12 week get ready for summer!!



  • StephTanis
    StephTanis Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in. I have between 15-17 pounds until my goal. Would love to be within a few pounds of my goal (or better yet, AT my goal!) in 12 weeks. I'm super motivated and love exercising but a little help along the way is always appreciated. Keeps me accountable!
  • hdee49
    hdee49 Posts: 1 Member
    Perfect timing, I just started hitting the gym and using this app. Looking forward to your tips and help in keeeping me motivated. Very kind of you to offer your help.
  • Hi please do add me. I lost 1 and 1/2 stones and have but most of it back on. I am 151 lb and want to get to133. I go running (more like a slow jog) but I am about to register for a 10k which takes place on 14th July in Leeds (England) At the moment I am running About 2K so needs lots of encouragement
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    Wow! I'm so excited we are up to 20 people. This really makes me motivated to know so many of you are ready for the help and a big change. This is going to be a lot of fun. I'm going to leave this available for people to join us up until Sunday officially but if people join along the way that will be good too. If any of you are on facebook my company's page is. www.facebook.com/formalfitnesstraining . Please like the page which will also give you more free advice because I update the status on there on a almost daily basis.

    If anyone is interested in at home workout series let me know as well!!!
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm in!!
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    Hi Mike I'm Tricia! Totally up for this. I'm 235 lbs. looking to get as close to 200 lbs as possible within 12 weeks. I love the idea of a challenge. Adding you and archiving this. Everyone else can add me too! On here or on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TriciaFernandezRathgeber)
  • cja856
    cja856 Posts: 2
    I'm in! Type II Diabetic (diagnosed in April 2012); water aerobics at the gym 4 days a week; quit smoking 1-1-13 (and gained 8 lbs. of the 10 I'd lost!). Ready
  • cja856
    cja856 Posts: 2
    I'm in! Diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in April 2012; do water aerobics at the gym 4 times a week; quit smoking on 1-1-13 (and gained 8 of the 10 lbs. I'd recently lost!); and I NEED to do this!
  • NipsGhost
    NipsGhost Posts: 46
    I'm totally in, this is a great idea! Would love to get in shape by June- warm weather is already here in NorCal and I'm dying to get out there more. I've got no support from anyone in this area (other than my two teens), they'd all rather sit on their arses and gain more weight. I want to do a family vacation this summer- and in the shape I'm in right now, there's no way I can unless we go somewhere lame.

    SW- 184
    GW- 125 (I know not by June, but I don't want to put a larger GW, it will make me slack)

    I'll edit my measurements as soon as I find where I threw, yes threw, that tape measure

    Anyone joining this, please feel free to add me as well!
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    I am thinking i am in but would like to know what kind of things will we be doing for challenges i have joined a few group like this and they don't really have the best challenges going it like drink water this week and then the next week its like eat 3 veggies a day this week . I am looking for a challenge that really challenges you with cardio and things like that. I am looking for help with doing things other than cardio I have a trainer that i go to 2 times a week and we do circuit type workout and then the rest of the day i just do Running or Elliptical and am looking for other ideas. i need to tone and if i lose Lbs thats great but i am looking more to lose Body fat like inches .
  • spezzie
    spezzie Posts: 22 Member
    I want to join!!!! I'd love to drop from 137 to 127!!!! Maybe you can help!!! Been working hard, but no visible results...stupid scale!!! I did amazing last week, and when I got on that scale...nothing!!! I just don't get it!!!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Tricia, I have added you on here and on Facebook!

    I do most of the things on the list. I workout 5 or 6 times a week and I have a personal trainer. Ive been doing this for 20 months! I do spinning, aerobics, zumba and go to the gym a lot too where I do strength training and cardio. I also run round after 2 young kids, and I work part time as a secondary school teacher so I'm on my feet all the time at work.

    I think I eat pretty well, and I've been having a cheat meal once a week for the past 6 weeks at the recommendation of my personal trainer.

    My husband is really supportive of me, and he's started to work out at home now. Both of us like to eat healthily anyway and cook from scratch, so that's not a problem.

    The only thing I don't do is get the 7-8 hours of sleep. I'm afraid with a 1 year old and a 3 year old you can't rely on a good night's sleep!
  • spezzie
    spezzie Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone and thank you for your interest in the 12 week get ready for summer support group. My goal here is to have everyone helping each other and supporting each other. I will offer some guidelines as to what I think will help. I also welcome any questions along the way. It looks as though we have about 10 people in our group so far and I’m sure a few more will join in as we progress.
    My name is Mike I’m 27 years old and I’ve been training for 8 years I live in Pennsylvania. What are all your names?

    Week 1: Some of this stuff you may already doing but I think it is some of the most important aspects of losing weight and I want you all to try to implement most of these suggestions into your daily routine.

    1. Water - 6-10 cups daily dependent on how much you are moving and sweating can even be more! No less than 6.

    2. Cardio - Aim for 30-45 minutes of Cardio on most days of week or a minimum of 150-180 moderate-minimally intense cardio minutes per week. (Cycling, Elliptical, Walking, Running, Incline Treadmill, Aerobic Classic, etc.) Not so intense you do not want to do it the next day but intense enough to keep you shredding.

    3. Strength Training - Those of you with gym memberships I would suggest 2-3 days per week weight lifting 8-10 exercises done for 3 sets of 12-20 repetitions. If you don't have a gym membership some dumbbells a yoga mat and a stability ball or medicine ball goes a long way. I will be posting some circuits to try as well.

    4. Eat the Rainbow- No excuses if you don't like vegetables learn to blend them and drink as a smoothie. You should be eating a minimum of 2 fruits and 3-5 vegetables daily preferably of different Colors, because different colors adds different vitamins and minerals. Fruit is best eaten about 1 hour pre-workout and avoided the rest of the day due to high sugar content when trying to lose weight.

    5. Weight Yourself - Only once per week Friday Mornings after using the restroom on the same scale with as little clothing as possible for accurate results.

    6. Measurements - Waist around belly button with stomach released not sucked in and Hips widest point all the way around. Take these measurements now and every 4 weeks and post them back on the page.

    7. Protein - Protein will help build muscle but remember you do not need to go crazy I would follow the recommendations on my fitness pal and perhaps go slightly over daily not under.

    8. Carbohydrates- First 3 meals of the day mainly. Choose whole grains and non-refined (oatmeal, rice, quinoa, beans, vegetables, 100% whole grain bread up to 2 slices daily, low sodium couscous, etc.)

    9. Fats - Avocados, Olive Oil, Nuts, Almond Milk, Coconut milk, you need fat to lose fat but be mindful of the calories.

    10. Supplements - Not a big advocate if you want to do a protein shake post workout let me know and I can recommend some products. Also meal replacement protein bars I know some good ones. As far as vitamins and creatine and all that you don't need them unless you want to take them as long as you are following the fruit and vegetable protocol outlined above.

    11. Motivation - The more people you have on board in your family and friends the better your results will be. Also having someone to walk run or elliptical with will make that 30-45 minutes roll on by quickly.

    12. Sodium - Make sure you are staying under what MFP recommends this can be difficult but it can be done!!

    13. Meals - I would say eat 3 moderate meals and 2 small snacks daily to keep metabolism up. Limit carbs within 3 hours of Bed.

    14. Sleep - Come hell or high water 7-8 hours of sleep a night MAKE IT HAPPEN. Your body recovers while you sleep muscles are not made in the gym they are MADE IN BED AND IN THE KITCHEN.

    15. Stretching - Look up full body stretching and do some quick 30 second stretches for each muscle group after each session to prevent injuries and provide Flexibility.

    That is your starting point. Go get it I welcome questions and I look forward to helping you all reach your goals. Please Comment your name your starting weight, hips and waist measurements if comfortable sharing and goal weights on the message board. This is going to be fun! We will all be amazing come JUNE!! Go get it Friends!!
  • jigsaw_gd
    jigsaw_gd Posts: 30
    Count me in .. sounds great (even though I'm heading into winter) :) ...

    Sorry, did answer the questions - I'm Julie, I've been watching what I eat for the last 4 weeks - only 1 on MFP - and I was aiming to start incorporating cardio starting on Monday so this fits in well.

    (Actually I have been on here a month, but only seriously using it in the last week)
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    So in response to the Challenge question from above. I'm not going to be doing specific challenges weekly. This will be an open forum for people to ask questions and support each other. I may post videos or workouts which we can all try. I will not be able to get back to everyone individually but I will try my best to help everyone. Post questions on the board and each week I will take the time to address some questions. The first 15 suggestions are posted and I want everyone to print it out and post on the FRIDGE and try and follow all of those guidelines for week 1. Go get IT!! I'm off to the gym now will check back in 2m.
  • im travelling to germany in a month, and im really need to get in shape! i only have 1 month. add me
  • i'm in :) i'm 5"2 and weigh 117 lbs now. aim for 108 lbs. just want so badly to fit my favorite jean shorts again X)
  • mrscarrigan
    mrscarrigan Posts: 9 Member
    You can county my husband & I in.. I am 50.. need to lose 50... .Hubby is a youngster at 48 !! Also wants to lose 50...
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Count me in .. sounds great (even though I'm heading into winter) :) ...

    Sorry, did answer the questions - I'm Julie, I've been watching what I eat for the last 4 weeks - only 1 on MFP - and I was aiming to start incorporating cardio starting on Monday so this fits in well.

    Are you Australian/a New Zealander?
  • jigsaw_gd
    jigsaw_gd Posts: 30
    Count me in .. sounds great (even though I'm heading into winter) :) ...

    Sorry, did answer the questions - I'm Julie, I've been watching what I eat for the last 4 weeks - only 1 on MFP - and I was aiming to start incorporating cardio starting on Monday so this fits in well.

    Are you Australian/a New Zealander?

    Australian - Perth, West Coast