
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Hello Ladies - wishing everyone a pleasant weekend. It's been a busy week and I'm not certain where all the time went but I did visit my dad and spent quite a bit of time with him. Did lots of walking and lots of errands. This afternoon I've just been balancing checking accounts, writing checks and paying some bills online. Have a few more to finish.

    I've also been working through a tiny bit of computer hiccups. Couldn't get my Fitbit to sync to the Fitbit site yesterday. Got some advice from others on the Fitbit thread and started doing some checking. While my software was up-to-date somehow the *service* had been shutoff on my laptop. Okay, got that going and it's syncing to the Fitbit site and now my Fitbit adjustment is NOT coming over to MFP. This is not just me however, lots of people complaining about this and they're apparently working on it.

    My poor Fitbit is on the verge of dying, it's cracked and is losing chunks of plastic so I finally got the info the Fitbit folks required and sent that along to them last night. They've approved a replacement and I just got a notification that they've shipped one via USPS. Hope my poor old Fitbit lasts for a week or so......

    I'm now making 2 batches of Kale chips each week. Someone on MFP gave a recipe for them and then I found the same recipe on Dr. Fuhrman's web site so this recipe must really be popular! I should note that the bunches of Kale I purchase at my local store are relatively small. Even the produce manager was telling me this morning that he doesn't know why the Kale that they are receiving is so tiny. Fine with me, I think it tastes better. So here's the recipe I got
    you need a Vitamix or other high speed blender to make the *sauce* for the chips.

    Sour Cream and Onion Kale Chips

    1/2 cup raw cashews
    1/3 cup water
    1 tablespoon onion powder
    1 tablespoon garlic powder (can use less if you prefer)
    1-1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

    1 bunch kale

    Combine all ingredients *except kale* in a high-speed blender and process until smooth. (If you have a regular blender, soak the cashews first for 30 minutes, then blend, scraping down the sides. For a regular blender, it may take several minutes). Set aside.

    Wash the kale and then carefully dry the leaves. If the leaves are wet, it will take longer to bake/dry. Strip the leaves into a bowl, roughly tearing any large pieces. Make into "chip-size" pieces. Discard the stems. Pour the creamed mixture on top of the kale. Using your hands massage the mixture into the kale for 1 minute or more to evenly coat the leaves.

    Oven method:
    Heat the oven to 250°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper, then spread the kale chips over the sheets, as evenly and flatly as possible, to ensure even cooking time. Do not overlap the kale or those parts will take longer to dry/bake, which will cause the uneven cooking. Bake between 1 - 1.5 hours (time varies according to the dryness of the kale), flipping halfway through the baking, until the kale has dried out and is crispy but not burnt. Keep a close eye on the kale at the end of its cooking process, and remove any premature crispy chips from the batch if needed. Enjoy immediately or keep in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. (I do not flip mine---I just take them out before they burn.)

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    evening my friends.
    Home from work and just chillin out, have to work half day tomorrow so will be getting up early.Today has been an off kind of day for me , dont know why...
    Maybe i just need warmth and sunshine~
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Super good fun to meet my fellow MFPers Laura, Jane and Brooke today. Enjoyed it so much I think that I will try to do this more often in connection with my business travel. If anyone in this community lives in Boise, San Diego or NYC, hit me up. I'll be in your town soon.

    Michele in NC - I cooked the collards like a stir fry in a cast iron skillet. Fried up some onions, garlic, red pepper to taste, then added a big heaping pile of greens that wilted down fairly quickly. Will do this again. Be sure to check out the recipes that Brooke discovered online: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/14/collard-greens-recipe_n_2869207.html?utm_hp_ref=taste&ir=Taste

    Katla - I live in Littleton, southwest of downtown Denver. I am very close to the Red Rocks Ampitheatre, my all-time favorite concert venue. The ampitheatre is set smack at the base of the Rockies and the rocks provide superb acoustics. Have fun shopping for smaller closthes that make you feel and look fabulous. You deserve it!

    bjmcq - I can remember a time when I did not exercise. It's been an on and off love affair. What got me back on is listening to audiobooks while on a cardio machine. I like biographies like the new ones from Penny Marshall and Sissy Spacek. It is like having someone talking to you while exercising. I hardly feel the exertion. In fact, I now look forward to my 5 AM workouts six times a week.

    It's been a long week, and I still need to wrap up more work in my office. Have a great weekend.

    Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been thinking about the Colorado girls all day! Bet it was a great time. It's so nice to meet someone you've "talked" to for a long time. Let us know how it went.
    The description is the french bread and butter actually made my mouth water!:blushing: Have to have bread way too many times.
    I'm feeling better and played golf this afternoon. Think it was not drinking enough water.
    Hope everyone had a great day and a lovely weekend planned.

    Sue in TX
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week, Enjoy your weekend!
    Bump 11
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    What a lovely day! It was so great to meet up with Laura, Rori and Jane for lunch. The Colorado Contingent is a very fun and talkative group. Even took pictures (thanks Waitress Tiffany!) which Laura has threatened/offered to post. It was really a delightful afternoon, hoping we will get to do it again soon. :drinker:

    Rori, you have a great idea to (hopefully) meet up with some of the others here who live in cities you will travel to. Of course, you'll report back to all of us, yes? :wink:

    Well, so far I've logged my food and I'm over by 90, haven't done any real exercise but walk the dog so must sign off and do some time on the stationary bike (and this time I will NOT watch Food Network while I peddle!) :laugh:

    Night all, wonderful weekend to everyone!

    Brooke from Colorado
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Bump for tomorrow. Have agood night all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: We went to the corned beef and cabbage dinner put on at the clubhouse in our neighborhood……..a delicious meal with no left-overs to deal with tomorrow….I ate three pieces of Irish soda bread without butter but skipped the chocolate cake for dessert.

    :flowerforyou: The line dance class I taught this morning went great….we danced some dances to Irish music and many of my favorite beginner dances.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good Friday evening to all, well I mean good evening and it's Friday just in case you all think I am totally losing it. Good Friday is 2 weeks away (I think, maybe, heaven knows I've been having challenges with the dates lately).

    I think it might be a full moon coming up, my work space had all sorts of strange people coming in, or maybe people coming in with strange concerns. Glad it's TGIF.

    Off to Spokane tomorrow, got to hit the DSW store (and the excuse to go stateside is that I have to pay my Macy's bill - lol). Anyway, a friend is driving, her husband is in Alaska right now so a shopping trip will serve him right for being away.

    Barbie - I love soda bread, and spoon bread, and naan, and baquettes, which is why I buy them so infrequently (on the abstinence not moderation side with the bread items).

    Colorado ladies, how great to be able to get together for lunch. What a nice way to celebrate Friday.

    Got to go and get some early sleep tonight as I will be up really early tomorrow for the 2.5 hour drive. Haven't given the dogs their second walk to must go, very soulful brown eyes watching my every move at the moment.

    Lila - in the sunny Kootenays, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I know I should go out and walk with my husband but I'm kind of stubborn, I like to do things my own way. So I have been jogging in place here at home plus some power walking around the house. I have a route mapped out! But with us going to Gatlinburg in 2 weeks my daughter has some hiking in mind for us. So I need to get out and do more walking.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Kate - OUCH!!!! If it snows on top of the black ice, maybe in plowing the snow the plow will scrape up the ice. Or maybe the plow will get stuck and therefore the city will put down cinders/ice melt/something

    Glenda - the mushrooms I can get at Aldi's (on sale) only come whole, they don't come precut. I could get them precut in a grocery store, but it would be about twice as expensive as geting them at Aldi's. Actually, the company that owns Aldi also owns Trader Joes.

    DeeDee - you are so awesome with your dedication to your training. I hate when I get home and find that there's something that I forgot to get. I have this app on my phone that has a shopping list, so I put everything down on there. Then, right before I check out, I check this list. Many is the time when I would have forgotten something if I hadn't looked at this list.

    bunnymum - welcome!

    katla - what great advice you gave Kate about the "snowshoes" that grip the ice. Wonderful!

    Jane in CO - hope you have a great lunch and remember to take lots and lots of pics. Hormel makes a low sodium bacon. That's the only kind I buy. Yes, I think the massage helped. Not completely eliminated the stiffness, but it helped. One thing I was thinking was that maybe I had my head in a weird position when I was on the computer. I mentioned this to Vince and he looked at my monitor today. It can't be raised or lowered but he did suggest that I sit on a pillow when I'm at the computer to elevate me some. Now why didn't I think of that????

    Cheryl - can they get a blog on Caring Bridge? I had this lovely lady who had brain cancer. When it got really bad, she would just post onto Caring Bridge and then all her friends could read her updates.

    Sally - I find it so so frustrating when I go like 11 months with no period, and then have one and have to start counting again. That's just totally frustrating. I'd love for this whole thing to be over and done with.

    I have about 5 or 7 24oz water bottles that I rotate. This way I can just "grab and go", sometimes I put one in the car. They are insulated so even if it's summertime and in the car, at least the water isn't boiling when I have it.

    Laura - I'm convinced that trainers get a kickback from those people who install the bars that help you get up off the toilet....lol

    Did an hour of deep water today. First I dropped off our aluminum at the Humane Society. Then I stopped at one store and found a pcketbook, then went to play mahjongg. Didn't maj even once! On the way home, stopped at Dunkin Donuts for Vince then bought gas then had to go to WalMart for some Laughing Cow and a sympathy card. Now I'm on the computer. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga.

    Kathy - now this is eery! So many times I "accidentally on purpose" forget to buy things, too (like chips, cookies, things I don't want in the house). Or else I won't buy it because it's too high in price. Of course, on sale with a coupon (but only if its doubled) is a different matter entirely. Glad the repair wasn't high

    Kate - how scary about your light. Thank god you are OK

    Brooke in CO - lol wathing food network while working out....too funny

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm bumping to find my place, but I also have q kale question for Lin in Central Iowa. DH loves Kale and I think he’d like the chips. I’m wondering about the sour cream part. I didn’t see any reference to it in your recipe. Is it a dipping sauce?

    Have a good evening.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Evening ladies. Its been a long and productive day. DS is home - YEAH. :heart: :heart: We took him out for a steak dinner as part of our effort to fatten him up. He has gained 6 lbs since xmas break but can use a few more. DD has some friends over to help celebrate her upcoming b-day on Sunday (she has to travel back that day so we are celebrating in advance). Before picking up my DS at the airport, DH and I headed to my Dad's condo to put the finishing touches on it before we put it on the market. The realtor called while we were at dinner to let us know he already had 2 showings scheduled for tomorrow. I feel like I'm finally getting my Dad's estate under control. So DD and her friends are now up here so if I make mistakes in the following just know it is very very very noisy here:wink::wink: :wink:

    Beth - Anthro is a great store - thank goodness they have great sales:happy:

    Laura 80111 - so impresse you are sticking with the shred:drinker:

    Brooke - I can totally relate to feeling crappy at TOM. My Ob told me I should be happy I still have it...trying to see it that way...really trying:tongue:

    Michele - in the cold weather I cook beer can chicken in the oven. We have a beer can rack that works great:smile:

    Katia - DS has gotten lots of offers for lbs from you all. Plans on eating a lot while home so will probably do well on his own - but thanks for the offer:laugh:

    Grandmallie - hope you get your cruise on Royal Crib:happy:

    Linda - congrats on the weigh loss:drinker:

    Cheryl - glad to hear there has been some improvement - I'll keep praying:heart:

    bjmcq - good for you and your new goal. For me it takes both exercise (6 days/wk) and watching my calories. I log everyday - trying to log in advance so I know how the day is going. It has made all the difference for me. Exercise alone just kept my weight constant. Hope you find what works for you.

    Jane - here is my recipe for roasted parmesan asparagus: Place washed and prepped asparagus in a large sheet pan. Drizzle with a little olive oil, kosher or sea salt, ground pepper and grated parmesan. Toss to evenly coat. Roast at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes until done (depends on how thick the stalks are). Toss/turn once around the half way point. Really yummy. :bigsmile:

    Colorado ladies who lunch - sounds like you guys had a great time...can't wait to see the pics:wink::wink:

    Have a great weekend :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jodios
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Saturday morning here in Cairo and it is a beautiful morning. I went for an hour+ walk/jog and already have over 9500 steps and it is not even 10:00.
    I have a massage scheduled on Thursday and I'm looking forward to that. We have a woman that comes to the school and we can get 30 minutes massages during the day for a great price. It is so nice that our Wellness committee at school provides this service for us every few months.
    Better get busy and do some laundry and lesson plans for the coming week. WE do have a field trip on Sunday though ( yes we go to school on Sunday to Thursday ) and we are going to take the kids out to an authentic FARM. Should be really fun.

    Phylllis:smile: Life is great!
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Happy weekend :happy: Checked in and lost 3.5 pounds in the past 10 days - Yay, getting back on track :love: Lin thanks for the Kale chips recipe - I've been wanting to try them for awhile!
    I agree with Michele - Caring Bridge is great - my brother has Lymphoma(now morphed into Leukemia), is currently getting chemo and will be moving forward with stem cell transplant next month. The Bridge allows him to share information and keep friends and family informed without having to talk with everyone when he doesn't feel up to it - we also get to leave him messages of support and encouragement.
    Jodios - enjoy the last bit of time with your kids - it goes WAY too fast, doesn't it :heart:
    To the Colorado Contingent - Sounds like it was great fun - my husband want to retire to Colorado in a few years. We visited last summer and looked at Colorado Springs, Boulder, Denver and a few areas around there. We loved Boulder and thought it would be a great place to settle except we thought it was too pricey. We want to check out Fort Collins this summer - any other suggestions??
    I am hoping it will be nice this weekend so DH and I can hit the trails - have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    It's been a busy week and it doesn't look like it's going to be any quieter for a while. I'm going to be working six days a week at the gallery until the middle of April. Just when I have low energy levels!

    I really hope everyone is doing well and I apologise for not posting much recently. Hopefully I'll get back on later to read all the posts.

    Know that I am thinking of you all even if I'm not replying.

    Love to each of you.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I just lost my post and don`t have time to retype it:noway: :angry: :grumble: :sad: ! Those darn computer gremlins:devil: ! Maybe I`ll have time later to come back and respond again.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    Grumpy DeeDee in NC
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning,
    Today feels like a much better day. Sorry about my rant for yesterday. Things seem much better today. I am going to get to the gym before my first student comes for tutoring this morning.
    We are meeting a life-long friend who is in town for dinner. I am looking forward to it!

    Laura--- I can relate to what you said about getting your exercise in. I know how much better I will feel once I am in a routine….and summer will feel so much better!
    Katla… Glad shopping was fun!!
    Bjmcq…. My pattern has been similar to yours and over the years I have done so many things to lose weight. I, too , am working on persistence and patience. I ‘ve needed to regroup and get back to my basics. It can be so easy to add “little things” or stop moving and then it may take a while but my body goes into that slow mode. I know that eating out, even when I make good choices can throw me off too.
    Jane… Kids—they can drive you crazy!!
    Kathy…. What a find in the mechanic!
    Junekaatz…OH MY…all I can think of it that Mercury is in retrograde so much for all the electrical stuff going on for you. What a morning…so glad the angels were watching!
    Lin….. I need to try the kale chips again….I burned them on my first try and have not attempted another batch.
    Colorado girls…. How wonderful that you met for lunch. Sounded like a great time!
    Barbie…. Glad you had a nice ST Patty’s Day dinner. My brother-in- law makes his mom’s recipe for Irish Bread---it is wonderful. I don’t think he has made it this year (thank goodness). He may make it for Easter.

    Michele….that is just what I do with my period…..I have my fingers crossed that it will not come in June or July!! I also don’t want to do any of the tests the doctor may want to do because my co pays are ridiculous and I believe my body is just doing what it is supposed to me doing.
    Jodios…. Enjoy your time with your children! I am going to make the roasted asparagus tomorrow night—I love that!!
    Phyllis…WOW all those steps before 10am—that’s great. We had people come and give chair massages one day at our school for Appreciation Week—it was wonderful.
    Monet13… great loss this week. Hope you enjoy hiking this weekend!
    Amanda..thinking of you and hoping the energy levels improved. I know that I feel sluggish and allergy prone at this time of year and its hard to get motivated. Hang in there.

    Have a wonderful Saturday,