet soda has absolutely no personal risk. not a great analogy.

    So you're saying that you actually believe there is a link, and the only thing stopping you from becoming a pirate is personal risk?

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I drink diet soda....................for over 25 genetics trump pseudoscience.

    That or the correlation of diet soda and health issues really are just correlations.

    Time for a can of Diet Pepsi now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Correlations? of course that's all they are. I never said aspartame definitively caused anything. (you can check). but as long as there's a correlation, that means there is a POSSIBLE (regardless of how small you believe it to be) risk.

    So as long as there's a RISK they could be harmful - no matter how large or small - it makes zero logical sense to drink them.

    but again, to each his or her own, which is what my initial post in this thread stated.

    So by that rationale you should become a pirate in order to prevent global warming.


    except that becoming a pirate involves personal risk. not drinking diet soda has absolutely no personal risk. not a great analogy.

    So you're saying that you actually believe there is a link, and the only thing stopping you from becoming a pirate is personal risk?


    Absolutely! If you could be a pirate and be certain you wouldn't come to harm? Hell yes I'd do that! I do a mean Jack Sparrow impression.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm not going to indulge your attempts to further derail the thread. I shouldn't have the first time. Instead I'll repost this:
    alright how about THIS:

    If you are open to the world of holistic medicine, and see value in it, then you will likely feel that there are issues with aspartame, and will, thus, stay away from diet sodas.

    If you subscribe only to the things that have been officially proven through published scientific studies, and discount the value of holistic medicine, you will likely feel that aspartame is 100% safe.

    OP: which category do you fall under?

    Everyone else: we can stop arguing now because no one will convince anyone else they're wrong. Sound good?

    Funny that you advocate buying into the realm of unproven holistic medicine, which is full of extracts and substances whose efficacy and long-term effects have not been studied, but reject something like aspartame which has been studied more than almost any other substance.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I'm not going to indulge your attempts to further derail the thread. I shouldn't have the first time. Instead I'll repost this:
    alright how about THIS:

    If you are open to the world of holistic medicine, and see value in it, then you will likely feel that there are issues with aspartame, and will, thus, stay away from diet sodas.

    If you subscribe only to the things that have been officially proven through published scientific studies, and discount the value of holistic medicine, you will likely feel that aspartame is 100% safe.

    OP: which category do you fall under?

    Everyone else: we can stop arguing now because no one will convince anyone else they're wrong. Sound good?

    Funny that you advocate buying into the realm of unproven holistic medicine, which is full of extracts and substances whose efficacy and long-term effects have not been studied, but reject something like aspartame which has been studied more than almost any other substance.

    they absolutely have been studied, just not by the people YOU want them to have been studied by. :happy:
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    32 oz? That's a LOT of diet soda... maybe limit yourself to 1 can and that's it. Diet soda has no nutritional value at all -- its just chemicals. It doesn't hydrate you... study after study has shown that drinking diet soda tricks you into actually eating more so if you're not careful you could go for more calories during the day/week (hopefully with MFP tracking you wouldn't fall prey to that).

    I limit myself to 1 soda a week because the coloring is dubious (I've seen all sorts of arguments about caramel coloring being linked to higher rates of cancer and medical problems in lab rats... I'd rather stay away from ingesting daily).

    Also the phosphates in sodas are bad for you. They cause more rapid aging and wear out your kidneys.

    It's not bad for soda to be a treat -- but every day in large amounts? Stay away!


    Razzaque and colleague examined the effects of high phosphate levels in three groups of mice. The first group of mice was missing a gene (klotho), which when absent, causes mice to have toxic levels of phosphate in their bodies. These mice lived 8 to 15 weeks. The second group of mice was missing the klotho gene and a second gene (NaPi2a), which when absent at the same time, substantially lowered the amount of phosphate in their bodies. These mice lived to 20 weeks. The third group of mice was like the second group (missing both the klotho and NaPi2a genes), except they were fed a high-phosphate diet. All of these mice died by 15 weeks, like those in the first group. This suggests that phosphate has toxic effects in mice, and may have a similar effect in other mammals, including humans.

    Do the words dosage and context mean anything to you?

    Are you a mouse with a genetic defect?
  • jacobschwarz
    jacobschwarz Posts: 39 Member
    Even though you might not notice the weight loss here are reasons diet soda is soooooo bad for you:
    1,643134916Submit this storydigg
    stumble How do you lose weight? Substitute diet drinks for sugary drinks. Eat low-fat foods. Just eat less of the bad foods -- it's all about the calories. We are told, "Just have more willpower."

    These ideas are false. They are food and diet industry propaganda that make and keep us fat and sick. Lies by the food industry combined with bad government policy based on food industry lobbying are the major cause of our obesity and diabetes epidemic.

    Now, more than 35 percent of Americans are obese, and almost 70 percent are overweight. This is not an accident but the result of careful marketing and money in politics.

    We are told it is all about making better choices. If we all took more personal responsibility, we could stop this obesity and diabetes epidemic. We have been told there are no good or bad foods, that the key to weight loss is moderation. And, of course, if we all just exercised more, all of us would lose weight. These ideas hold us hostage.

    What the Food and Diet Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
    Diet Soda and Diet Drinks Make You Fat and Cause Type 2 Diabetes

    Diet soda makes people fat? Really? How does that happen?

    If losing weight were all about the calories, then consuming diet drinks would seem like a good idea. That's certainly what Coca-Cola wants us to believe in their new ad highlighting their efforts to fight obesity. They proudly promote the fact that they have 180 low- or no-calorie drinks and that they cut sugared drinks in schools by 90 percent.

    Is that a good thing? In fact, it may be worse than having us all drink regular Coke (and the other food giants making diet drinks also push the same propaganda).

    A new 14-year study of 66,118 women (supported by many other previous studies) found that the opposite seems to be true. Diet drinks may be worse than sugar-sweetened drinks, which are worse than fruit juices (but only fresh-squeezed fruit juices).

    The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, discovered some frightening facts that should make us all swear off diet drinks and products.

    1.Diet sodas raised the risk of diabetes more than sugar-sweetened sodas!
    2.Women who drank one 12-ounce diet soda had a 33 percent increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, and women who drank one 20-ounce soda had a 66 percent increased risk.
    3.Women who drank diet sodas drank twice as much as those who drank sugar-sweetened sodas because artificial sweeteners are more addictive and are hundreds to thousands of times sweeter than regular sugar.
    4.The average diet soda drinker consumes three diet drinks a day.
    You might say that people who are overweight and just about to get diabetes drink more diet soda, but they scientifically controlled for body weight. And they found the artificial sweeteners increased diabetes independent of body weight!

    This and other research shows how diet sodas make people fat and sick.
    And that diet drinks may be even worse than regular sugar-sweetened sodas! How does that happen?

    •Artificial sweeteners are hundreds to thousands of times sweeter than regular sugar, activating our genetically-programmed preference for sweet taste more than any other substance.
    •They trick your metabolism into thinking sugar is on its way. This causes your body to pump out insulin, the fat storage hormone, which lays down more belly fat.
    •It also confuses and slows your metabolism down, so you burn fewer calories every day.
    •It makes you hungrier and crave even more sugar and starchy carbs like bread and pasta.
    •In animal studies, the rats that consumed artificial sweeteners ate more, their metabolism slowed, and they put on 14 percent more body fat in just two weeks -- even eating fewer calories.
    •In population studies, there was a 200 percent increased risk of obesity in diet soda drinkers.

    This is mostly bull. The reason that most of this occurs is because those that drink these types of drinks are already in the high risk category. The rat thing is interesting though. I may have to look into this. Anyway, I sweeten my diet coke with whiskey. Helps balance the taste!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm not going to indulge your attempts to further derail the thread. I shouldn't have the first time. Instead I'll repost this:
    alright how about THIS:

    If you are open to the world of holistic medicine, and see value in it, then you will likely feel that there are issues with aspartame, and will, thus, stay away from diet sodas.

    If you subscribe only to the things that have been officially proven through published scientific studies, and discount the value of holistic medicine, you will likely feel that aspartame is 100% safe.

    OP: which category do you fall under?

    Everyone else: we can stop arguing now because no one will convince anyone else they're wrong. Sound good?

    Funny that you advocate buying into the realm of unproven holistic medicine, which is full of extracts and substances whose efficacy and long-term effects have not been studied, but reject something like aspartame which has been studied more than almost any other substance.

    they absolutely have been studied, just not by the people YOU want them to have been studied by. :happy:

    "Studied." I thought you said you love science.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    I'm not going to indulge your attempts to further derail the thread. I shouldn't have the first time. Instead I'll repost this:
    alright how about THIS:

    If you are open to the world of holistic medicine, and see value in it, then you will likely feel that there are issues with aspartame, and will, thus, stay away from diet sodas.

    If you subscribe only to the things that have been officially proven through published scientific studies, and discount the value of holistic medicine, you will likely feel that aspartame is 100% safe.

    OP: which category do you fall under?

    Everyone else: we can stop arguing now because no one will convince anyone else they're wrong. Sound good?

    Funny that you advocate buying into the realm of unproven holistic medicine, which is full of extracts and substances whose efficacy and long-term effects have not been studied, but reject something like aspartame which has been studied more than almost any other substance.

    they absolutely have been studied, just not by the people YOU want them to have been studied by. :happy:


    What controls were in place?


    What long term studies were conducted to show that there were no harmful effects?
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    I have not had my 32OZ Diet Pepsi in over 7 weeks and do not feel any bettter or notice any changes in my weight or cravings. I keep hearing that I shouldn't drink Diet Pepsi it is so bad for you. I really miss it and looked forward to having it every day. Is there really any reason not to have it if I am not noticing any difference? Anyone else experienced this??

    Stop listening to fear mongers and idiots and drink your diet pepsi, you're fine


  • mariocaldararo
    mariocaldararo Posts: 1 Member
    Correlation does not, never has, and never will imply causation. Unless biochemical studies are done to at least show some reasonable mechanism by which artificial sweeteners COULD have all those nasty effects people are claiming, there is absolutely NO reason to believe they do. To explain the correlation, there are alternatives, many of them. Maybe one would go something like:

    People who have difficulty maintaining a healthy diet are more prone to buying diet drinks because they see diet drinks as an easy way to subtract 100 calories here and there. However, their eating habits do not change, therefore they are STILL at risk for all the negative effects that obesity cardiovascular/cerebrovascular events, diabetes, etc.

    That's called the 3rd, unmeasured variable. In that alternative scenario, the 3rd variable is that certain people crave sweets. Those people are drawn to diet drinks because they are still sweet. But what we don't know is what ELSE they are consuming. Since they like sweet stuff, we may hazard a guess.

    And before someone raises their hand and says, "But wait! I love sweets, drink diet soda, and my BMI kicks *kitten*!" you should know that finding "risk" is not a 100% game. So among the numbers, there are bound to be in fact MANY people who can describe themselves as I just did. Just not as many as there are others who have the sweets issue. And, voila, a risk is perceived.
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    yes it sure is, nutra sweet can cause migraines. it is better to drink regular coke or tea with no sugar. artifical sweetners are linked to cancer, migraine headaches etc

    Source? Preferably from a peer-reviewed medical journal, and not Dr. Oz. Edited to add that I am seriously failing to see how high fructose corn syrup AND the normal sugar of regular coke put together is any better than aspartame.